Baldur's Gate 3 is in a subgenre of RPGs that focuses on characters and exploration. These games usually don't involve jumping around like the protagonist of a platformer, but Baldur's Gate 3 is an exception to this rule. Every character can jump at any point in time, and players will need to do so to reach new areas, find chests full of loot, and avoid dangerous areas and hazards.

However, while the game's tutorial explains the basics of how to jump, it doesn't explain just how essential this mechanic is or how it works on uneven surfaces. This guide will attempt to fill in the gaps and let players know the basics about jumping in Baldur's Gate 3.

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Jumping Around

Baldurs Gate 3 Jump Required

Players will find the Jump button in the "Common" section of the toolbar. It's such a useful ability that it gets its own hotkey, which defaults to Z on the PC. Jumping uses a bonus action and also costs 10 feet of movement speed, but every character can jump at least 15 feet. Characters with a higher Strength score can jump even farther, reaching up to 30 feet with 20 Strength. This extra distance can be useful in combat as a way to get just a little bit closer to an enemy. Players can also increase jump distance with spells like Jump or the monk's Step of the Wind ability.

When players select Jump, a white circle will appear around the active character. This shows just how far the character can jump from their current position. However, players can click on a location outside the circle, and the character will try to jump there by running directly to the spot and then jumping. Keep this in mind, because characters will do this even if it means running into lava or some other dangerous hazard. Even if characters normally avoid these dangers automatically, they'll enter them if players give them a direct order.

To avoid this issue, players should wait for a second before telling a character to jump. If the character has to move first, an outline of them will appear in the location they'll jump from. Players should also see an arc between the jumping and landing points, and this arc has to be clear of obstacles for a jump to be possible.

Players should also note that characters can only jump to locations that have black outlines on the map, but they can jump across the spaces that separate these areas. Sometimes a jump is the only way to continue forward.

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Jumping Down and Falling Damage

Baldurs Gate 3 Jump Fall Damage

Not every jump is between two locations at the same height. Characters can also jump up and down, and if they jump down they can cross incredible distances. On the other hand, they can also die from landing too far down.

Much like jumping sideways, the distance a character can jump up depends on their Strength score. The same is true about jumping down, although the distance they can jump always goes up as the destination goes down. Players will see this as a circle that expands as the cursor moves to a lower location. Fortunately, the circle doesn't shrink when players select a higher spot.

However, characters also take falling damage based on how far down the destination is, and the landing can cause them to fall prone. A good Acrobatics score can reduce this damage and allow the character to stay standing when they land. Also, the spell Feather Fall will eliminate falling damage for a minute, and the Monk ability Slow Fall reduces this damage much more effectively than Acrobatics. Aside from these factors, falling damage is the same for every character.

Once players get used to the idea of jumping in Baldur's Gate 3, they'll start checking the map closely for outlined areas that are just out of easy reach. By taking full advantage of jumping mechanics, players can find all kinds of valuable rewards.

Baldur's Gate 3 is available now on macOS, PC, and Stadia.

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