The Batman Arkham series really has left a mark on the genre. After Arkham Asylum released back in 2009, it changed how we look and play superhero games. Even by today's standards, the game and its sequels still hold up as the entire series is one of the best superhero games of all time.

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But what developers Rocksteady do especially well is show the players the changes that Bruce Wayne is going through. All of Batman's enemies impact his growth from the first game to the last.  Let's see Batman's evolution in the games and how these changes have impacted him as a hero.

10 Wiser

batman arkham asylum keyart

This goes without saying, he's been fighting crime in Gotham for quite some time now so it would make sense that he picked up a thing or two. Even though in Arkham Asylum players meet him during  his twelfth year crime-fighting, he's still rough around the edges.

It's not the best Batman game, but it put Bruce through many tests that played into the dark, eerie tone of the game. It placed the seeds for where he was going as a character both mentally and physically.

9 More Prepared

Batman in a fight

From Arkham Asylum to Arkham Knight he learns about his enemies over time regardless of what aspect of him they go after. After the psychological events he faced in Asylum, preparing for anything now seems to be a priority. One of the most prominent enemies in his rouges gallery is Ra's al Ghul who is a pretty unique bad guy.

He can fight Bruce Wayne on both fronts. In Arkham City he pushes Wayne mentally, forcing him to make tough decisions. Of course, Bruce resists Ra's al Ghul thanks in no small part to his experience dealing with the man that helped him to prepare for the encounter.

8 More Determined

batman dangling on a hangwire

By the time we hit Arkham Knight, he's the ultimate crime fighter. After spending years on the streets of Gotham at night fighting evil, he's definitely honed his skills.

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He's now a nigh unstoppable force. However, while it's evident that no matter how hard he tries to protect the city, he still gets overwhelmed, but what separates him from the rest, is how he comes back all while still being a man.

7 Growth

Poison Ivy talking to Batman
batman and poison ivy talking

This is probably the most evident form of progression since it can be seen on the surface. The third game is a product of everything that came before it. The games borrow a lot from various different comics and it is very evident in  Knight since it uses elements of a pretty iconic comic book story arc.

What happened to the second Robin, Jason Todd, plays into the storyline of the third game and that's from the same comic book. And even though those events don't transpire in the game, they still exist in the Arkham Universe and that clearly gets a reaction from Bruce when he reflects on it.

6 Not As Stubborn

batman looking at something

Now when we see Bruce for the first time in Arkham Asylum, he's been doing this for a while, and he's a seasoned superhero. However, in the first game, he behaves recklessly and still think he's invincible. So it makes sense for things to be happening to him over the course of the series to "humble" him.

While in Knight he actually starts listing to his allies and taking their advice, something he does in the previous games. It humanizes him and makes him more down to earth, which does help in future games.

5 Knows His Limits

batman and one arm thug

The reason why Arkham City is considered the best superhero game with an impressive rating is because of how it treats Batman. Rather than pushing himself, Bruce understands what he needs to do and he treats the incidents of the game as any typical issue in Gotham.

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This allows him to be tamer, more dialed down, and just more reserved. This patience is present in Knight because he knows and understands his enemies now.

4 Calmer

batman approaching a crowd

As the years go on, Bruce Wayne becomes much more mature in his ways, especially when going up against villains that can harm him mentally. He needs his senses, and the differences in Scarecrow missions in the first game and final game play an important role in how he reacts to things.

He learns to deal with the hallucinogenic effects that bring about past traumas. In Arkham Knight, it does play a role in his survival.

3 A Lot More To Lose

batman nightwing and robin with the moon in the background

By the time Knight comes around, Bruce has the "Bat-Family," consisting of Robin, Nightwing, and Batgirl. With the stakes quite high in the third game, those relationships add complexity and connect with the overall plot, especially since the Arkham Knight is connected directly to the "Bat-Family."

So Bruce Wayne having these relationships shows how much he's willing to put on the line. These same relationships do help him in the last game especially when it ties Robin to all of it.

2 Not As Alone

batman and joker with the arkham asylum

In the first game, the story is about him and his villains and how those relationships grow. With the introduction of Catwoman in the second game, it shows that he works better with help.

This goes over into the third game when the cast gets bigger. Building allies throughout his career kind of shows that Bruce Wayne is willing to accept help, even though his whole approach to being Batman is being alone

1 Has More Regret

batman flying with gotham skyline in background

By the time the events of Knight happen, his past literally comes for him. The Arkham Knight plays a role in his past mistakes. He acts as a kind of a manifestation of the failures of Bruce Wayne. The Knight is his worst nightmare, by being a step ahead of him and also hiding his identity.

He's everything Bruce Wayne and Batman is, and that adds more problems. Plus with Arkham Knight knowing almost everything about Wayne, it forces him to use everything he has learned over and apply it.

NEXT: 10 Forgotten Superhero Games You Need To Play