Batgirl has received decent praise in modern DC games, at least between Rocksteady’s Batman: Arkham Knight and WB Games Montreal’s Gotham Knights. Batgirl appears in Batman: Arkham Knight as a playable character in her own Arkham Episode DLC, which spans the longest runtime of any other Arkham Episode, and in challenge modes for extracurricular medals. Batgirl also appears in Gotham Knights as one of four playable protagonists that players can swap to at any time in the Belfry. Until not long ago, though, there was also meant to be a standalone Batgirl movie.

This movie would have starred Leslie Grace as the titular protagonist and was meant to connect to the theatrical DC Extended Universe. Batgirl would have included Michael Keaton’s Batman, who was to be reprised as the character in The Flash through a multiversal event. DC movies were in a twist-tie at this point and with internal leadership having changed, a lot of plans and productions have been shelved. Batgirl was unfortunately canned despite having nearly finished production, but there is always hope that it could still be honored in a video game adaptation instead.

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Leslie Grace’s Batgirl Deserves Her Own Game Adaptation


Batgirl was also set to include J.K. Simmons’ Commissioner Jim Gordon as the father to Leslie Grace’s Barbara Gordon, as well as Brendan Fraser portraying Firefly, who is a pyromaniac and common antagonist of the Bat Family. Because both Batgirl and Firefly have been seen before in previous Batman and Batman-related games, it would make sense to have them easily adapted to a game that reflects what the movie would have depicted.

It would be incredible to see what the movie would have been like when viewing cutscenes, especially to see how Barbara would interact with her father and Bruce individually. If the movie is never given another opportunity, then taking it to the interactive storytelling medium would be a great alternative.

Further, the game’s combat could accentuate fight scenes more fluidly and spectacularly than live-action choreography would, and any gadgets that Barbara gains over the course of the narrative could be used in gameplay. It would be a cherry on top if the canned movie’s actors could play their characters in the game adaptation, with Grace, Simmons, Keaton, and Fraser all returning to give their characters the proper limelight in a DC video game.

Michael Keaton’s Canned Batman Beyond Movie Could Start an Interconnected DCU of Games

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Likewise, Michael Keaton’s allegedly canned Batman Beyond movie would also make a great adaptation. There have been rumors in the past about a potential futuristic Batman Beyond game, and that could be fulfilled still with this shelved movie as a template. Unaffected by the Batgirl cancelation, it seems as though Keaton’s Bruce Wayne is still set to appear in The Flash, which stars the controversial Ezra Miller.

It is surprising that Batgirl was canceled of all DC movies in production considering the public obscenities that Miller has been involved in, and The Flash is still releasing despite all the animosity and outrage Miller caused with literal criminal acts committed. It is highly unlikely that The Flash receives a game adaptation since this controversy is likely to follow it well after release, but if Keaton’s role is favorable, it is possible that a string of games could involve him in an interconnected DCU.

It was recently confirmed that James Gunn plans to have DC properties connect canonically across mediums, and game adaptations for Batgirl and Batman Beyond would be wonderful choices for games to kick that off. Otherwise, these movies may still be shelved indefinitely, and that would be a shame.

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