
  • Missable NPCs, quests, and secrets are scattered throughout Baldur's Gate 3, including hidden animals like Commander Lightfeather and Tara.
  • Animals like Ormn and Steelclaw can be easily missed if players don't fully explore the areas they're located in.
  • Pooch Sparky and feline Myshka can disappear if players don't interact with their owners or complete certain events before encountering them.

With all the places, areas, and buildings to explore in Baldur’s Gate 3, there are going to be a lot of missable NPCs, quests, and secrets. Some of the most popular characters in the game outside of Baldur’s Gate 3’sexcellent array of companions are the animals, from the Last Lights Inn’s regal sphynx cat, His Majesty, to the loveable and helpful dog, Scratch.

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Animal And Human Duos, Ranked

Baldur's Gate 3 has plenty of character pairings that highlight the relationship between a human and their beloved animal companion.

While many of the animals in Baldur’s Gate 3 are easy to find, there are quite a few that are just a bit harder to come across and require players to go out of their way to find them. These animals are often hidden away in places that players wouldn’t necessarily think of exploring, or are tied to specific events and will disappear after those events have passed.

10 Commander Lightfeather

Leader of the Courier Pigeons

Featured Image of a Pigeon for the Where To Find The Missing Letters Guide (BG3)
  • Act: Act 3
  • Location: Sword Coast Courier Office, Rivington
  • Notable Loot: None
  • Related Quest: Finding the Missing Letters

The courier pigeons work for the Sword Coast Courier service, and their self-proclaimed leader, Commander Lightfeather, takes his job very seriously. With his militaristic attitude, Commander Lightfeather can give hints for the side quest ‘Find the Missing Letters’ that has the player searching for missing letters in Rivington.

Although the courier pigeons and Commander Lightfeather are well known, they can easily be missed on a first playthrough. With all the buildings to explore in the game, their little home that is tucked away on the first floor of a building in Rivington can be easily missed.

9 Tara

Gale's Beloved Tressym Companion

  • Act: Act 3
  • Location: The rooftops of The Open Hand Temple, Devil's Fee, and Highberry's Home
  • Notable Loot: Ring of Blink, Hat of The Sharp Caster, Slinging Shoes
  • Related Quest: Finding the Missing Letters

Baldur’s Gate 3 is full of adorable cats, and although Tara is a Tressym, she has the personality and attitude of a cat, especially when players catch her eating the courier pigeons that are tied into the quest that Commander Lightfeather helps the player with.

What makes Gale’s beloved cat companion an easily missable animal is that she is found on various rooftops throughout Baldur’s Gate, and unless players climb onto the rooftops, it will be near impossible to come across her. Each time Tara is encountered, a long rest is required for her to move to a different rooftop, and each time she is encountered after meeting her, she will give the player a magical item in exchange for fish or another magical item.

8 Ormn

A Sad Bear Seeking the Scent of His Master

ormn in the emerald grove
  • Act: Act 1
  • Location: The Emerald Grove
  • Notable Loot: None
  • Related Quest: None

There is a bear in the Emerald Grove that seems sad over the departure of his master, Halsin. Ormn is found near a body of water at the end of a collapsed pillar in the center of the Emerald Grove and is attempting to locate Halsin’s scent after he was captured by the goblins. Luckily, after Baldur's Gate 3's Halsin returns, Ormn becomes much happier and relieved by the return of his master.

Baldur's Gate 3: 10 Best Animal Characters, Ranked

Not all of the wonderful characters in Baldur's Gate 3 are humanoid. Baldur's Gate 3 has plenty of fun animal characters, but these are the greats.

This little path down to the quant beach where Ormn is can easily be overlooked with all that is happening in the Grove, as well as it looking like a path that can’t be traveled due to the rubble of the pillar. Exploring this small beach can also lead to some valuable treasures, including 116 gold and a bronze ingot. Not only that, but near Ormn is a moveable rock that hides the Amulet of Silvanus, but beware of throwing the rock instead of moveing it, as Ormn will heavily disapprove of such a disrespectful act against nature.

7 Steelclaw

A Ferocius Sphynx Feline

  • Act: Act 2
  • Location: Moonrise Towers
  • Notable Loot: None
  • Related Quest: None

This feisty little feline is found on the ramparts of Moonrise Towers playing with a dead Tadpole. Steelclaw is in the process of tormenting the dead creature and informs the player that when the time is right, she will tear the thing to pieces and bathe in its innards. A bit of a grotesque-sounding image.

Steelclaw can easily be missed as she’s only found on the ramparts of Moonrise Towers, and unless players fully explore the towers and the surrounding area, they might miss her. Not only that, but sometimes she’s curled up sleeping and her grey hairless body will blend in with the cobblestones.

6 Sparky

The Overexcited Pooch

sparky baldur's gate 3
  • Act: Act 3
  • Location: Bloomridge Park
  • Notable Loot: None
  • Related Quest: None

Upon entering Bloomridge Park in Baldur’s Gate, players can come across a child named Arthur who is trying to catch his dog and take him home. However, Sparky is having none of that, as he just wants to run around the park all day. It is up to the player to help calm the excitable dog and convince it to go home with his owner.

This good boy wouldn’t have been mentioned in this discussion if it hadn’t been for the fact that Arthur and Sparky seem to disappear if players encounter and fight a group of Bhaalists in Bloomridge Park before helping Arthur. Therefore, this hyper dog can be easily missable if players don’t talk to their owner before starting the fight. There’s even a chance that poor Sparky will perish if the battle with the Bhaalists occurs in the park.

5 Myshka

An Adorable Feline Searching for His Mother

  • Act: Act 3
  • Location: A side street next to Boneclock Apothecary
  • Notable Loot: None
  • Related Quest: Unmarked secret quest

This sweet and adorable feline is looking for his mother and speaks a feline dialect called Mraier. Myshka is found in a side street next to Bonecloak Apothecary in the Lower City of Baldur’s Gate. This side street is easily missable due to how small it is and all the winding pathways throughout the city.

One Easily Missable Baldur's Gate 3 Quest is a Must For Animal Lovers

Baldur's Gate 3 features an easily missable quest that involves cute animals is a must for any animal lover, but this secret quest is hard to obtain.

Players can tell Myshka that they’re his mother and the little feline will follow them around until they fast travel away or go to camp. Myshka is involved in one of the many hidden quests in Baldur’s Gate 3, where he is one of three cats that have the chance to be adopted by a lonely widow.

4 Postmaster Badger

A Postmaster for The Harpers

postmaster badger in jaheira's basement
  • Act: Act 3
  • Location: Jaheira's Basement
  • Notable Loot: None
  • Related Quest: None

If players encounter Jaheira’s home in Baldur’s Gate, they can enter her basement and come across the Harpers’ Postmaster Badger. This Badger oversees coordinating the delivery of information for the Harpers. Although he doesn’t have much to say to the player, he does have additional dialogue for Baldur's Gate 3's Jaheira and is happy to see her.

Not only is the Postmaster Badger found in Jaheira’s basement, but the Messenger Rats are also found here. These three rats and the Postmaster Badger work in tandem together to bring information to the Harpers. Players can easily miss these animals if they don’t fully explore Jaheira’s house and don’t explore her basement, they’ll miss out on the Badger.

3 Squire

The Undead Dog of Ketheric Thorm

squire in moonrise towers
  • Act: Act 2
  • Location: Ketheric Throms room in Moonrise Towers
  • Notable Loot: None
  • Related Quest: None

Another resident of Moonrise Towers. Squire appears in the first boss fight with Ketheric Thorm near the end of Act 2 and will, unfortunately, perish in the battle. However, Squire can be encountered beforehand, and players can even give this undead pooch and scratch it under the chin.

Squire is Ketheric Throm’s pet dog and is found in his quarters in Moonrise Towers. For players to meet Squire before the battle, they must sneak into Ketheric Thorm's private chambers. Not only can players find this little pooch in his room, but they can find many other secrets and treasures.

2 Skittle

The Rodent Merchant

skittle baldur's gate 3
  • Act: Act 3
  • Location: Heapside Prison
  • Notable Loot: Elixir of Universal Resistance, Counting House Safe Key, and various other items
  • Related Quest: None

Most merchants in Baldur’s Gate 3 are bipedal beings, but in this case, there’s a rat selling goods. Skittle is found locked in a cell in Heapside prison and players can use a key found on Fist Corlos or break down a destructible wall in the adjacent cell. Alternatively, they can simply speak to Skittle from outside the cell.

This humorous rat that is full of puns can only be traded with if the player has activated "Speak with Animals." Skittle has a few notable items for sale, such as an Elixir of Universal Resistance and a Counting House Safe Key, as well as a few scrolls and some thieves’ tools.

1 The Rat

A Rat Seeking Vengeance in the Emerald Grove

rat emerald grove baldur's gate 3
  • Act: Act 1
  • Location: The Emerald Grove
  • Notable Loot: None
  • Related Quest: None

Out of all the animals in Baldur’s Gate 3, the rat in the Emeralds Grove may very well be the easiest to miss. He scuttles around near Dammon’s forge, and because of how fast he is, he could be missed in the blink of an eye. If players are lucky enough to catch him and speak to him, he will reveal that there is an evil that he wants to take vengeance on.

If players agree to help the rat with his vengeance, he will lead them to the locked storage hut nearby in which they will discover that an injured Tiefling called Padirna is within and is blocking the way to a chest that holds the evil in which the rat seeks to take vengeance.

Baldur's Gate 3

PC , macOS , PS5 , Xbox Series X
August 3, 2023
Larian Studios