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After years of development in early access, Baldur's Gate 3 will finally see its official release in less than a month. A prolific name in the isometric RPG space and a major influence on the genre as a whole, over a million players have bought into the game's early access over the course of its more recent production. As developer Larian Studios continues to update fans on the game’s seemingly groundbreaking level of depth and player choice, the hype surrounding Baldur’s Gate 3 and potentially its franchise as a whole has reached an all-time high.

Many RPG fans may be familiar with the Baldur’s Gate name and the series’ influence on the genre, but a lesser known fact is that the games are set within the Forgotten Realms universe. As the flagship setting of the Dungeons & Dragons tabletop game, the Forgotten Realms is a high fantasy world originally created as the personal campaign setting of legendary fantasy writer Ed Greenwood. Baldur’s Gate 3 essentially functions as the most fully realized adaptation of Dungeons & Dragons into video game format yet, with the proper depiction of vast player choice exemplified best through the eleven main races players can choose from when creating a new character.

RELATED: Baldur's Gate 3 Interview: Lead Writer Talks Story, Character, and Quest Permutations


Baldur's Gate 3 crowd-sourced character

The easiest reference point for a new player to understand, Humans in Baldur's Gate 3 are the jack of all trades race that represent balance.

Abilities -

Strength: Affects accuracy and damage with Strength weapons, affects Athletics checks like Jumping and Swimming and Carrying Capacity.

Dexterity: Affects accuracy with Dexterity weapons, enemy accuracy, and speed in combat

Constitution: Max Hit Points.

Intelligence: Increases accuracy of Spellcasting for Wizard classes.

Wisdom: Increases Spellcasting accuracy for Druids, Rangers, and Clerics.

Charisma: Increases Spellcasting accuracy for Bards, Paladins, Sorcerers, and Warlocks.


A female elf putting on Aslyferund Elven Chain in Baldur's gate video game

More magically inclined, the Elf race of Baldur's Gate 3 offers variety through its two subraces.

  • Keen Senses trait gives proficiency in the Perception skill for detecting surroundings.
  • Fey Ancestry trait gives a Saving Throw (defensive dice roll) advantage for being Charmed (unable to attack or use harmful effects), and prevents magic from putting elves to sleep.
  • Proficiency (bonus to attack rolls) with longswords, longbows, shortbows, and shortswords.
  • Darkvision (Sight in the dark) up to 12m.
  • +2 Dexterity.

High Elf -

The caster-focused Elf subrace.

  • One of 13 Cantrips (unlimited use spells).
  • Base Racial Speed (9m).
  • +1 Intelligence.

Wood Elf -

The more rogue-oriented Elf subrace.

  • Fleet of Foot trait gives 10.5m walking speed.
  • Mask of the Wild trait gives Stealth Proficiency.
  • +1 Wisdom.


Baldur's Gate 3 Corpse Fix

Tough and tanky, Dwarves live up to their hardy reputation while having diversity in their three subraces.

  • Dwarven Resilience trait gives Saving Throw advantage against Poison, Poison damage resistance.
  • Battleaxe, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Warhammer Proficiency.
  • Darkvision (12m).
  • +2 Constitution.

Gold Dwarf -

Confident craftsmans with a rich culture, Gold Dwarves can be more varied.

  • Dwarven Toughness trait increases HP by 1, and a further +1 HP with each level.
  • Base Racial Speed (7.5m).
  • +1 Wisdom.

Shield Dwarf -

Defensive and cynical, Shield Dwarves are the toughest kind.

  • Base Racial Speed (7.5m).
  • Light, Medium Armor Proficiency (No negative effects from wearing armor type).
  • +2 Strength.

Duergar -

Launching with the full release of the game, the unique Duergar come from the chthonic realm of the Underdark.

  • Ability Score Increase (+2 and +1 on any Abilities, or +1 on three Abilities).
  • Psionic Fortitude (Advantage on Saving Throws for ending Charmed or Stunned condition).



Akin to the classic Hobbit archetype in high fantasy, Halflings are a diminutive mainstay of the Forgotten Realms.

  • Lucky trait allows for re-rolling if a one is rolled.
  • +2 Dexterity.

Lightfoot Halfling -

In line with expectations, Lightfoot Halflings usually utilize their size to be formidable rogues.

  • Naturally Stealthy traits gives Stealth Proficiency.
  • Base Racial Speed (7.5m).
  • +1 Charisma.

Strongheart Halfling -

Far more hardy, Strongheart Halflings seem to have Dwarven blood.

  • Strongheart Resilience (Same as Dwarven).
  • Base Racial Speed (7.5m).
  • +1 Constitution.

Drowbaldur's gate 3 elf character

Powerful but hated across the land of Faerûn, the Drow are essentially the dark elves of the Forgotten Realms. Typically a subrace of Elves in the tabletop game, the Drow have been elevated into a full race with their own two subraces.

  • Base Racial Speed (9m).
  • Fey Ancestry.
  • Rapier, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow Proficiency.
  • Superior Darkvision (24m).
  • +2 Dexterity.
  • +1 Charisma.

Lolth-Sworn Drow -

The commonly known variety, members of Lolth's cult worship a brutal goddess.

  • Dancing Lights Cantrip: Create illuminating wisps with a radius of 12m.

Seldarine Drow -

With the exact same stat bonuses as the Lolth-Sworn, the choice of Drow subrace appears more based in lore and dialogue as the Seldarine seek to settle conflicts.

RELATED: Baldur's Gate 3: It Could Take 18 Playthroughs to See Everything on a Single Character


Close up of Anders the paladin of Tyr from Baldur's Gate 3

Hybrids of Humans and Elves, the aptly named Half-Elves embody characteristics from both.

  • Fey Ancestry.
  • Darkvision (12m).
  • 2 free Ability points.
  • +2 Charisma.

High Half-Elf -

Magically inclined despite their diluted blood, High Half-Elves showcase the race's versatility.

  • Base Racial Speed (9m).
  • Choice of Cantrip.

Wood Half-Elf -

Maintaining the Elven traits of their parents, Wood Half-Elves get the best of both worlds as they branch out into the world.

  • Fleet of Foot (10.5m).
  • Mask of the Wild.

Drow Half-Elf -

Far less isolated and ostracized than their parents, these hybrids gain distinct traits without the baggage of the main Drow race's civil situation.

  • Base Racial Speed (9m).
  • Dancing Lights Cantrip.


bard and badger in baldur's gate 3

The smallest race in Baldur's Gate 3, Gnomes make up for their size with specialized traits.

  • Gnome Cunning trait gives advantage to Saving Throws for Wisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma.
  • Base Racial Speed (7.5m).
  • +2 Intelligence.

Rock Gnome -

The most common variant, Rock Gnomes have a hardy reputation despite their stature.

  • Darkvision (12m).
  • Artificer's Lore trait gives double Proficiency bonus for History skill checks.
  • +1 Constitution.

Deep Gnome -

Hailing from the Underdark, Deep Gnomes live guarded lives.

  • Superior Darkvision (24m).
  • Stone Camouflage trait gives advantage on Stealth checks.
  • +1 Dexterity.

Forest Gnome -

Rarely seen, Forest Gnomes live in secret groves as the smallest subrace of Gnome.

  • Darkvision (12m).
  • Access to the Speak with Animals Spell.
  • +1 Dexterity.

RELATED: Baldur's Gate 3 Companion Can Only Be Recruited After You Kill a Certain Character


Character creation of a tiefling

Hybrids of human and demon, the intimidating Tieflings are one of the Forgotten Realm's most iconic races.

  • Hellish Resistance gives half damage from all Fire effects.
  • Darkvision (12m).

Asmodeus Tiefling -

The traditionally red-skinned Asmodeus subrace fittingly wields fire and darkness.

  • Base Racial Speed (9m).
  • Thaumaturgy Cantrip gives advantage to Intimidation and Performance checks.
  • +1 Intelligence.
  • +2 Charisma.

Mephistopheles Tiefling -

Typically blue-skinned, the Mephistopheles subrace has the same stats as the Asmodeus variety, but with a different spell.

  • Mage Hand Cantrip summons a spectral hand that can manipulate objects.

Zariel Tiefling -

Similarly following the Asmodeus archetype, Zariel Tieflings are slightly more attuned for Baldur's Gate 3's melee combat.

  • +1 Strength instead of Intelligence.


An Archer in Baldur's Gate 3

Refugees of the Astral Plane on the run from the Mind Flayers that enslaved their entire race, the powerful Githyanki have rarely ever been playable.

  • Base Racial Speed (9m).
  • Light, Medium Armor Proficiency (No disadvantages from wearing armor).
  • Shortsword, Longsword, Greatsword proficiency.
  • Githyanki Psionics: Mage Hand Cantrip (Same as regular Mage Hand).
  • +1 Intelligence.
  • +2 Strength.



A new race launching with the game's release, the controversial Half-Orcs represent the inherent rage imbued within their blood through their effectiveness as warriors.

  • Savage Attacks trait gives an extra attack damage roll after landing a critical hit.
  • Relentless Endurance trait causes Hit Points to be reduced to 1 instead of 0 (Once per rest).
  • Menacing trait grants Proficiency in Intimidation skill.
  • Darkvision (12m).
  • Strength +2.
  • Constitution +1.



Likely the most unique of the entire game, the Dragonborn race is also set to debut with the launch of Baldur's Gate 3. Hybrids of Humans and powerful Dragons, this race defies conventional mechanics with its specialized selection of a multitude of subraces.

  • Breath Weapon trait allows for an AOE attack based on the type of Draconic Ancestry (Once per rest).
  • The Draconic Ancestry trait controls the subrace of a Dragonborn through skin color. The color of a Dragonborn's lineage determines the element and defensive Saving Throw type of the Breath Weapon trait, along with providing damage resistance for the same elemental type.
  • +2 Strength.
  • +1 Charisma.

Black - Acid Breath Weapon/Resistance (Dexterity Saving Throw).

Blue - Lightning Breath Weapon/Resistance (Dexterity Saving Throw).

Brass - Fire Breath Weapon/Resistance (Dexterity Saving Throw).

Bronze - Lightning Breath Weapon/Resistance (Dexterity Saving Throw).

Copper - Acid Breath Weapon/Resistance (Dexterity Saving Throw).

Gold - Fire Breath Weapon/Resistance (Dexterity Saving Throw).

Green - Poison Breath Weapon/Resistance (Constitution Saving Throw).

Red - Fire Breath Weapon/Resistance (Dexterity Saving Throw).

Silver - Cold Breath Weapon/Resistance (Constitution Saving Throw).

White - Cold Breath Weapon/Resistance (Constitution Saving Throw).

Baldur’s Gate 3 releases on August 3 for PC and September 6 for PS5.

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