In Baldur's Gate 3, players will pick up an expansive range of items that have unique purposes and benefits, from amplifying a character build to helping you complete a quest or assisting you in navigating certain locations in Faerun.

Among the various items that can be acquired, there is the Spider's Lyre. This musical instrument can play a role at the beginning of Act 2, to ensure your party's safety while navigating the Shadow-Cursed Lands, so knowing how it can be obtained can be highly beneficial for a playthrough.

Baldur's Gate 3: 11 Most Important Choices In Act 3

The most important choices in Baldur's Gate 3 lie within the game's third act, which can have vital consequences for the player and their party.

How to Get the Spider's Lyre in Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3 Minthara

In Baldur's Gate 3, the Spider's Lyre can be used at the beginning of Act 2 to summon Kar'niss and grant you safe passage through the Shadow-Cursed Lands, making it a worthwhile item to seek out.

Thankfully, there are multiple ways to obtain this Lyre, and they are all relatively straightforward and cover a variety of different playstyles (good-aligned, neutral, and evil). There are two characters from which the Spyder's Lyre can be obtained: Minthara or Nere. For each of these characters, there are also two ways in which the Spider's Lyre can be earned, enabling you to choose the path that best suits the style of gameplay you wish to go for.

How to Get the Spider's Lyre From Minthara

Baldur's Gate 3 Minthara Talking

The first method in which you can get the Spider's Lyre from Minthara also tends to be the quickest and easiest. To acquire this instrument, you will need to find your way to Emerald Grove and speak to Zevlor, head of the Tieflings. He will reveal that there is inner conflict between the Teiflings and the Druids, due to the threat of the Goblins. This will prompt a quest that involves taking down all three Goblin Camp leaders, with Minthara at the top of the chain.

You will now need to travel through and reach Blighted Village. From here, the Goblin Camp is just a short stride down the hill and across the bridge. Now, head inside the Shattered Sanctum building, where the leaders will be located in various rooms or areas.

While it's true that defeating all three Goblin Camp leaders or slaughtering the entire camp is worthwhile, you may choose to single out Minthara, as she is located in a separate room. Of course, this won't complete the quest in which you save the Tieflings from the Grove, but it will enable you to snag the Spider's Lyre as quickly as possible to ensure you have the item for later. After this, you can head out to do a few other quests and gain a couple of levels before returning to take on the rest of the camp, if required.

Minthara's Location In The Goblin Camp

Minthara will be located in a room inside Shattered Sanctum at the Goblin Camp, at the approximate map coordinates of X: 334, Y: 45.

minthara map location

Once you have located her, there are two routes available:

  1. You can attack Minthara immediately. You will need to engage in combat, wipe out the few enemies in the room, and then retrieve the Spider's Lyre from her corpse.
  2. Alternatively, you can speak to her. This involves convincing Minthara that you are a True Soul and an ally who will lead her to the Grove to slaughter everyone inside.

Consequences Of Speaking To Minthara

If you choose the second option, Minthara will tell you that she will march with her army to the Grove the next morning. After returning to Emerald Grove and taking a Long Rest, you will need to head to the lookout on top of the gates and blow the warhorn. Minthara will believe you to be on her side, but you can flip the encounter on her, and defend the Grove alongside the Tieflings. This will enable you to take on the Goblin Camp with many more allies, which may be a handy route to take if you believe your party would struggle to achieve this task on their own. After this, you may simply loot the Spider's Lyre from her corpse once the battle is over.

For players looking to participate in an evil playthrough, or who wish to recruit Minthara, there is a second method that can be followed to gain the Spider's Lyre. In this scenario, you will need to travel to the Goblin Camp and speak to her, convincing her that you are an ally. However, this time you will need to see the plan through and slaughter Emerald Grove with Minthara and the Goblins. After doing so, Minthara and the Golbins will throw a party in celebration of the successful raid upon your next Long Rest. During this time, she will gift you the Spider's Lyre, and tell you to venture forth to Baldur's Gate 3's Moonrise Towers.

7 Darkest Choices In Baldur's Gate 3, Ranked

Players have a wide variety of choices they can make in Baldur's Gate 3, but some of them are far darker than most.

How to Get the Spider's Lyre From Nere

Nere in Baldur’s Gate 3

To obtain the Spider's Lyre from True Soul Nere, you will have to make a similar decision as with Minthara. First, you will need to locate Nere by traveling to the Underdark and taking the boat to Grymforge. Once you arrive here, you will encounter Nere, who is overseeing a group of Deep Gnomes he has enslaved. You will now be presented with a choice:

  1. Stand up against Nere and defend the Deep Gnomes by facing him and his followers in combat.
  2. Finish the Deep Gnomes off to impress Nere.

Stand Up Against Nere

If you choose the first option, you'll need to be prepared for a combat that can be decently challenging, especially if you are under-leveled. You may also want to make a point of keeping characters with a weak Strength skill away from the ledges, as they can be shoved into the lava by stronger opponents, which will instantly kill them. However, as with most combat encounters, this can easily be overcome with strategy and target prioritization. After finishing this combat, you can simply loot the Spider's Lyre from True Soul Nere's body.

Grymforge in Baldur's Gate 3

Kill The Deep Gnomes

If you choose to slay the Deep Gnomes, Nere will be amused and pleased with this act and will give you the Spider's Lyre as a gift. Once you have this item, you can now progress into Act 2 whenever you find yourself ready, as it will come in extremely handy when needing to find your way to Moonrise Towers.

What to Do With the Spider's Lyre in Baldur's Gate 3

Spider's Lyre

Once you have acquired the Spider's Lyre, you will first need to ensure you wrap up any loose ends in Act 1 that you may want to complete, including the Underdark, Mountain Pass, Grymforge, Githyanki Creche, and Gnarled Teahouse, just to name a few. Once you head into Act 2, enter the Shadow-Cursed Lands, and work your way down to Kansif and his group, who have made a makeshift camp at the approximate coordinates of X:96 Y:-53. This route is most easily accessed via the Mountain Pass.

Once you arrive at this camp, speak to Kansif, who will give you the option to play the Spider's Lyre during the dialogue with him, which will summon Kar'niss the Drider. This will require a Performance Check, but there are no repercussions for failing this one, other than Kar'niss making a snarky comment about the horrendous noise you made. Now he will appear and prepare to guide you through the Shadow-Cursed Lands and assist you in reaching Moonrise Towers.

BG3 Kar'niss the Drider

Note that to summon Kar'niss you have to play the Spider's Lyre in the dialogue with Kansif. No amount of playing it through an action will be successful. Because of this, it also means that you will need to have the Spider's Lyre in the inventory of whichever character you will be using to lead this conversation.

Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate
PC , macOS , PS5 , Xbox Series X
August 3, 2023
Larian Studios