
  • Baldur's Gate 3 comes with a diverse character roster, and not all of them are loved by fans.
  • Morally grey characters like Astarion and Lae'zel can easily clash with players who choose to do good.
  • Other characters like Lorroakan and Wulbren are extremely self-serving, which has made them widely disliked among fans.

Baldur's Gate 3 has wowed its fans with the impressive scope of the world, an ambitious story full of peril, heroism, and emotional depth, and a whole army's worth of companions and NPCs to meet, befriend, fall in love, or grow to loath.

Baldur's Gate 3: Most Likeable NPCs

Baldur's Gate 3 is filled with some loveable NPCs that players just adore and will take any opportunity to assist and converse with.

While most of the characters have successfully enthralled many players, some have mastered the art of grinding gears far and wide across the community, or at the very least fracturing the fans into two sides of love or loathe. Whether it is due to their dubious acts, or simply a personality that is grating to a large number of players, they have become the most unwanted.

7 Lae'Zel

Her Bluntness Proved Too Much for Some Players

A conversation with Lae'zel

As the very first companion players will meet, Lae'Zel immediately outed herself as one of the most brutally honest among the origin characters and is not afraid to admit she will kill the character without hesitation if needed.

Talking with her at camp, players cannot expect many friendly chats, as she is dead-set on ridding the characters of the Mind Flayer parasite. While this is a pressing matter, it led to most players not particularly favoring Lae'Zel as one of their favorite companions to recruit and travel with, as her one-track mind landed her a fair amount of haters. While she certainly has fans who will defend her, there are enough vocal fans who will outwardly express their hatred.

6 Astarion

Just Like Marmite, Fans Love Him or Hate Him

Baldur's Gate 3 Astarion

Surprisingly, there are certain origin characters that have proven largely divisive among fans, with Astarion being one surrounded by the most debate. As a character, Astarion is brash, arrogant, and even a little flirtatious, with the first encounter involving him pulling a knife on the main character. As far as first impressions go, it is not the best to make and paired with the little bloody secret players discover when they awaken with fangs at their throat, it becomes understandable why many may not trust him.

While there are many fans who adore the fanged and flirty vampire spawn, there is still a large vocal portion that fully hates his character, and either leaves him at camp for most of the game or even kills him outright upon meeting him. While he may not have the most haters out of all characters, his haters are certainly passionate with their disdain.

5 Mystra

Despite Her Status as a Goddess, Many Aren't Flocking to Worship Her

Mystra from Baldur's Gate 3

As a goddess of magic and the protector of the Weave, one would expect Mystra to be beloved by all, but that is not the case with this particular deity. The protector of the Weave, and a previous lover of companion Gale, she is very heavily intertwined with his particular character arc and hangs a very onerous task over Gale's head.

His instability with magic causes her to order him to kill himself to kill the Absolute but otherwise is very dismissive towards the party. Though it may be her right as a goddess to act as such, it still grates on players, especially those playing as Gale, or very fond of his companionship on the road. Not to mention, the hold she still has on Gale can cause more sympathy to his character, and spur on hatred towards Mystra. Nobody likes seeing a friend or lover cling to the memories of their ex.

4 Cazador Szarr

One of the Most Reprehensible Villains in the Game

Baldur's Gate 3 Cazador

Baldur's Gate 3 has its fair share of heinous villains, but few stand out as much as Cazador does. As Astarion's vampire master, players learn the true depths of Cazador's sadism, and the delight he takes in inflicting misery on any unlucky enough to be caught in his web.

The Most Vicious Vampires In Games

There have been quite a few vampires in gaming's storied history. Here's a look at some of the most vicious.

The knowledge of this alone causes many players to outright hate him before even meeting him for themselves, and the encounter with him only solidifies this hate, especially those who enjoy Astarion's character. It is revealed in Act 3 that he requires thousands of victims in his ritual to gain ultimate power, demonstrating how little he cares for the lives of others, and sees people only as a means to achieve his selfish ends.

3 Wulbren Bongle

Rude and Manipulative, There are Few Saving Graces to Wulbren's Character

Baldur's Gate 3

This deep gnome proved himself one of the most hated of all of Baldur's Gate 3 characters, in part due to his treatment of those around him, not to mention his deadset plans that verge on the side of terrorism.

Players can first encounter him in Act 2 at Moonrise Tower, then again in Act 3 in Rivington should the player choose to save them, an action they may later regret. He has hatched a plan to blow up the Steel Watch Foundry, and outright murder any survivors of the blast. For a character with such a silly name, his machinations can be surprisingly serious and violent. There is little to love and plenty to loathe with this character.

2 Lorroakan

A Selfish Mage Willing to go to Extremes to Achieve his Goals

Baldur's Gate 3 Loroakan

Only mentioned in passing in the early hours of the campaign, players will have the displeasure of meeting Loroakan in Act 3. He was the one who placed Aradin and his traveling companions on the trail to hunt the Nightsong.

The Strongest Evil Wizards In Gaming, Ranked

Players tangle with all sorts of villains in video games. As antagonists, evil wizards are no slouches. These mages are the strongest of the bunch.

Upon arriving at his shop the Sorcerous Sundries, players will first encounter Rolan, who seems to have suffered at the hands of Lorroakan's temper, before they meet the mage himself, in all his pompous and self-righteous glory. He is on a quest for immortality and is willing to go to extreme measures, such as allying himself with people like Kethetic and Balthazar, in order to unlock mastery over life and death.

1 Kagha

Her Threats Against a Child Make Her One of the Most Hated Characters

Baldur's Gate 3 Kagha

Upon arriving at the Druid Grove in Act 1, tensions are rife between the druids trying to conceal their grove from outside dangers, and the tieflings that sought refuge being threatened with eviction. With Archdruid Halsin held captive by the goblins, Kagha takes over as leader of the Grove, and her actions to try and keep it safe are extreme, to say the least.

She is very vocal about her distaste towards outsiders and is dedicated to completing a ritual known as the Rite of Thorns that will render the grove inaccessible to outsiders. When a child is caught stealing a precious idol, Kagha's hatred ramps up even further as she all but interrogates and threatens the young child, who could die without the correct intervention from the player. The act of killing a child is in no way excusable, and it is this act that makes Kagha the most widely hated character in Baldur's Gate 3.