
  • Utilizing heavy gadgets in BattleBit Remastered is crucial for gaining a tactical advantage and winning sniper duels, such as using the MDX 201 to deceive enemy snipers.
  • The Heavy Ammo Kit is essential for restocking ammunition and gadgets, ensuring that players remain on the frontline and maintain pressure on the enemy team.
  • The RPG7 HEAT Explosive may be situational for anti-vehicle combat, but it is a quick and effective tool for taking down tanks and helicopters, offering a safer alternative to other explosives like C4.

As players learn the ins and outs of BattleBit Remastered's massive 254-player warzones, they've discovered the importance of utilizing every piece of equipment in their arsenals. Though the maps and models in this game may be reminiscent of certain blocky building games, it's absolutely vital for players to exploit their loadouts for the most destructive potential.

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BattleBit Remastered's heavy gadgets are all about tricking enemies, helping teammates, and - perhaps most importantly - breaking apart the environment to create a tactical advantage. These are the best heavy gadgets for getting a leg up on the enemy, no matter what situation a player might find themselves in.

10 MDX 201

A sniper sitting on a perch with two MDX drone distractions in front of him.

The MDX 201 is a gadget that doesn't have as much immediate impact as the other heavy gadgets on offer. But as a tool for the recon class, this gadget helps defend long-range snipers from their greatest threat: other snipers.

When the MDX 201 is placed on the ground, it spins around, replicating a scope glint to any player looking in its direction. When a couple of these tools are placed along a ridge side, it becomes nigh impossible to pick out what's a gadget and what's a real player. This is a great tool for winning sniper duels.

9 Heavy Ammo Kit

A player using a light support gun lays prone with an ammo kit in front of him.

The Heavy Ammo Kit is a necessity for keeping teammates on the frontline fighting the enemy. Anyone who has survived for a long time in BattleBit Remastered knows how quickly ammunition runs out when engaging the enemy. Combining rounds from half-spent magazines certainly helps, but soon that reservoir of ammo completely dries up.

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The Heavy Ammo Kit ensures this won't happen. In exchange for squad points, the Heavy Ammo Kit allows players to restock their bullets, throwables, and even other gadgets! Carrying around this heavy gadget is a great way to ensure the pressure remains on the enemy team in critical firefights.

8 RPG7 HEAT Explosive

A building explodes as a round from the RPG HEAT Explosive hits it.

The RPG7 HEAT Explosive is the worst variant of the RPG - but that's not to say that it's bad, or worthless. This launcher is meant for anti-vehicle combat, making it the most situational rocket launcher in the game.

On the flip side, this heavy gadget is one of the best ways to quickly shut down enemy vehicles in the entire game. It's quick, only taking a couple of rockets to take down a tank or helicopter, and it's safer than many other explosives in a player's arsenal, such as the C4.

7 Sledge Hammer

A building's wall crumbles after the player hits it with the sledge hammer.

It's blunt, it's inelegant, but it gets the job done. When it comes to breaking down a wall or opening a new line of sight, players can't go wrong with the Sledge Hammer. This heavy gadget requires players to get up close and personal with the environment they want to alter, which isn't always optimal. Yet the Sledge Hammer still has tons of unique utility.

With this gadget, players can be pretty precise with what they want to break down. Whereas plastic explosives or a rocket are likely to level an entire wall, the Sledge Hammer is a great way to open things up without calling attention to the player using it.

6 Riot Shield

A player holds the riot shield up as they move through a doorway out into the desert base.

The Riot Shield doesn't offer the most utility to solo players, but it can be extremely useful to players operating in well-coordinated squads. This gadget can halt ballistic fire during an advance up a tight corridor, pushing the fight to a new frontline. Teammates can lean around the shield, allowing them to remain protected as they fire at enemy players.

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Plastic explosives can also be strapped to the front of the Riot Shield, allowing players to run into a group of enemies while a teammate remotely detonates them. This can be an effective strategy as long as the enemies don't squeeze off a round at the C4 on the shield!

5 RPG7 Fragmentation

A player from an elevated vantage point looks down at a building with the RPG7 Fragmentation.

This variant of the RPG is much more likely to see widespread use as an anti-infantry weapon. It is great for eliminating ground forces, especially when they're grouped tightly together in the frenetic energy of BattleBit Remastered's large-scale firefights.

The RPG7 Fragmentation is also great for impacting the environment. Players can use it to destroy buildings piece-by-piece, removing any cover that enemies would otherwise be ducking behind. If an enemy is standing close enough to the wall, players might even take them out along with the environment!

4 Air Drone

A player holds the air drone control pad, finding a good place to set down and operate the heavy gadget.

One of the recon class' key tools, the Air Drone is meant for scoping out enemy positions and providing intelligence to the team. Instead, this heavy gadget quickly became a tool for eliminating unsuspecting pockets of enemies through a strategy that any Battlefield player would find familiar.

Strapping C4 onto the Air Drone, enterprising duos have been able to fly this gadget into enemy squads before detonating the plastic explosives. This "death from above" strategy is quick and easy to pull off, and unless an enemy notices the drone, there's no real counterplay to this devious strategy.

3 Grappling Hook

A player uses the grappling hook gadget to ascend a vantage point in an outpost. The grappling hook measures the vertical distance as 10 meters.

BattleBit Remastered is very much so a cover-based FPS. Taking and holding tactical positions is a great way to maintain superiority over the enemy. Holding tight angles on massive apartment buildings often locks enemies out of entire parts of the map. On the flip side, however, it can become frustrating if enemies lock these positions down first.

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The best recourse players have in situations like these is the Grappling Hook. A squad of prepared players can fire this gadget to the roof, and work their way down a building while clearing corners. Enemies will never know what hit them, and players will always have the advantage of the high ground.

2 RPG7 Tandem

A player scoped in with the RPG Tandem blows apart a building's wall, causing bricks to blast outward.

Though this RPG variant has a much lower range than its counterparts, it's still an absolute monster in battle. It features the explosive payload of any RPG7 variant. Whereas the HEAT and Fragmentation variants of the RPG have very defined roles in the arsenal, the Tandem will tear apart anything that moves.

It's useful against infantry units, transport vehicles, and even heavy tanks. As long as a player has a way to keep this weapon topped off, it'll be doing massive damage to any opponent unfortunate enough to cross its path.

1 Medic Kit

A player aiming down an SMG's red dot sight has a Medic Kit placed down in front of them.

Every class in the game can bandage themselves up when they've got a gaping bullet wound, so long as they have the resources for it. But bandages aren't going to restore a player's health to full. Only the Medic Kit has the ability to restore full health to players and their teammates in BattleBit Remastered, making this heavy gadget an absolute necessity on the battlefield.

The Medic Kit doesn't run out of use, and it can be placed down on the ground for multiple players to heal themselves at a time. This is the ultimate heavy gadget because it does something that literally no other part of the player's arsenal can.

BattleBit Remastered is available now on PC.

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