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Baldur's Gate 3 is one of the year's most hotly anticipated games, and some ambitious players are taking advantage of the Early Access version to get a look at some of the strange people, dangerous places, and cool things waiting to be discovered. One of these interesting items is the mysterious Soul Coin, which is available via a brief and optional side quest.

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Once the party helps the adventurers under attack by goblins and are admitted into the Druid Grove, they can get the Soul Coin. It's slightly hidden, but adventurers should take a moment to grab it for possible future use.

Finding Nadira

nadira's loaction on ridge with bugbear

Players that were paying attention during the dramatic cutscene while the Illithid Nautiloid ship is crashing will notice a Teifling watching the burning descent through a telescope. This is Nadira, the focus of this quest and the holder of the Soul Coin. Her location isn't revealed, but it's a recognizable high point with a clear view.

  • Location. As soon as the protagonist and their companions pass through the gate into the Druid Grove, there's a log bridge to the immediate right. Cross it, then follow the path leading to the right and upward.
  • The Bugbear Assassin. The party will crest the hill just in time to see a Bugbear Assassin sneaking up on Nadira from behind. Use a ranged weapon to catch it off-guard and take Initiative. Any kind of crowd control works well here to keep it from pursuing Nadira, who tries to run away. She doesn't have weapons but can push the Bugbear and throw dirt at it.
  • The Dice Check. After the Bugbear is dead, players can interact with Nadira, who immediately accuses them of coming after her on behalf of someone else. They can make a check against Intimidation or Persuasion to change her mind, and she hands over the Soul Coin as a reward for saving her from the Bugbear.

After helping Nadira, you can look through her telescope. Straight ahead, make an Intelligence roll to recognize the red dragon. To the right is the burning tavern on the Risen Road and the damaged Illithid ship is on the left.

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The Soul Coin

soul coin bg3 cropped

Nadira gives the player some hints as to where the Soul Coin came from and what it could be used for, but since she thinks the protagonist was sent by someone from Avernus anyway, she doesn't reveal very much.

  • Where It Came From. Nadira mentions a "demonic mistress" and Soul Coins are valuable currency in the Nine Hells. It seems that Nadira has some kind of interaction with a powerful demon, perhaps even a relative given her Tiefling blood, or a legendary figure of some kind connected to her Bard class.
  • Possible Future Uses. The protagonist has already visited Avernus, albeit briefly, so there's a strong hint that the adventure returns there. The player may be able to use it as some kind of bargaining chip or currency in Avernus, or some other location in the Nine Hells.

Baldur's Gate 3 comes out on August 3 on PC and September 6 on PS5. An Xbox Series X/S version is in development.

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