Despite an initial positive reception for Battlefield 2042, post-launch has led to heavy criticism and frustration among the Battlefield community. Players cite technical issues, progression problems, and the lack of features and design elements from previous Battlefield games as its main concerns. There's only so much DICE can do to fix such a big game, however, and it's leading to a dwindling player base. Emblematic of the problem, a cheat-maker has even decided to no longer support Battlefield 2042.The cheat maker's decision was brought to attention by leaker Tom Henderson, who shared a message the cheater posted on its Discord channel. According to a post from Panfyero, a member of the cheat group AIMEXCHEATS, the team will no longer be supporting Battlefield 2042. The reason why Battlefield 2042 will no longer be supported is due to the game's "ongoing performance issues" impacting the cheat, as well as a shrinking number of users wanting cheats for the game "since the game is dying."RELATED: Battlefield 2042 Season 1 Reportedly Launching in MarchTechnically, the cheats that AIMEXCHEATS has created for Battlefield 2042 will continue to work for the interim. Battlefield 2042 players won't see a change quickly. However, these cheats are offered via a subscription, so as soon as the subscription runs out buyers will no longer have access to them. Of course, it is possible DICE will update Battlefield 2042 before that, too, which could also break the unsupported cheats.

The cheat-maker explains to lifetime subscribers that they'll be able to convert their subscriptions to Call of Duty. This in itself has got to create mixed feelings among Battlefield fans. Having a cheat-maker stop supporting Battlefield 2042 is great, but at the same time having it go to Call of Duty because of the active player base is painful in its own way. It's an odd feeling, to wish Battlefield 2042 was active enough to support an economy for cheaters.

Of course, there's no reason to believe that the cheat-maker is being entirely honest with its description of the situation. Its sole intention is to retain customers and ethics have nothing to do with its behavior. It may very well be that Battlefield 2042's anti-cheat has stumped the cheat maker, making it an unprofitable endeavor to continue compared to Call of Duty.

Regardless of the truth of the Battlefield 2042 cheat maker's claims, few Battlefield 2042 players would argue that the game could use some technical upgrades and a healthier playerbase. The message just goes to show how widespread this attitude is, and also how much work DICE has left to do.

Battlefield 2042 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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