
  • Baldur's Gate 3 offers a vast array of powerful weapons and gear, but acquiring them often involves questionable moral choices.
  • The Moon Devotion Robe is a valuable addition for spellcasters, offering offensive capabilities and protection without debuffs.
  • Acquiring the robe requires sacrificing innocent lives and has significant consequences, including the loss of a safe haven and useful characters. One should consider the moral implications before pursuing it.

Baldur's Gate 3 has ascended the ladder of RPGs to become one of the most revered in video game history. This, of course, stems from a combination of disparate elements including a terrific narrative, interesting and complex characters, and a gorgeous world ripe for exploration. Just as important and impressive though, are the incredible amounts of weapons and gear with which Baldur's Gate 3 players can arm their parties, and the often questionable moral implications involved in acquiring much of this loot.

Right from the start of Baldur's Gate 3, on the Mind Flayer vessel, the player can opt to help one of their own evil captors in a fight against Commander Zhalk, instead of doing the sensible thing and running from other incoming enemies to get to the controls of the crashing ship. Killing Zhalk will reward the player with BG3's Everburn Blade, one of the best weapons in the early game. But this is just one of many powerful artifacts parties can acquire if they're willing to put either their sensibilities or morals aside. Another is the Moon Devotion Robe, which will require some awfully dark choices and some even darker outcomes, should the player choose to pursue it.

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The Moon Devotion Robe Is a Fantastic Addition to Any Spellcaster's Gear

Lae'Zel in Baldur's Gate 3

Designed as a Very Rare piece of clothing, the Moon Devotion Robe provides durability and offensive capabilities to Wizards and other magic users in BG3 without the debuffs that often come with armor. The Moon Devotion Robe's stats are as follows:

  • 10 AC
  • Selune's Protection: While the wearer has Mage Armor, each successful Saving Throw causes the source of the Saving Throw to take 1 – 4 Radiant damage
  • Advantage on Constitution Saving Throw Checks
  • Produce Flame Conjuration Cantrip
  • Lunar Bulwark Level 1 Abjuration Spell
  • Saving Throw +1

As can be seen, this robe offers much in the way of protection and defense, increasing the wearer's Saving Throws while dealing Radiant damage to those enemies who try and fail to attack them. Lunar Bulwark can be used to boost AC once per Long Rest in BG3 and Produce Flame is useful for both lighting one's way in the dark and for dealing 1d8 Fire damage when thrown. There is no question that the Moon Devotion Robe is most certainly a valuable item for spellcasters in one's party. The only question is whether the player is willing to do the awful things required to get it.

Acquiring the Moon Devotion Robe Requires the Sacrifice of Many Innocent Lives

Moon Devotion Robe Baldurs Gate 3

The only way to get this particular robe is to loot it off the corpse of Isobel, a kindly Cleric of Selune who resides at the Last Light Inn. The Inn comes into play in Act 2 of Baldur's Gate 3, and is the last bastion of safety in an area that has been infected by a shadow curse. Further, the only thing protecting The Last Light Inn happens to be Isobel herself, so her downfall will destroy the Inn's protective Moonshield and turn nearly everyone inside into an undead enemy. That is a lot of lives to sacrifice for a robe.

However, if players are willing to go down this dark path, there are a couple of ways to do it. Upon entering the Inn, players can talk to Jaheira, who will send the party upstairs to Isobel's room. There, Marcus, a Flaming Fist cultist, will attempt to kidnap Isobel and bring her to Ketheric Thorm at the Moonrise Tower. The player can help Marcus in this endeavor and earn an easy way into the Tower (although Isobel will need to be killed at the Tower to get the robe) or the player can save the day, only to murder Isobel single-handedly after defeating Marcus. This plays especially well into a Dark Urge playthrough, as the Urge will encourage the gamer to take her out.

Whether the player kills Isobel or helps Marcus kidnap her, the Inn and its many inhabitants will fall to the shadow curse. As such, the player will lose a refuge from fighting, a number of quest-givers, and some useful merchants with whom to trade. On top of this, Jaheira, a High Harper, will be lost as a possible companion. While the Moon Devotion Robe is a nice piece of equipment, this is a lot to give up for it. As such, acquiring the robe is only advisable to those playing a seriously evil character, and even then, it may not be worth it.

Baldur's Gate 3 is available now for PC and PS5 with Xbox Series X/S versions also in development.

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