Out of the impressive catalog of spells available to casters in Baldur's Gate 3, a few stand out as the most useful, helpful, or entertaining. Speak With Animals is at the top of most players' lists when it comes to non-combat spells, and there are various ways for players to use it in the game.

Baldur's Gate 3: 6 Best Locations For A DLC

There are many great unexplored areas that would make for amazing Baldur's Gate 3 DLC expansions.

Speak With Animals is available to virtually every spellcasting class, and even classes like Fighters or Rogues can use scrolls or potions to gain the ability, which lasts until the character's next long rest. That means a player can talk to animals all day in various ways, and in Baldur's Gate 3, the creators have considered that possibility.

6 To Recruit Allies

Animals That Aren't Always As They Seem

What is the Strange Ox in Baldur's Gate 3 (1)

It's not always a Charisma or Intimidation check that convinces certain NPCs throughout the Sword Coast to join the protagonist's cause. Sometimes it's just knowing how and when to use the power of Speak With Animals, starting very early in the game when a Strange Ox in the Druid Grove gives the protagonist the side-eye.

5 Darkest Side Quests in Baldur's Gate 3

A few side activities in Baldur's Gate 3 go to some dark and gruesome places.

Talking to this mysterious critter starts a quest that goes all the way into Act 3 as long as the protagonist finds the Strange Ox in the Shadow-Cursed Lands and again in Rivington. Unlike some other quests in the game that involve local wildlife, family pets, or livestock, there's no other way to start or finish this quest without a way to use Speak With Animals.

5 By Using The Ritual Caster Feat

The Part Of Character Building Everyone Forgets

sorcerer character creation screen baldur's gate three

Even if Tav is a character or race that doesn't typically have access to Speak With Animals, there's an easy way to get access to the spell through the Ritual Caster Feat. Players get a choice of Feats starting at level 4, and if they choose Ritual Caster they can choose any two "ritual spells" of their choice, and one is Speak With Animals.

There are several handy spells on this list, such as Disguise Self, Enhance Leap, Find Familiar, Longstrider, and Speak with Dead. It's worth it to pick up any one of these skills or abilities as well if Tav is getting Speak With Animals anyway.

4 As A Forest Gnome

No Potion Or Spell Required

Baldur's Gate 3 Forest Gnome As A Paladin In Character Creation

It's not a strange or uncommon spell, but only one race knows Speak With Animals as an inherent skill and that's the Forest Gnome. There are three kinds of Gnomes in Baldur's Gate 3, and all of them have Darkvision but only the Forest subclass has this specific ability.

Baldur’s Gate 3: The 13 Best Druid Spells, Ranked

Druids have access to a range of great spells in Baldur's Gate 3, but some are simply better than others. Here are the best ones available to them.

Considering the habitat of the Forest Gnome, it makes sense that they would be able to communicate with beasts as an inherent trait. It might be the easiest way to use Speak With Animals in the whole game because the character has the spell regardless of class and it acts as a cantrip that can be used at any time.

3 While In Wild Shape

More Of A Casual Conversation Than Spellcasting

Baldur's Gate 3 Druid Wild Shape Wolf

Only Druids can use this unique ability, so if Tav has chosen another path they can assign the task to Halsin or Jaheira assuming they've been recruited as companions. It's the only way to Speak With Animals that doesn't require casting a spell or using an item, like a potion or scroll.

According to the lore, this works because the character is an animal themselves, and it's assumed that all animals speak in some kind of vernacular language that they all understand regardless of species. It's never explained and never has to be, it's just a convenient way to use the Speak With Animals ability.

2 Use A Potion

Discover The Recipe And Brew Your Own

A Potion of Animal Speaking in Baldur's Gate 3

Plenty of vendors sell this potion at an economical price because of its nature. It isn't something that can be used in combat, to restore spell slots, or improve a character's existing stats or abilities. If it's too hard to find from a vendor or the party is traveling in a wilderness that's lacking shops or tradespeople, then it's also possible to brew them using the Alchemy tab.

Baldur's Gate 3: 10 Best Potions To Make With Alchemy

Baldur's Gate 3 lets players craft potions using the Alchemy tab. These are the concoctions that will serve players best.

The potion requires two ingredients, and the salts part is easy because a variety can be used in this recipe. The Acorn Truffle is the other essential ingredient, and these are tougher to find, but they can be found and purchased at various locations, especially in the Underdark.

1 To Make Friends

Tav's Best And Favorite Companions

Scratch baldur's gate 3

Using Speak With Animals isn't needed to recruit the adorable and joyful animal companions that Tav finds and adopts, but it gives another dimension to the relationship between them and humans. It's also nice to understand what the critters are saying to each other, along with what they have to say to and about the people in their lives.

Tav can discover that an owlbear cub can have nightmares, that blue jays value design advice, or that Scratch slept under his master's cloak as a puppy. Every cat in the game has something to say and it's really useful, as well as life-saving, to be able to talk to giant spiders and bears.