In Batman: The Enemy Within, the sequel to the Batman series by Telltale Games, players take on the role of Batman again and determine the future of one of the most well-known comic and on-screen villains ever: the Joker. For most of the game, Joker is known as John Doe until the end of the 4th episode in the season where players can choose whether he becomes a Villain or a Vigilante.

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The 5th episode is dramatically different for each Joker path depending on the player's choice. Here are some great things about both the Villain path and the Vigilante path.

10 Villain: The Joker Fans Know Gets More Personal

When choosing whether Joker should be a "good guy" or a "bad guy," the obvious choice would be to make him the villain since that's what he usually is in movies, games, and comics. This choice might make players think that they might be able to expect some of Joker's gags as a villain, but this path takes it to a more extreme level.

Since players get to be Batman, and they've seen the good and bad sides of John Doe, it can be sad to see him go completely to the dark side. Not only that, but players might feel like his actions are more personal since they are the ones that made the decisions that led to this path. In spite of this, the more personal aspect of this route may make it enjoyable for players, as they then receive some insight into The Joker's psyche.

9 Vigilante: Fans See A New Side Of Joker

While there have been a few instances when Joker has been a "good guy" in some regard, most of those moments don't make it outside of the world of comics. Because of this, some fans haven't ever seen Joker try to be a good guy, so this Vigilante route is a nice surprise.

It's pretty funny to see Joker when he first shows up in a new suit to help Batman in his new role. He's even spiked up his hair to look more like Batman's cowl, and he's tried to make different gadgets that copy Batman's. It's a good-hearted effort, even if it doesn't last very long.

8 Villain: Doesn't Get As Annoying As Vigilante Joker

One of the best parts of the Villain route is that fans don't know what to expect from Joker since this is the first time in the game that he's chosen to fully embrace his villainous side. This keeps things exciting, while Joker's actions as a Vigilante can get old and annoying somewhat quickly.

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Vigilante Joker tends to argue with Batman about his morals and rules for being a hero. Not only that, but his actions are more predictable, as he tends to just attack anyone who makes him angry for any reason. Trying to explain why that's bad sometimes makes Batman seem more like an annoyed dad than a mentor.

7 Vigilante: Joker Makes Good Decisions... Sometimes

There are some nice, fun moments between Bruce Wayne and John Doe in the episodes leading up to the 5th episode that make him a sympathetic character, so it would seem a bit off if players didn't get to see him make an effort to try and be a good guy when he's a vigilante. While he does eventually snap and feel like he isn't capable of going down this path, Joker does make some decisions that Batman would be happy with.

One of those decisions includes if players can convince Joker to destroy the LOTUS virus. He clearly wants to use it on Amanda Waller since he's angry with her, but his better half shines through when he gives the virus over to Batman.

6 Villain: Puzzles Are More Interesting

One of the sequences that keep players on their toes is when Joker traps Bruce and Selina Kyle in his own hideout that's filled with puzzles for them to solve. This whole level has pretty high stakes and dramatic moments, as it reveals who killed Riddler, it can change Bruce and Selina's relationship and, most importantly, players have to get out alive.

The puzzles can be fun in some ways, and the room where players have to match pictures to gravestones is an interesting callback to previous episodes and Batman's backstory.

5 Vigilante: Not As Dark As The Villain Path

In Joker's Villain route, players never know what lengths Joker will go to so he can get a laugh. It's not a bad thing that Joker is a bit more predictable, and he's trying to resist his urge to kill in the Vigilante route, and it can be a good route to start with for players who want to see both sides of Joker.

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Since the Vigilante route isn't as violent and dark as the Villain route, players can see more of the sympathetic side of John Doe that they've probably seen before. This makes it a lot easier for players to focus on John and Bruce's relationship instead of feeling like John Doe is long gone.

4 Villain: A More Fitting Ending

Fans of the Batman movies and comics know that Joker loves toying with Batman, regardless of whether his plans to destroy Gotham succeed or not. Because of that, the ending of the Villain route feels like it's appropriate for Joker and Batman as characters.

Joker and Batman end things with a fight where Bruce beats Joker to death but revives Joker after Bruce realizes what he's done. When he wakes up, Joker asks Bruce why he saved his life, and then asks if he and Bruce had a good time together. Players can either say that they did, or they wish Bruce and Joker never met, and this choice will determine whether Joker forgives Bruce or hates him more.

3 Vigilante: A More Emotional Ending

It's hard to watch someone who considers Batman to be his friend feel like he's not good enough to be a hero. Other characters in previous episodes constantly put John down and didn't seem to value him, so it's heartbreaking to see that he wanted to be like Batman but then didn't think he was worthy.

The fight between Batman and Joker ends with Joker asking Batman if he ever actually thought of John as a friend. Whether the player chooses to answer yes or no doesn't stop the question itself from feeling like a punch in the gut.

2 Villain: More Dramatic Reveal Of Riddler's Killer

While some players might've seen it coming, the reveal of who killed Riddler earlier in the season is much more shocking and dramatic in the Villain route than it is in the Vigilante. During one of the puzzles that Joker set up for Bruce and Selina to solve, players must match pictures to the gravestones of those that they've killed. Most of the answers are obvious, but the one that stays empty is the gravestone for Riddler.

That's when it's revealed that Tiffany Fox, Lucius Fox's daughter, is in a coffin in the room, where Joker has tied her up after kidnapping her. The dots connect that Tiffany killed Riddler as revenge for her father's death, and they don't get time to talk about it before Bruce and Selina must move to the next room.

1 Vigilante: Tiffany Replaces Joker As Batman's Partner

Joker doesn't really stay in the role of Batman's partner in crime for long, but that doesn't mean that Batman will be fighting alone. After Joker flees to ACE Chemicals, Tiffany offers to help Batman with a new suit for herself, and a cool drone that has several helpful functions.

Regardless of the player's feelings on whether Tiffany was in the right for killing Riddler for revenge, it's no denying that Tiffany is a great sidekick, and may even be better than Joker was. Then again, maybe she should've been Batman's sidekick sooner so he could give her the talk about why it's wrong to kill people.

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