
  • Players have noticed a bug in Baldur's Gate 3 affecting the character Astarion, with dialogue, romance cutscenes, and kissing animations not working properly.
  • Larian Studios has released multiple updates to fix bugs in Baldur's Gate 3, but the November 2 patch may have introduced new issues, including those with Astarion.
  • While Astarion is experiencing bugs, other companions like Gale, Halsin, and Karlach are functioning as intended. It is unclear when Astarion's issues will be addressed in a future patch.

Players have noticed a strange Baldur's Gate 3 bug affecting Astarion. There are many potential companions in Baldur's Gate 3, but Astarion fans may have spotted some strange differences since an update.

Since Baldur's Gate 3 was released, players have noticed many bugs in the game. Larian Studios has released multiple updates to address these. Some of the Baldur's Gate 3 bugs that have been fixed through updates include device loss errors, ranger skeletons missing their weapons, and companions forgetting their partnership history with the player. Though many bugs have been addressed through the first four updates, the November 2 patch may have added more. Since Baldur's Gate 3 update 4 dropped, more players have noticed these differences with Astarion.

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Reddit user TalkAggravating2891 recently shared a post detailing problems with Astarion since Baldur's Gate 3's latest update. According to the Baldur's Gate 3 fan, the dialogue and romance cutscenes for Astarion don't work like they used to. Many Baldur's Gate 3 players have also noted that kissing animations for Astarion aren't working. The voice lines from Baldur's Gate 3's Astarion often get interrupted during dialogue segments. A Baldur's Gate 3 player stated that the conclusion of Astarion's romance story has a bugged cutscene and dialogue options. This issue is impacting PC and PS5 players alike, but it's far from the only one affecting Astarion.

Although players have noticed these issues, Larian Studios didn't include anything regarding kissing or Astarion specifically in the patch notes. According to one user, dataminers have found information suggesting that all romances were supposed to get new kiss animations. This may indicate that a change on the back end has somehow affected the kissing inadvertently. Astarion isn't the only disappointment from recent updates, as one of the best Baldur's Gate 3 memes has been removed in the same patch. While Astarion is seemingly bugged, Baldur's Gate 3 players have confirmed that Gale, Halsin, and Karlach perform as intended.

Larian Studios continues to update Baldur's Gate 3, but new issues like this may crop up as old ones are fixed. Though many players are reporting Baldur's Gate 3 bugs to Larian Studios, it's currently unclear when Astarion will be adjusted. A future Baldur's Gate 3 patch could address the problems with Astarion. Given that there have already been four patches and additional hotfixes released for Baldur's Gate 3, the adjustments may be on the nearby horizon.