Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden is an action RPG title from Life is Strange developer Don’t Nod, which tells the story of two Banishers sent to investigate hauntings in the settlement of New Eden. These Banishers, Red and Antea, share a duty and love that extends to their very souls. When the title’s early events see the pair separated by death, the Banishers make an oath to return to New Eden to eradicate the source of its curse, The Nightmare. Banishers offers players plenty of side activities to get lost in, including various hauntings, combat challenges, and side activities. Those players who wish to reach 100% completion should be sure to finish them all before returning to New Eden Town, as the title’s final events bring things to a definitive end.

Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden sees Red and Antea investigate a series of hauntings throughout the settlement of New Eden. While the title’s main narrative features a handful of these cases, many are left for players to discover and complete. How they deal with those being haunted, and the spirits to whom they're tied, is up to players to decide. However, completion of each offers valuable essence points with which to unlock combat skills and boosts, as well as additional side activities that reveal their ramifications.

Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden Players Shouldn't Sleep on its Scourges

Early in Banshers: Ghosts of New Eden, players are introduced to the Scourge, an optional enemy type that offers just as much risk as they do reward.

Banishers Haunting Cases Offer Myriad Rewards

Early in Banishers' narrative, Red is forced to make an oath to either sacrifice the living to resurrect Antea or recover her body and help her ascend to the afterlife. Players carry this choice into every Haunting Case, as Red is presented with opportunities to judge the haunting's responsible parties and deal out a punishment. Sacrificing the settler grants Antea a large boost of essence, with which she gets closer to resurrection and gains essence points to spend on unlockable abilities. Ascending the haunting's ghost grants her very little essence, but allows the settler to live with the consequences of the haunting and its preceding events.

While completing each Haunting Case offers myriad combat benefits, choosing certain options also rewards players with unique side quests. These quests explore the deeper ramifications of the haunting and its victim’s role in the death at its center. One such quest is “Distended Ties,” which explores the relationship between Kate and Thickskin Newsmith if Thicksin is spared despite her role in the settlers' deaths. Red and Antea are tasked with mediating Kate’s return to the Hunter Camp, which she will only agree to do if Thickskin agrees to step down as its leader. To accomplish this feat, the Banishers must track Kate down in the Dark Woods, an objective that offers them an opportunity to discuss and explore the fallout of sparing a guilty party, living with guilt, and forbidden love.

Banishers' Features a True Point of No Return

It's standard for players to complete side activities at will, on their approach to a title's "point of no return," with many savings its harder challenges for post-game completion. Fans' approach to Banishers is likely no different, and players will encounter a "point of no return" roughly two hours before the title's conclusion, during the mission "Love Finds A Way." A familiar message pops onto the screen, informing fans that they should stop to complete any remaining activities before proceeding. What Banishers doesn't tell players is that this message is meant to be taken seriously.

Banishers features a true "point of no return," and players will discover that the title offers no traditional post-game, once the credits roll. The only time to complete Banishers' hauntings, side activities, and combat challenges is prior to the completion of "Love Finds A Way." Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden offers plenty of reasons for players to explore all its universe has to offer, and rewards those who take care in approaching its interactions and unique combat encounters. Fans who wish to free the settlement of New Eden from its supernatural plight should be sure to complete its side quests as early as possible, as doing so offers the most complete and thorough exploration of its central themes and then haunting love story at its center.