In Baldur's Gate 3, there is a huge quantity of various items that can be acquired and paired with your Tav or companions to further enhance their builds. These items come in the form of armor, shields, gloves, boots, rings, amulets, and weapons. Among the weapons available in Baldur's Gate 3, the Joltshooter, Spellsparkler, and Sparkly Points are a trio of Lightning Charge weapons that are among some of the best gear available in the game.

However, to acquire any of these three items, you will need to complete a time-sensitive quest involving Counsellor Florrick, which will progress further into the Save Duke Ravengard quest line, further tying into Wyll's narrative. Knowing where to locate and how to initiate these events is key to not only securing the Joltshooker, Spellsparkler, and Sparky Points but also integral to the Duke Ravengard storyline, so ensuring you complete it during your time in Act 1 is highly beneficial.

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Rogue Class Build

The best Rogue build in BG3 takes the Thief subclass to new heights by allowing more Sneak Attack and Offhand opportunities.

How to Get the Joltshooter, Spellsparkler, and Sparky Points

rescue the grand duke quest

To get the Joltshooter, Spellsparkler and Sparky points, you will need to complete a quest during Act 1 of the game which involves saving Counsellor Florrick from a burning Inn, which will also trigger and progress the Save Duke Ravenguard quest for later in the story. This is a time-sensitive quest, so you should make it a high priority complete during your exploration of Act 1. While the game should warn you when you're getting close to running out of time by suggesting you don't take a long rest, it's better to tick this one off ASAP rather than have the hassle of being set back hours in your adventure in the case that you miss the opportunity.

To begin this quest, you will need to head to a location off Risen Road known as Waukeen's Rest, which can be found just down from the Gnoll pack in front of the cave. If you're struggling to find the exact location of this place, then feel free to refer to the map screenshot below.

Waukeen's rest map location

Once you reach Waukeen's Rest, walk inside the gates and you will encounter wreckage from an attack. Flaming Fists will be hauling themselves against a door of an inn that is on fire, attempting to save Duke Ravenguard, whom they think is inside. Approach the struggling group with a character who is Strength-based, such as a fighter like Lae'zel, or a Barbarian such as Karlach. They will be able to undergo a Strength Check to force the door open, which will initiate the first part of this timed quest.

STR check to unblock waukeen's rest door

Once you knock this door down, you will have a limited time to find Counsellor Florrick and escort her out of the burning inn. To do this, head inside, and immediately run towards the stairs, following the group of Flaming Fists. As you head up the stairs, continue down the main hallway, and then turn towards the left.

rescue the grand duke part 1

Eventually, your party and the Flaming FIsts will come towards a door that is blocked off, with Counsellor Florrick trapped on the other side. You will need to find a way to get rid of this obstacle to free her, with the best way being to hit the door with attacks until it is destroyed. To avoid any fire damage from potential heat burns, it's best to use a bow, which should take it down in two to three quick shots.

rescue the grand duke door

After knocking down this door, the Flaming Fists will escort Counsellor Florrick to safety outside, so follow along with your party. Once you reach the door, a cutscene will trigger with Counsellor Florrick, who will thank you for going out of your way to help save her from the fire and reveal that Duke Ravengard has been taken. She will then reveal that she believes he has been taken to Moonrise Towers, and will task you with assisting in tracking him down.

If you have Wyll in your party, he may also reveal here that he is Duke Ravengard's son, and will urge you to help him in saving the man. Finally, once this cutscene is done, you will get a popup window presenting you with a choice of one of three weapons to claim as a quest reward - the Joltshooter, the Spellsparkler, and the Sparky Points.

Baldur's Gate 3: How to Get Musical Instrument Proficiency Without the Performer Feat

Musical Instrument Proficiency is hard to come by in Baldur's Gate 3, but there is one way you can get this perk without the need for Feats.

Which Weapon Should You Choose?

joltshooter,sparky points, and spellsparkler

While the Joltshooter, Spellsparkly and Sparky Points all are very tempting weapons to obtain, you will only be able to pick one of the three options for the entirety of your Baldur's Gate 3 playthrough. For this reason, ensuring you make the best selection possible for your Class and build is highly important, as these are some of the best weapons in Act 1, and even in the entire game, when used correctly.

Because you can only pick one of the three weapons available, it's best to select with your main character that you'll be playing in mind - whether this is a custom Tav, or one of the origin characters. This way, you're likely to get the most use out of the weapon, rather than just sticking it on a companion who may not even utilize physical weapons, or even worse, end up abandoned at camp in favor of another party composition.

Baldur's Gate 3: Where To Find Arabella's Parents In Act 2

Baldur's Gate 3 players can help the young tiefling Arabella in the Druid Grove, but sadly that's not the end of her troubles.

The Joltshooter

the joltshooter

The Joltshooter is among the best ranged weapons that can be obtained early in Baldur's Gate 3. Each time the wielder deals damage with this bow, they gain 2 Lightning Charges, which will add extra Lightning Damage to their next attack. When you have someone proficient in bows, then this can stack up, especially if you're going for a sniper build such as an Assassin or Gloomstalker, as you can make this weapon even more potent with the Sharpshooter Feat. For this reason, Dexterity-based Classes will benefit from the Joltshooter most, with an approximate order of suitability as follows: Ranger, Rogue, DEX-based Fighter, Bard.

The Spellsparkler

The Spellsparkler's in-game desciption in Baldur's Gate 3

The Spellsparkler is a versatile Quarterstaff that can be used in more than one way to enable a strong spellcasting character. Most significantly, when the wielder casts a Spell or Cantrip, they gain 2 Lightning Charges, which will enable them to deal extra Lightning Damage on their next attack. However, a problem for spellcasters, especially in the early game, is that they may run out of Spell Slots, and be significantly weaker in combat when this occurs.

However, the Spellsparkler works as a decent melee weapon to get them through to the next Long Rest, and can even be quite cleverly used with the Polearm Master Feat to deal extra damage if you need to focus on physical attacks for a while. However, the Spellsparkler's primary use should be to enhance your spellcasting through the Cantrip perks, so this weapon is best suited to Wizards, Clerics, Sorcerers, and Warlocks.

The Sparky Points

the sparky points

The Sparky Points is a Trident that operates in the same format as the other two weapons, just at melee range. In other words, when you make a physical attack with this weapon, you'll gain 2 Lightning Charges that will convert into extra damage as combat progresses.

Tridents are a brilliant choice for frontlining, tanking melee character builds, so you'll benefit the most from this choice if you're looking for something to equip to a Barbarian, or Fighter as this can be used to proc the Great Weapon Master Feat when wielded in two hands. However, because this weapon is Versatile, you may also be able to find success running it as a one-handed weapon on a Paladin, or a tanky Cleric build.

Baldur's Gate 3

PC , macOS , PS5 , Xbox Series X
August 3, 2023
Larian Studios