
  • A Baldur's Gate 3 player discovered a hilarious way to defeat a boss by making it too dumb to live.
  • Players are still uncovering glitches and exploits in the game, like an armor build that makes the player virtually invincible.
  • By using the Absorb Intellect action, the player drained the boss's Intelligence points to 0, causing it to instantly die.

A Baldur's Gate 3 player has shared their hilarious experience in which they manage to kill a boss by making it too dumb to live. All the Baldur's Gate 3 combat tips in the world wouldn't help most players come to this conclusion as a way to finish an encounter.

As a result of Baldur's Gate 3 using the rules of Dungeon & Dragons 5th Edition for its combat, gamers are still figuring out some of the quirks that can come as a result. Some of these are glitches, while others are straight-up exploits. One player even made a Baldur's Gate 3 armor build that is virtually invincible by exploiting the Armor Class stat in combat. As time passes and the intricacies of the combat system become more commonly known, there are sure to be plenty more of these sorts of situations popping up in the future.

Baldur's Gate 3 Player Discovers Helpful Inventory Shortcut After 50+ Hours in Game

A Baldur's Gate 3 player reveals they only found out about a useful time-saving feature when they were already dozens of hours into the game.

Redditor PengusKing shared the story online, alongside a video of the Twitch clip as it happened. They're fighting against the Steel Watcher Titan, which is one of the hardest bosses in Baldur's Gate 3, and has managed to bring it down to just over 100 hitpoints. Upon the end of their turn, the Steel Watcher Titan dies, seemingly out of nowhere, to the streamer's confusion. It isn't until they inspect further into the situation that they realize what has actually happened.

Throughout combat, the player uses the Absorb Intellect action, which allows them to heal themselves while stealing 1 Intelligence per turn from the opponent. When looking at the status effects on the Steel Watcher Titan, it has managed to lose all six of its base Intelligence points as a result of Absorb Intellect. When any Ability in Baldur's Gate 3, be it Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma, reaches 0, the enemy instantly dies. In this case, they have literally drained the Steel Watcher Titan of all of its Intelligence, to the point where it is too dumb to live.

While gamers on PC and PlayStation 5 have enjoyed unlocking the secrets of Baldur's Gate 3 over the last few months, Xbox Series X/S players are still relatively new to the game, which was stealth-dropped for Xbox Series X/S after The Game Awards earlier this month. This release has caused a few bugs of its own. There is good news around the corner though - the serious Baldur's Gate 3 Xbox save issues are still being investigated.