A new job listing from Bandai Namco reveals that its rumored remaster of a "3D action game" with Nintendo is still in development. Last year a mysterious job listing emerged suggesting that Bandai Namco is developing a remaster of a 3D action game, commissioned by Nintendo, likely based on one of the company's previous beloved title. It appears that this game is still in development, as a new job listing has appeared.

Bandai Namco and Nintendo have had a strong relationship both as publishers and developers for years, with Bandai Namco assisting development for Super Smash Bros. for 3DS, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. As a result, each game featured many references to Bandai Namco's IP, even resulting in Pac-Man and Tekken's Kazuya appearing as playable characters. Bandai Namco's Singapore studio was even the original developer for Metroid Prime 4 before being taken off the game in early 2019, with development being shifted to Retro Studios.

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Given Bandai Namco's strong history of collaborations with Nintendo, when job listings emerged last year revealing that Bandai Namco is developing a remaster of a beloved 3D action game from Nintendo, fans were quick to speculate on which game could be receiving a revival. A new job listing looking for a planner for the "3D action title commissioned by Nintendo" in Bandai Namco's Tokyo studio has now appeared, confirming that the project is still in development even despite the lack of any official announcement from either company.

While there's no concrete information to derive from any of the job listing revealing which game is making a comeback, many have assumed that Kid Icarus Uprising is the game Bandai Namco is remastering. This is mainly due to the fact that the game was developed by Super Smash Bros.' lead developer Sora Ltd., and the game was directed by Super Smash Bros. series creator Masahiro Sakurai.

To add further fuel to the speculation regarding Kid Icarus Uprising being the game in question, Masahiro Sakurai recently teased in his YouTube series "It sure would be nice to play Kid Icarus: Uprising on a home console. I wonder if someone out there will ever port it?"

Kid Icarus Uprising rather infamously launched on 3DS with a strange control scheme that was built around using the system's touch screen to control the camera in a 3D space. The control scheme was so bizarre that Nintendo even launched the game with a stand peripheral for the 3DS in order to make the playing experience more comfortable for players.A Nintendo Switch port would likely mitigate this issue thanks to the dual analogue sticks and multiple control options, however, for the time being this mysterious Bandai Namco remaster seems like a long way off.

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