Slated to release as the 10th DCEU film and a reboot of the Batman franchise, Batman (2021) has been the topic of hot discussion for some time. It is currently slated to release in June 2021, but shooting for the film has been delayed as a result of the on-going coronavirus pandemic.

Director Matt Reeves recently spoke on the project, speaking on the delay and potential influences for the upcoming film. It is supposed to work the angle of Batman as a detective more than anything else, so it's fitting that Batman (2021) is taking inspiration from two 1970s neo-noir films: Klute and Chinatown.

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For those unaware, Chinatown is a classic neo-noir film where PI Jake Gittes (Jack Nicholson) investigates a water company, a murder, and so much more that leads to a tragic end with the iconic, "Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown" line. Klute tells the classic prostitute aiding a private detective story. Of Batman and these two films, Reeves says,

"I want to do something that has some emotional stakes. My ambition is for it to be incredibly personal using the metaphors of that world. It feels like this really odd throwback to the movies I came up on from the ’70s, like Klute or Chinatown . I’m not saying we’re achieving anything like that. Those are masterpieces. But that’s the ambition."

At last report, though, Batman was only 25% filmed at the time of studio delays. The idea of a noir detective film-inspired Batman movie is certainly tantalizing, but fans do have a wait on their hands.

The Batman (2021) is schedule to release June 25, 2021, but is likely to be delayed.

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Source: NY Times