Baldur's Gate 3 set a new standard for the CRPG genre, which had left many hopeful that Larian Studios would be in charge of the franchise from here on out. However, with Larian Studios recently confirming that the company is moving on to new ventures after Baldur's Gate 3, the next chapter in the series has a major challenge on the horizon.

When Baldur's Gate 3 launched near the latter half of 2023, the expectations for future fantasy RPGs arguably changed forever. Thanks to the efforts of Larian Studios, Baldur's Gate 3 raised the bar in a variety of ways that made the title one of the best games of the year, one which some would argue is one of the best games of the decade. Since its launch, Baldur's Gate 3 has won an impressive number of awards essentially proving all of that. Despite this incredible success, developer Larian Studios has confirmed that its next project will be something completely different, leaving many questions about the fate of the Baldur's Gate franchise.

Baldur's Gate 3 Build Turns Tav Into Ahsoka Tano

A creative Baldur's Gate 3 player uses the game's powerful character creator to build a protagonist based on Star Wars' Ahsoka Tano.

The Next Baldur's Gate Is In a Tricky Spot

As of now, Baldur's Gate 4 is only an idea, but if a fourth game becomes reality, the developer that gets put in charge of the project has a huge uphill battle ahead. No sequel to Baldur's Gate 3 is likely the best move, but the possibility of an eventual fourth game isn't completely out of the realm of possibility.

Expectations Will Be Higher Than Ever

If a new Baldur's Gate ever gets confirmed, the new developer in charge will have an immense amount of pressure on its hands. Larian Studios not only brought a well-crafted world to life, but it also spawned an entire dynamic ecosystem filled with unique characters and situations. Every corner of the world feels lived-in in a way that's incredibly difficult to replicate. This world-building will be exciting to see explored in Larian Studios' next games, but the studio's absence from Baldur's Gate will be felt by many.

Hubris could ultimately lead another developer to attempt what Larian Studios has managed to accomplish, and it could turn out to be incredible. However, it's difficult to catch lightning in a bottle twice, so attempts at a sequel could also set up a studio for failure due to such huge expectations, and it would be a shame for a new studio to go through that.

The next game from Larian Studios will be an original IP.

A New Baldur's Gate Game Would Need To Switch Things Up

Baldur's Gate 4 isn't currently in development, but Hasbro has stated that the franchise will indeed continue despite Larian Studios stepping away from the franchise. Hasbro is currently looking for the correct partner to bring Baldur's Gate 4 to life, but a sequel would also have to set itself apart from its predecessor. The pressure to meet the bar Larian Studios set while also creating a game that stands on its own outside of Baldur's Gate 3 with its own unique voice seems nearly impossible.

Despite the prospect of developing Baldur's Gate 4 being a daunting task, there may eventually be the correct studio to head such a massive project. Baldur's Gate 3 is a huge game filled with mountains of content for players to explore and discover, so a fourth game is definitely not needed any time soon. That gives Hasbro plenty of breathing room, should it take advantage of that fact. If Hasbro finds a studio capable of developing Baldur's Gate 4, only time will tell if the game is able to find its way out of Baldur's Gate 3's shadow.