
  • Baldur's Gate 3 and Wasteland 3 have similar themes despite vastly different worlds, with both games exploring moral dilemmas and consequences of choices.
  • Both games feature mature themes, dark humor, and NSFW content, providing a familiar feel for Baldur's Gate 3 fans in Wasteland 3's post-apocalyptic setting.
  • The two games share similar combat mechanics, employing turn-based gameplay and strategic thinking, offering a similar experience for players looking for tactical RPGs.

Role-playing games have always been one of the most popular genres in the industry, and the category has consistently seen its output improve with each passing year. Entries like God of War: Ragnarok and Elden Ring have contributed to this rise in recent years with Game of the Year-worthy performances, but Baldur's Gate 3, the latest award recipient, is now the gold standard of the gaming world. The fantasy world-building and character depth from the Larian Studios Dungeons and Dragons-inspired project had few equals in 2023, and gamers are looking for titles that can sate the role-playing desires BG3 ignited. Wasteland 3 is no newcomer to the scene, but it flew slightly under the radar with The Last of Us 2 taking the spotlight in 2020, and BG3 fans could find a new home in the post-apocalyptic world.

At surface value, there might not be many points of intersection between Baldur's Gate 3's races and mythical-dominated lifestyle and Wasteland 3's Armaggedon premise. However, fantasy often operates along the lines of zombie apocalypse themes, and there's a direct line that can be drawn to the more realistic nuclear meltdown seen in franchises like Fallout. Baldur's Gate 3's classes generated a lot of praise for their gameplay variety, and the Druids can summon undead mushroom creatures in the Circle of Spores subclass. This end-of-age-inspired trope provides a pipeline for BG3 fans to find a new home in Wasteland 3 despite the markedly different focuses.

Baldur's Gate 3 Players Should Always Bring One Specific Character Along

Though Astarion is useful when not playing a Rogue, there is one Baldur's Gate 3 character who remains universally useful in almost any situation.

Wasteland 3 and Baldur's Gate 3 Have Similar Themes in Vastly Different Worlds

Moral Dilemmas Provide Common Ground for BG3 and Wasteland 3

In terms of story, Baldur's Gate 3 blew away most of its competitors in the RPG scene with powerful visuals and an intricate narrative, drawing players in with each interaction of its multiple characters. Choice systems have been in play in gaming for ages, but BG3's actions took things up a notch with the unpredictability of its consequences -- providing a vast storyline that left players frequently wondering about the "right" choices. Similarly, Wasteland 3 challenges gamers with moral dilemmas, often confronting characters with decisions that have no clear-cut answer. It doesn't let one escape without seeing firsthand the repercussions of their choices either.

For instance, gamers can choose between getting a reputation boost from protecting law-keepers transporting Power armor or saving an endangered family. Wandering through the ruins of the family's old home after choosing the boost was a conscience trip from the developers, a subtle reminder that every decision will have ramifications on the lives of NPCs. Little decisions eventually build up into a wide variety of endings, and players won't finish a run of Wasteland 3 unscathed in terms of guilt for past (in)actions.

Mature Themes and Similar Combat Mechanics Add BG3 Familiarity to Wasteland 3

A big reason for Baldur's Gate 3's popularity in the gaming community was Larian Studios' unabashed decision to lean into colorful elements. Mature content made BG3 a hot talking point leading up to its release, as its profane dialogue and raunchy cutscenes dominated headlines. It also contained a good helping of dark humor and funny one-liners, which gave the title some much-needed personality. Likewise, Wasteland 3 featured some NSFW content in its exaggerated blood sprays and color commentary, so Baldur's Gate 3 fans will feel right at home exploring the nuclear winter in Wasteland 3's Colorado Springs.

BG3's core gameplay mechanics are also the same as Wasteland 3, with both strategic role-playing games employing turn-based combat. BG3's basis of DnD 5e rules expanded on traditional CRPG strategy with reactions and opportunity attacks, rewarding players' careful thinking and close attention to their surroundings. Wasteland 3 follows this premise, thrusting players into overwhelming battles requiring deliberate planning and a focus on environmental interaction. While their overarching narratives couldn't be more distinct, Wasteland 3 and BG3 have more in common than meets the eye, and fans of the award-winning fantasy title can relate to the inXile Entertainment brainchild.