Baldur's Gate 3 is full of various items that can be sought out to improve character and companion builds throughout your playthrough. From armor sets to weapons, rings, and amulets, there is a huge range of tools available to enhance your skills.

Among the numerous Amulets that can be acquired throughout your journey, Broodmother's Revenge is one of the best items you can secure in Act 1 of the game. This item enables a character to deal extra Poison damage on top of their successful weapon attack, making it a very worthwhile addition to many Class builds.

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How to Get Broodmother's Revenge in Baldur's Gate 3

Kagha from Baldur's Gate 3

To get Broodmother's Revenge in Baldur's Gate 3, you will need to kill Kagha during Act 1 of the game, as it is an item that can be looted from her corpse. There are multiple routes you can take to kill Kagha, with any of the following being viable options to consider:

  • Complete the Investigate Kagha Quest, which involves finding secret notes hidden in a chest within her chambers at Emerald Grove, then journeying to a meet-up point near Auntie Ethel's Gnarled Treehouse. Here, you will find a second note that details Kagha's involvement with Shadow Druids. Return to Emerald Grove and confront her, and you will have an opportunity to either talk her out of the idea or go up against her and the Shadow Druids in combat. Here, you will need to choose the latter, defeat everyone, and then finally snag Broodmother's Revenge from Kagha's corpse.
  • Side with Minthara and slaughter the Tieflings of the Grove. After doing so, you can expand the battle to the Druids, destroying the Grove in its entirety. After doing so, you can gather loot from each of the characters, including the Broodmother's Revenge amulet from Kagha.
  • Alternatively, you can choose to skip either of these routes and simply attack and kill Kagha on sight, which is likely the quickest method to earn Broodmother's Revenge. However, this method will likely cause other characters within the area of the fight to turn against you in combat too, meaning you'll likely end up slaughtering more individuals other than just Kagha.
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Broodmother's Revenge Skills & Best Builds


Broodmother's Revenge Skills & Buffs

  • Venomous Revenge: Whenever the wearer is healed, their weapon becomes coated in magic and deals an additional 1d4 Poison damage.

This essentially means that if your Tav is wounded and healed, their weapon will be coated in magical poison, dishing out an extra 1d4 Poison damage on the next hit. As every little bit of damage counts in Baldur's Gate 3, this is a huge asset to include in certain builds, and can even stack with other extra damage die from the likes of Battle Maneuvers, Smites, and Sneak Attack.

Best Broodmother's Revenge Builds

The Broodmother's Revenge amulet is the perfect addition to Rogue builds in particular, as these Classes focus on physical weapons and operate by utilizing Sneak Attack both at melee range and from afar, meaning they will always be able to capitalize on the extra Poison damage offered by Broodmother's Revenge.

Another reliable choice for the Broodmother's Revenge amulet is a Fighter. As Fighters revolve around being up close and personal with the enemy, they will usually be able to ensure that the extra Poison damage is inflicted on a target during their next turn. Battle Masters in particular can add extra damage to their attack with Menacing Attack, and even get to attack twice from level 5 onwards, and three times from level 11. This means that their weapon will get multiple chances to inflict the +1d4 Poison damage per turn, too, enabling you to make the most out of this buff. Furthermore, if your main healer is out of range for triggering Venomous Revenge, Fighters have the Second Wind Bonus Action, which enables them to deal a small burst of healing to themselves, therefore proccing this ability on their own without needing to rely on a designated healer to back them up.

A third suitable choice to consider incorporating the Broodmother's Revenge with is a Ranger. In this approach, Rangers share some valuable points with both the Rogue and Fighter mentioned above. While they don't gain Sneak Attack like a Rogue, Rangers will have 2 attacks per action after level 5, and Gloomstalkers will get an extra Gloomstalker attack during their first turn of combat. In this case, if the Ranger takes damage and is healed by an ally before their turn, they will get 2x attacks with the +1d4 Poison damage, or three if this occurs in the first round of combat. Furthermore, with access to the Goodberry Spell, Rangers can also trigger the effects of Venomous Revenge for themselves, by using their Bonus Action to eat one of the Goodberries the Spell provides - note that the Goodberry Spell must be utilized before combat, as doing so within combat will use up your Action, and then still require use of your Bonus Action to eat the berries you just created, leaving you with no way to follow up with an attack and deal the Poison damage within the turn.

Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate
PC , macOS , PS5 , Xbox Series X
August 3, 2023
Larian Studios