
  • Unconventional uses for everyday items in Baldur's Gate 3 can help solve problems in combat and exploration.
  • Items like bottles of water can be thrown to put out fires, reveal unseen enemies, and cool off certain characters.
  • Random projectiles, like rocks and skulls, can be thrown to injure enemies, trigger traps, and reveal hidden objects.

It's common for gamers to complain about useless junk cluttering their limited inventory, but some of this miscellaneous stuff can be useful. Part of the fun in Baldur's Gate 3 is the creative options for solving a problem, whether it's related to combat, exploration, or dialogue. That's why players should never throw certain items away.

Unconventional uses for plain old everyday stuff aren't just a way to clean up a cluttered inventory. Creative players have figured out how to use mundane, cheap, and non-magical things randomly found throughout Faerun to win tough fights, clear up environmental perils, and sneak into forbidden places.

7 Bottles Of Water

When It's Time To Get Wet

water well near the Tea House baldur's gate 3

It comes in a variety of forms, mostly in bottles and carafes, but players can pick it up almost anywhere. It can't be imbibed, and isn't considered Camp Supplies. However, it can be thrown at charred or burning surfaces to put them out.

Baldur's Gate 3: Every Returning Character Explained

Baldur's Gate 3 is the most recent in a long list of Baldur's Gate titles, and some familiar faces have returned in this latest entry.

This simple resource has a few other uses. Water splashes and sticks to things, so throwing it in the general direction of an unseen foe can reveal it. Water acts as a DIY See Invisibility spell if there isn't a character in the party with access to it. Another less-known but more fun use is to throw them on Karlach before she has her Infernal Engine upgraded, in an attempt to cool her off.

6 Any Random Projectile

Throwing Stuff Is Fun

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Baldur's Gate 3, in the tradition of RPGs, scatters a lot of random stuff around for the immersion factor, but not all of it is for decoration only. For those that don't have the benefit of Mage Hand, these items can be a substitute if thrown to injure enemies. They can also trigger wires and traps.

Baldur's Gate 3: The Best Melee Weapons, Ranked

Looking to deal some heavy damage the old-fashioned way in Baldur's Gate 3? These melee weapons will have your back.

Most of the time, hidden perils or valuables are revealed by Perception checks. Sometimes, though, these checks fail, which is frustrating because it's obvious a secret is nearby that can't be seen. Throwing something at a hidden object can reveal its location or move a switch that would otherwise be out of reach, or dangerous if in melee range.

5 Dancing Lights

Sometimes, A Mundane Item Is An Unpopular Spell

The Drow Half Elf has access to Dancing Lights

This isn't an item, but rather a simple utility spell that doesn't have any use in combat. It works against the shadow in the Underdark for a limited time, but doesn't sting the undead like Daylight. It has some similar features. Several races and classes have it as a cantrip from level 1, and it appears frequently in scroll form.

When cast, it forms a small circle of lights that can be cast on a character, an item, or in a certain spot. It's just smaller and not as powerful as Daylight. Most players ignore Dancing Lights entirely, but it has a handy use that most don't consider, and that's for taking screenshots and videos.

There are plenty of times when a player wants to stream their gameplay or take pictures in an environment that's dark or obscured. The source of the lights can be positioned off-screen similar to actual floodlights. If more than one character has the spell handy, an ambitious film-maker can set up a few of them.

4 Scratch's Ball

The Best Boy In So Many Ways

scratch by gomwick's body bg3

It might take a few runs before players realize that this isn't just a toy for a bonding activity between Tav and Scratch. It's one way to make friends with the dog and prompt him to bring handy things to camp, but he can also be used as a support role in combat and this ball is used to summon him.

Baldur's Gate 3: How To Get Scratch The Dog

Here's how players can get Scratch the dog in Baldur's Gate 3.

Scratch isn't exactly a combat pet, but if the player throws the ball during a fight, Scratch will arrive and act as a familiar. He can lend a paw to companions who have fallen in combat which saves other characters from using up an Action to do so instead.

3 Lit Candles

Fire Is Fire, No Matter How Small

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There are so many of these that most of the time players walk right past them without knowing they can be a handy item. It's not exactly a roaring blaze, but it's still fire, and can be used like any projectile that adds fire damage.

Throw lit candles at puddles of grease or alcohol to create an impressive AoE effect, or dip a weapon in them to get a few turns of fire damage. Obviously, unlit candles are only half as useful, but they can still be thrown the same way as skulls, rocks, and other bits and bobs.

2 Salami

Salty Food, Salty Gamers


Just like in real life, Salami has several uses besides camp supplies in Baldur's Gate 3. The most popular alternative use is as a weapon. Players have taken this possibility so seriously that actual class and character builds have been created around it.

Baldur’s Gate 3: 10 Characters That Should’ve Been Romanceable (But Aren't)

These characters should've been romanceable in Baldur's Gate 3.

The usual Salami link that players find in the game can double as a bludgeoning weapon. For those that lack Sleight of Hand and need to break open chests or get through walls, these obstacles are often weak to bludgeoning damage.

1 Grease Bottle

Flammable, Dangerous, and Useful

Grease-Bottle-BG3 cropped

Throwing a Grease Bottle has the same effect as casting the spell Grease on a certain area, but it has a myriad of uses beyond creating difficult terrain. If a character is having trouble moving a heavy crate or chest, throw some grease on it first to make it easier to move.

It sounds like it makes too much sense to be in a video game, but it works. There are already plenty of uses for stacks of crates in the game, speaking of mundane stuff to mess around with if the party needs to unblock a door or move a few boxes, chests, or even furniture.

Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate
PC , macOS , PS5 , Xbox Series X
August 3, 2023
Larian Studios