The hectic nature of BattleBit Remastered's massive battlefields often leads to players clumping up in large groups, unable to gain any ground or flush out the opposing team. With up to 254 people fighting the same battle, it takes much more than expert gunplay to make the difference between life and death in the heat of combat.

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Luckily, BattleBit Remastered players don't have to rely on just their guns: the game features a ton of vehicles, gadgets, and throwable explosives to turn the tide against the enemy. Here are the best pieces of equipment for the throwable slot in any BattleBit Remastered player's loadout.

5 Flare

Player with AUG assault rifle looks into the blinding light of a flare grenade on a sandy night map.

It's easy to overlook the flare as a first-time BattleBit Remastered player. It's not readily apparent that this throwable does anything at all: it doesn't do damage, it doesn't halt the enemy, so what could it possibly be good for? Flares are definitely an extremely situational throwable to be carrying in this game, but they have one massive advantage over other throwables that can't be overlooked. Every map in BattleBit Remastered has two variants: a day variant and a night variant. It isn't worthwhile for players to be carrying flares on daytime maps, except for very niche situations where a well-coordinated team wants to signal an attack.

Where the flares really shine, though, are the night maps. On night maps, players need to use night vision goggles to be able to see properly. The flares function like long-lasting flashbangs for anyone wearing these NVGs, forcing enemies to remove their goggles to keep up the fight with a massive disadvantage or disengage from the fight entirely and make a tactical retreat. Players won't want to carry flares around as a permanent fixture in their loadouts, but they'll definitely want to swap these throwables in for night ops.

4 Flashbang

Afterimage of flashbang exposure blinding a BattleBit Remastered player. His SMG is still pointing in the direction of the grenade.

This throwable is a great way to add utility to a loadout with a lot of infantry stopping power. It won't do any damage to enemies, but the flashbangs in BattleBit Remastered blind players for an extremely long period of time, incapacitating them for several seconds. In this way, the flashbang throwables are very similar to the flares; they're meant to force enemies to retreat, lest they become easy pickings in a firefight.

Unlike the flares, the flashbangs are much more multipurpose. These throwables are extremely effective when used on both day and night variants of the BattleBit Remastered maps. Enemies need to be looking at the flashbang when it explodes in order for these throwables to have the maximum effect on their targets, but even enemies looking away from this grenade will be disoriented when it goes off. Flares might have a greater effect on targets in night maps, but flashbangs can still do a solid job; for that reason alone, these throwables are well worth keeping in any player's loadout.

3 Impact Grenade

BattleBit Remastered player holding a UMP45 SMG peeks around a corner with an impact grenade ready. He is tossing it underhanded as the screen prompts him to press "space" to vault the cover.

It's frustrating to tag an enemy to low health and then have them retreat around a corner. The impact grenade throwable is the solution to this problem: it's great for quick explosive finishers to mop up injured enemies.

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While the delayed explosion and massive damage potential of the frag grenade is often a much more powerful option, the impact grenade has some additional utility that cannot be ignored. The ability to look in a direction and put out an explosive payload in seconds is extremely helpful, and it meshes well with loadouts focused around "running and gunning" the enemy team.

2 Smoke Grenade

BattleBit player peeks a corner on a sandy daytime map with his SMG, but only sees a hazy smoke cloud from a smoke grenade placement.

This throwable might be the single best piece of utility in a BattleBit Remastered player's toolkit. Many of the game's maps feature wide open areas where teams get pinned down and can't make any progress toward the next objective. Sometimes, a well-timed flank with a proper SMG build is enough to break the enemy. But in game modes like Frontline, this often isn't possible. When a full-frontal attack is the only way to advance, smoke grenades are the best solution.

These throwables create a hazy grey smog wherever they land, obscuring the enemy's vision for a good chunk of time. Players that toss down smoke grenades create a window of opportunity for their entire team; with a couple of well-placed smokes, dozens of players can charge forward and overwhelm the opposition. These throwables are almost a necessity on certain sniper-dominated maps like Wakistan, so they're worth equipping into any well-rounded loadout.

1 Frag Grenade

BattleBit Remastered player holding AUG assault rifle peeks a small house with a frag grenade. He is angling his target reticle to throw the grenade into the house's doorframe.

The gold standard for lethal throwables in BattleBit Remastered is the basic frag grenade. Players can't go wrong with this high explosive device. The frag grenade is a fantastic multipurpose tool for clearing out enemy infantry, and it's the best at what it does, barring certain explosives in the gadget slot of the loadout.

This throwable routinely wipes out enemy squads, and a perfect placement can see players eliminating more than half a dozen clustered enemies with one piece of utility. There's no grenade more powerful than the good ol' frag grenade, and that's why this lethal throwable can find a home in any player's loadout.

BattleBit Remastered is available now on PC.

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