
  • Batman's true power lies in his allies, the Bat Family, who provide crucial support and expertise in times of crisis.
  • The next Batman game should introduce new Bat Family members to shake up the team dynamics and offer fresh perspectives.
  • The Signal, Gotham and Gotham Girl, Batwoman, or Cassandra Cain would be interesting to see.

Over the last few decades, Batman has often been portrayed as this lone wolf figure, preferring to work alone and shunning anyone who attempts to offer aid. But while these portrayals have often been the most prevalent in pop-culture, they aren't the most accurate representations of the character. In actuality, Batman rarely works alone, and it's been that way since Robin's first comic book appearance all the way back in 1940.

While movies continue to depict Batman as a solitary hero, the comics have spent the last few decades proving just how important allies are to the Caped Crusader, with them often coming in at the last minute to save the day or lend their unique expertise to a crisis. These allies have been lovingly dubbed the "Bat Family," and it's a group that's only continued to grow bigger over the years, encompassing multiple different Robins, Batgirls, and more. But despite the Bat Family being so extensive and tenured, they've only occasionally appeared in Batman's video game outings, and when they do, it's the same members time and time again.

Batman: Arkham Shadow Can Finally Break the Arkhamverse’s Worst Tradition

Batman: Arkham Shadow may be a VR-exclusive title, but it has the potential now to shatter a tradition the Arkhamverse has upheld for far too long.

The Next Batman Game Should Focus on a New Bat Family

There Are Tons of Potential Bat Family Members Waiting in the Wings

When Batman fans first hear the phrase "Bat Family," there are likely a few heroes that will immediately spring to mind. The first of these is probably Dick Grayson, the first Robin and now Bludhaven's protector, Nightwing. The next is Batgirl, likely the Barbara Gordon version. Then, if fans are prompted again, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, and Damian Wayne are likely the next names and faces they think of. The vast majority of Bat Family appearances in comics, TV shows, and video games have an assortment of these heroes.

While these usual Bat Family heroes are all beloved fan-favorites, fans have seen a lot of them over the years, and with Gotham Knights not quite being the hit that fans wanted, it might be best for the next few Bat Family video game appearances to shake things up a bit and deliver some new team dynamics. And thankfully, there are plenty of other Bat Family members to choose from.

Options for an all-new video game Bat Family are rather extensive, ranging from some lesser-known but still recognizable heroes, to those that only die-hard Batman fans will remember. For instance, there have been several different iterations of Batwoman and Batgirl in the comics, such as Kate Kane and Cassandra Cain. Both of these characters would offer a fresh spin on a fairly well-known hero. But then there are heroes like Gotham and Gotham Girl, The Signal, and Batwing, all of whom would likely be completely unfamiliar to many Batman fans.

A New Bat Family Could Mean Fresh Stomping Grounds

While most Bat Family members reside in Gotham, a video game focusing on an all-new version of the team could have the opportunity to take players to some different DC locations, explaining the change of setting by stating that Batman has sent them to the new location to complete a specific mission. Though Gotham City is an iconic setting, it's been explored thoroughly in the video game space now, and a change of locale is something fans are desperately wanting for the next Batman game.