The Batman Arkham games are perhaps one of the most loved and praised gaming series of this generation with each game receiving incredibly high ratings, several awards, and a loyal fanbase who crave more of its kind. Part of what makes these games great is just how well characters are both written and portrayed; there is not a dull face in the entire series.

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With that in mind sometimes said characters will make an iconic appearance to never be seen again. However, with a player base as devoted as Batman Arkham, fans have not only been able to spot clues hidden throughout the series but also create well-thought-out theories as to where these beloved characters might have ended up. So, who disappeared after their respective Arkham game, and where exactly did they go?

8 Bane

Bane and Batman in Arkham Asylum

Bane is both one of DC'S most iconic villains and Batman's many foes. He plays quite a big role in Batman:Arkham Asylum and is one of the game's minor antagonists. Players first encounter Bane when he is chained up inside the medical center where he's being used as a guinea pig for Titan, a drug made up of Bane's Venom and Poison Ivy's plant toxins. After his inevitable defeat, Bane makes a return in Batman: Arkham City. Batman finds Bane in the Krank Co.Toys building where he explains he is attempting to fight his addiction; players must then find and destroy Titan canisters located across the city. Upon Batman's return, Bane states that his true intentions were to hoard the Titan for his use which, once again, led to his defeat at the hands of Batman's Batarang.

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Bane seems to disappear after this encounter with Batman, although there are two popular explanations as to where he could be. One, in the Batman: Arkham Knight prequel comics, Bane is killed by the Arkham Knight in his attempt to prove to other criminals he is worthy enough to lead their army - however, these comics aren't canon. Or two, he fled back to Santa Prisca where he discovered its destruction caused by a turf war, which left many innocent families dead; Bane took it upon himself to kill the remaining leaders and clean up his hometown, like a true anti-hero.

7 Victor Zsasz

Batman Arkham City Zsasz

Victor Zsasz is one of DC's most heartless criminals. Featuring in a few games within the series, his role has always been minimal. In Arkham Asylum, Zsasz was essentially used as a glide kick tutorial, later making a small appearance when keeping Dr. Young hostage but quickly taken out by Batman. In Arkham City, he appears as a minor antagonist in a side mission, threatening to kill hostages if Batman doesn't locate the ringing payphone somewhere in the city in time which, again, ultimately leads to his defeat.

After Arkham City, Zsasz seems to disappear - or at least off of Batman's radar. In Arkham Knight, the player must not only solve a riddle depicting a scene of horrific murders he had committed but will also be able to spot him within the security footage of the Clock Tower when looking for Oracle, which clearly shows the serial killer free within Gotham. From this alone, it's safe to say Zsasz is very much alive and well. However, fans speculate that Zsasz was more than likely one of Batman's first targets after the Knightfall protocol.

6 Quincy Sharp

quincy sharp - Batman Arkham Asylum

Quincy Sharp appears in the original game as the Warden in Arkham Asylum, later returning as a corrupt Mayor in Arkham City. However, by the third and final game of the franchise, he seems to disappear entirely, even despite previously playing such a major role in the timeline - and there's an extremely dark reason for this.

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After Arkham City, it quickly became public that Sharp was not only working with Strange but was also supplying weapons to the gangs within Gotham - leading to his arrest. Sharp was sent to Blackgate Penitentiary, where he quickly began to lose his mind. He realized that both his life and reputation were beyond repair, which ultimately led to his suicide; a riddle found in Arkham Knight suggests that his death wasn't entirely down to the guilt he felt and was partly an attempt to stop the hallucinations of Strange he suffered from.

5 Solomon Grundy

Solomon Grundy - Arkham City

Solomon Grundy made his video game debut in Batman: Arkham City, playing the role of one of its many minor antagonists. In this game, Batman defeats Grundy by removing his heart. However, upon returning to the Iceberg Lounge, his body was missing.

Grundy didn't make an appearance during Arkham Knight despite this, although it's safe to say he is still alive. Players can find a shrine dedicated to Grundy in the third, and final, game of the series, suggesting someone is actively trying to summon him. This location is part of a riddle and upon scanning the area, a 'Gotham Story' is unlocked which explains that his body was found after Arkham City was shut down and sent to the Gotham Morgue. However, it was there one Monday night, that a morgue attendant heard chanting, which then led to the resurrection of Solomon Grundy himself. His location remains unknown.

4 Deadshot

Deadly Gaze- Deadshot Batman Arkham City

Deadshot made his first appearance in Batman: Arkham City where he played a minor antagonist in his respective side mission, 'Shot In The Dark'. Batman was able to track down and defeat him after tracing evidence from the murders of three political prisoners back to Deadshot, leading to his arrest.

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After Arkham City, he was released along with several other inmates. Deadshot failed to make another videogame appearance, but he did, however, supply the Arkham Knight's Militia with ammunition in the final game, which fans discovered in Arkham Knight's photo mode; his name can be seen printed on the bullets shot from the Militia's tanks. It is speculated that Deadshot made enough money from this deal to retire, and therefore be with his daughter. However, this character got far from his happily ever after. It's been confirmed by the writers of the upcoming game Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League through a tweet that the "real" Deadshot, Floyd Lawson, murdered the imposter - the copycat being the one players encounter in both Arkham City and Arkham Origins.

3 Copperhead

copperhead arkham origins

Copperhead made her very first appearance in Batman: Arkham Origins and, whilst this game isn't considered to be a part of the Arkham series, her whereabouts after her respective game are far too fascinating not include in this list. In Arkham Origins, Copperhead was able to poison Batman using her venomous claws - this venom was so strong, Batman not only became incredibly weak, but he also began to hallucinate.

After her inevitable defeat, she's never mentioned or referenced again. That is until Batman: Arkham Knight. Inside ACE Chemicals, before it's destroyed, you can see Copperhead's poison in a vial; this building is where Scarecrow concocted his fear toxin. With this reference in mind, whilst her true fate wasn't confirmed, fans speculate that with the sheer amount of fear toxin, Scarecrow would have needed to fully execute his plans, it's likely Scarecrow had her locked up somewhere to access an endless supply of one of his main ingredients. Perhaps Poison Ivy and her toxins would have valued interest in Copperhead.

2 Abramovici Twins

abramovici twins Batman arkham city

The Ambramovici Twins appeared in Arkham City, with one working beside The Joker, and the other, The Penguin. Upon the completion of the game, the twins can be found reunited in the Steel Mill where they plan on working together once again, this time without the dangerous personalities of Harley Quinn giving them orders. However, this happy ending didn't last all too long.

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In the Arkham Knight prequel comics, Scarecrow had the twins sewn back together and Sickle's mouth stuffed with straw to send Penguin a message. After that, their whereabouts are unknown, although fans theorize that they most likely traveled back to their home country, Russia.

1 Clayface

batman villains we want in gotham knights

Clayface is one of the main antagonists in Batman: Arkham City and one of the best villains in the entire series. In this game, he poses as a healthy Joker to mislead Batman, which ultimately results in his defeat. Clayface is blown into pieces by an exploding generator and, whilst he's still technically alive, loses his ability to not only shapeshift but to move entirely too.

It wasn't long before people took advantage of Clayface's new defenseless state, with Hush stealing his mud to cover his cosmetic surgery scars and Simon Stagg using that very mud to create Project: Meta. Clayface himself, however, now remains in GCPD, unable to take form again.

MORE: Batman: The Best Anti-Heroes In The Arkham Series