
  • Players control fate in Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden, deciding between resurrection or ascension for lovers Red and Antea.
  • Hauntings and decisions impact combat abilities in this action RPG, with sacrifices leading to more power for Antea.
  • Don't Nod evolves its formula for gripping interactive stories in Banishers, requiring deep sacrifices for possible endings.

Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden is an action RPG title from Life is Strange developer Don’t Nod. The title tells the story of Antea and Red, two Banishers sent to the settlement of New Eden to investigate a series of hauntings. Red and Antea’s partnership in Banishers goes deeper than many know, as the two are also secret lovers. However, their first encounter with the source of New Eden’s troubles sees the pair separated by death, after which they are forced to confront their beliefs about duty, life, and love. Don't Nod is known for delivering gripping interactive stories, and with Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden the developer effectively evolves its formula for a whole new genre.

Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden sees Red and Antea investigate a series of hauntings throughout the settlement of New Eden. How they deal with those being haunted, and the spirits to whom they're tied, is up to players to decide. Early in the narrative, players are forced to take an oath to either aid Antea in ascending, effectively separating the pair forever, or sacrificing settlers for her resurrection. As each haunting explores the themes of love, loss, and relationships, Red and Antea are forced to analyze their oath to each other and confront previously held beliefs about life and death.

Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden Players Shouldn't Sleep on its Scourges

Early in Banshers: Ghosts of New Eden, players are introduced to the Scourge, an optional enemy type that offers just as much risk as they do reward.

Banishers Puts the Fates of Its Characters in Players' Hands

One of the most compelling elements of Don’t Nod’s Life is Strange series was its investigations into the lengths characters would go to for love. Oftentimes, these investigations were closely linked to a major turning point or traumatic event. Players were then left to construct a larger picture of what led these events to happen by finding clues and coming to conclusions.

Once a clear motivation was discovered, they would confront the offending characters, the concussion of which, in some cases, determined whether that character would live or die.

Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden evolves this formula for a horror-tinged action RPG. As Red and Antea navigate the environments of New Eden, they investigate the hauntings of their settlers. On route to each essential clue and location, they must battle vengeful spirits and solve various puzzles to proceed. Each haunting has a story at its center, and it is up to the Banishers to interview characters, hunt for clues, speak with spirits, and close each case.

Once the source of the haunting, often a traumatic event, is discovered, Red and Antea must decide whether to blame the settler for the haunting and put them to death, banish the spirit, or allow the spirit to peacefully ascend to the afterlife. With each haunting, players essentially hold two lives in their hands, and, regardless of choice, each decision sees the Banishers sacrifice a bit of themselves in the process.

Banishers’ Decisions Impact its RPG Elements

The true evolution of Don’t Nod’s formula comes in how its decisions impact Banishers’ action RPG mechanics. Each time players confront the parties responsible for a haunting, their decision has a direct impact on Antea. Sacrificing a settler, due to their role in manifesting the ghost, grants Antea their life essence and consequently the essence points needed to unlock her combat abilities. Choosing to banish or ascend the ghosts sees this opportunity lost, restricting Antea’s power and leaving players without powerful skills.

Banishers’ endings stem from how players handle each haunting. Should players wish to resurrect Antea, for example, they must sacrifice settlers, which gives them more combat abilities throughout the title’s journey. However, unlocking the 'Good' ending, in which Antea ascends, requires players to refrain from sacrifice at each opportunity, making the journey to the title’s conclusion all the more difficult.

It is up to players to decide which of Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden’s endings will unfold. Thanks to the incredibly effective evolution of Don’t Nod’s trademark formula, the developer ensures that both conclusions require a deeply significant amount of sacrifice.