Battle Brothers is a turn-based RPG, all about recruiting mercenaries to accomplish varying tasks in the world the player is set in. In this title, players will have to learn to manage their resources and keep their mercenaries alive as long as possible.

The simple but addictive game play of Battle Brothers has caused many people to turn towards it as a new game to play to scratch that turn-based RPG itch. However, there is a rather steep learning curve, and many players end up getting lost or stuck halfway through the game. To keep that from happening, here are a few tips that new players should keep in mind.

7 Don't Get Too Attached

Battle Brothers - Fighting an army

Unfortunately, a large part of Battle Brothers is the fact that the player's brothers are going to die, and die a lot. The enemies will be tough at first, and they will end up killing (at the very least) the player's front line.

It is just a part of the game that players will have to get used to. They should not get too attached to any one character in particular. Sometimes, it will be necessary to sacrifice someone for the greater good, or chance could just end up working against the player in a specific moment.

6 Prepare For A Steep Learning Curve

Battle Brothers - On the battlefield

There is a learning curve for beginners to Battle Brothers, and it is one that players are going to have to get used to and quick. This leaning curve, as it turns out, is awfully steep, and may catch a newer player off guard.

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The learning curve in Battle Brothers may be too much for some players to handle, to which the solution is to play on Beginner difficulty at first. Others, however, may want to dive right in and try out higher difficulties from the get-go. This will be a bit of a struggle, but it will end up being worth it in the end.

5 Use Swords and Spears

Battle Brothers - Encountering an event

In the early game, a player is going to have to take any and all weapons they can get. They'll be a bit scarce at first, but players will be able to build up an arsenal over time.

Luckily, players have figured out that swords and spears are some of the best weapons to use in early game. They provide hit chance (essentially, accuracy) which is great to use, as weaker brothers will end up missing their attacks a lot. Anything that ensures more attacks are landed is always necessary, no matter what.

4 Rebuild the Company

Battle Brothers - Arsenal of weapons

The main goal of Battle Brothers is to rebuild the player's company and make it downright unstoppable. This is easier said than done, of course, as there are many things a player will have to manage.

A player needs to know how to manage their mercenaries, budget accordingly, and ensure that enough mercenaries stay alive to properly take on quests. It is quite a lot for a newer player to manage, even on beginner difficulty, so players should save frequently and go back to previous saves to make and change certain decisions.

3 Don't Forget to Use Spearwall

Battle Brothers - Lining up to fight

Spearwall is an essential skill in Battle Brothers, especially during the early game struggles. In short, Spearwall will be like free damage against the enemies, and it's especially useful if the player has archers that are at an advantage.

With an archer advantage, enemies will be forced to get into range, which will cause them to run straight into the spearwall. Because of this, enemies will take quite a bit of damage from this ability, which could even pick off a couple of the weaker enemies if the player is lucky.

2 Early Goals Are Useful At First

Battle Brothers - The map of places to go

There are a multitude of goals that a player can take on during the beginning of the game. These goals or missions can be quite useful in the beginning, as they will set up the player with some experience and other rewards such as weapons.

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However, as time passes, players will find out that a lot of missions just are not worth it. This could be because the risk is too high, the reward is too low, or anything in between. As a player progresses, they'll have to get a bit more picky with the missions they choose.

1 The Best Characters Stay In The Back

Battle Brothers - In the middle of battle

As mentioned above, is no secret that a lot of mercenaries are going to die in Battle Brothers. This is just a fact of the game, especially in the early game; enemies are tough, and the player's characters are going to be under leveled with weak weapons.

Generally, it is a good idea for a player to keep all of their best characters in the back. The front line is going to be the first to die, and sometimes players don't want to sacrifice their best, even if they would be better in the front.

Battle Brothers is available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S, Microsoft Windows, and PlayStation 5.

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