2023's Game of the Year,Baldur's Gate 3, continues to be immensely popular. This is in part down to their varied characters and in part down to their faithful translation of Dungeons and Dragons mechanics, lore, and atmosphere into a video game format. One DnD mechanic that they don't transfer, at least mechanically, is alignment.

Baldur's Gate 3: Top 12 Karlach Quotes

Karlach is a fiery tiefling with a lust for life in Baldur's Gate 3, and she has gained a lot of love for her chipper personality and goofy nature.

Alignment in DnD determines where a character sits regarding order versus chaos and good versus evil, and it can be so useful that it is often transferred onto other franchise characters. Characters who don't have a strong leaning between order and chaos, and who walk the line between selfishness and selflessness, can be considered True Neutral.

10 Zanner Toobin

Can Both Create And Destroy The Sinister Steel Watch

Baldur's Gate 3, Blind Gondian Zanner Toobin
  • Act: 3
  • Location: Steel Watch Foundry
  • Related Quests: Save The Gondians
  • Role: Temporary Ally (Determinant)

The leader of the Gondians in Baldur's Gate is a good example of the average true neutral character. They have no problem following orders when it is required of them, but are also happy to stage a revolution if the situation turns in their favor.

They can also show great heroism and selflessness at times, but they do initially create the Steel Watch that terrorizes Baldur's Gate under Gortash's rule. While it is under duress as the lives of their loved ones are threatened, it takes interference from the player for the Gondians, under Zanner Toobin's lead, to show their more heroic side.

9 Oskar Fevras

Taboo Love Affair But Far From Sinister

Baldurs Gate 3 Artist
  • Act: 1
  • Location: Zhentarim Basement
  • Related Quests: Free The Artist
  • Role: NPC

This artist also walks the fine line of true neutral. While typically a renowned man of convention, he breaks some societal taboos by engaging in a sort of love affair with both an esteemed lady and a common girl.

While he can be very selfish at times, particularly regarding his love affair, his status, and his own well-being, he is hardly an evil fellow. However foolish his methods (consorting with a mummy lord is hardly typical), he seeks to right old wrongs and even makes players a lovely painting should they help him with his unfortunate predicament in act three.

8 Lady Jannath

Terse Noble But Loyal To Her New Husband

Baldur's Gate 3, Lady Jannath In Estate
  • Act: 3
  • Location: Lady Jannath's Estate
  • Related Quests: Free The Artist
  • Role: NPC

It is only fair that Oskar's newlywed wife, Lady Jannath, also makes this list. Perhaps it's what makes their relationship tick. Lady Jannath is a noble lady and her butler does make an attempt to save face for her but, should players persist in entering her house, which they quickly find to be haunted, Lady Jannath doesn't waste any time recruiting players to help her possessed husband.

This is in spite of how cruel the possessed Oskar is being, showing her somewhat selfless, or at least loyal, nature. Although she can also be terse and doesn't exactly pride herself on being a hero, she simply wants all the fuss dealt with.

7 Mirkon

Timid Member Of Mol's Gang

Baldur's Gate 3, Mirkon The Red Tiefling Boy
  • Act: 1
  • Location: Secluded Cove
  • Related Quests: Investigate The Beach
  • Role: NPC

This tiefling child is one of Mol's crew in the Druid Grove. While this might make him lean slightly towards the chaotic end of the scale, as Mol's gang doesn't exactly operate in the eyes of the law, Mirkon doesn't seem to engage in any of the shadier practices.

Whether this is his choice or not is unclear, but he does seem to be a gentler soul, even writing a story for the players should they save him from a harpy's clutches. Despite his desire to be a hero, his timid nature can lead him to be more self-preserving at times.

6 Silfy

Unwillingly Helps Her Brother To Swindle People

Baldur's Gate 3, Silfy The Pale Tiefling Girl Caught Pickpocketing
  • Act: 1
  • Location: Druid's Grove
  • Related Quests: Find Your Belongings
  • Role: NPC

Another of Mol's kids, Silfy is the sister of Mattis, a much more chaotic neutral character. While she shows she isn't above illegal activities, helping her brother to rob people, she clearly sees her actions as wrong.

Baldur's Gate 3: 11 Characters Who Are Hard To Keep Alive

Baldur's Gate 3 has plenty of lovable characters. Unfortunately, some of them are infamously hard to keep alive, and their deaths prove devastating.

If caught by the player, she bursts into tears and states that she can't steal anymore. While these could be tears at being caught and fear of what may happen to her as a result, they also suggest a sense of morality in Silfy that her brother doesn't seem to share.

5 Rolan

Walks A Line Between Selfish And Selfless

  • Act: 1
  • Location: Druid's Grove
  • Related Quests: Find Rolan In The Shadows
  • Role: Ally (Determinant)

This tiefling is initially found in the Druid's Grove, engaged in a heated debate with his siblings. While they want to stay and help the fellow tieflings in a battle against the goblins, Rolan wants to abandon them, in favor of pursuing his apprenticeship in Baldur's Gate.

While this shows his sometimes self-serving nature, he can also be quite heroic and selfless at times, facing the Shadow Curse to rescue his siblings and turning on his master, Lorroakan, in act three when he finds out about the Nightsong.

4 Nocturne

Values Lifelong Friendship Over Her Evil Goddess's Teachings

Baldur's Gate 3, Nocturne The Pale Purple Haired Tiefling
  • Act: 3
  • Location: Cloister Of Sombre Embrace
  • Related Quests: A Familiar Face
  • Role: NPC

As a devout follower of Shar, it would be understandable for the tiefling, Nocturne, to be neutral evil like her goddess. However, Nocturne shows much more of a tendency towards good than her fellow Sharrans. The prime example of this is if Shadowheart, the party's Shar worshiper, uncovers her true past as a Selunite, betrays Shar, and saves her parents.

Nocturne is the only character who doesn't turn on Shadowheart, valuing their old friendship over Shar's decree. Still, as lovable as Nocturne is, her role as a dedicated Sharran means she still tortures innocents on the regular.

3 Jaheira

Truly Balanced Druidic Leader

Baldur's Gate 3, Jaheira Wielding Magic
  • Act: 2
  • Location: The Last Light Inn
  • Related Quests: The High Harper
  • Role: Playable Companion Character

The Harper companion character, Jaheira, was true neutral in both previous Baldur's Gate games, and it seems fair to say that this is consistent with Baldur's Gate 3. Despite having a leadership role that she undertakes with pride, Jaheira has the same respect for chaos as most druids, maintaining a friendship with chaotic characters like Minsc.

While she is very heroic at times, she can also make less glorious decisions in favor of the correct tactical decision, such as her threats against the player when they first meet, or abandoning Minsc when the cult of the Absolute got their hands on him.

2 Shadowheart

Can Be Swayed To Walk A Path Of Good Or Evil

Shadowheart in Baldur's Gate 3
  • Act: 1
  • Location: Nautiloid
  • Related Quests: Daughter Of Darkness
  • Role: Origin Character

Making it onto the same list as her friend, Nocturne, is the cleric companion character, Shadowheart. Out of all the player characters, her alignment is perhaps one of the most changeable. Becoming a Dark Justiciar to Shar puts her closer to lawful evil.

But betraying Shar and saving her Selunite parents makes her neutral, if not chaotic, good. Since the player can influence Shadowheart either way, it feels safe to put her as a relatively neutral character, at least at the beginning of the story.

1 Tav

Blank Vessel For The Players' Whims

Baldur's Gate 3, Character Creation Screen Displaying A Female Elf Called Tav
  • Act: 1
  • Location: N/A
  • Related Quests: Embrace Your Potential, Gather Your Allies
  • Role: Player Created Character

In that vein, it only makes sense that the player-created character, Tav, starts as a true neutral character. Known in the community as 'Tav' due to the default name, the player-created character is an empty vessel for players to make their own choices and decisions.

Whether they try their best to be an upstanding citizen or break as many laws as possible, and whether they do as much harm or as much good as possible, or whether they continue to walk that middle line, Tav at least starts out as a truly neutral blank slate.

Baldur's Gate 3

August 3, 2023
Larian Studios
PC , macOS , PS5 , Xbox Series X