
  • Baldur's Gate 3 comes with 12 classes, each of them with the option to multiclass into the other classes.
  • Though each class has a clear identity, differences in abilities, builds, and attributes make some classes harder to master over others.
  • Some classes, like Wizards, come with a low HP which can be punishing to deal with if players don't know how to properly position or guard themselves.

Baldur's Gate 3 has twelve incredible classes for players to choose from when they first start their adventure in this role-playing game. Within these twelve classes is then also a wide variety of subclasses that allow the player to customize how their character fairs in battle even further.

Baldur's Gate 3: Hardest Fights In Act 3

As the final act in Baldur's Gate 3, it is no surprise that it has some of the hardest fights. These should be tackled with caution and preparation.

While many of these classes in Baldur's Gate 3 can be incredibly easy for a beginner to learn, others even in this category can take a player some time to master fully. This includes mainly the classes that use magic but also a few of those that see the player in the front lines with a sword in their hand. While a player should feel free to play any class they can imagine, these few are by far the hardest classes to master.

Updated on February 15, 2024, by Megan Smith: Baldur's Gate 3 is still an incredibly popular RPG that will be released in 2023. The game now has over half a million reviews on Steam, with the game still being deemed overwhelmingly positive by those who have reviewed it. The game is available on the vast majority of platforms, including the Xbox Series X/S which the game was published on in December of last year. The game has continued to sweep people away. Since there are still plenty of players getting stuck into BG3 fresh, they may be wondering which of the Baldur's Gate 3 classes is perfect for beginners or what could be deemed the hardest BG3 class to master. While there isn't really the worst class in BG3, there are classes for players that are easier to master. With this in mind, these are the classes that players are likely to struggle to master on their first playthrough.

10 Magical Rogues Are Confusing

Learning How To Balance Magic And Stealth

Baldur's Gate 3 Astarion rogue dagger
  • Arcane Trickster
  • Thief
  • Assassin

Rogues can be incredibly deadly, especially if the player focuses on leveling them up purely as a rogue to increase the amount of sneak attack damage they do with either a sword or a bow. However, when players are met with their three subclass options at level three, this is where a player may start to struggle to master the perfect rogue build.

Each subclass has its own strengths, with players likely picking them for different reasons, though the hardest to master has to be the Arcane Trickster due to a player struggling to balance their magic alongside their damage. A player hoping to make the most of the magic of an Arcane Trickster will need a decent intelligence, or their spells will be useless.

9 Druids Have Great Potential To Be Versatile

Choosing Between Spells Or A Focus On Wild Shape

Baldur's Gate 3 Halsin medium close-up from Druid Grove meeting cutscene

Druids may be one of the easiest classes for a player to learn, but that doesn't make them easy to master. Many players enjoy recruiting the likes of Halsin or Jaheira, or making their own druid due to the versatility given to them by the choice of subclass.

Players who want to play as a tank may choose Circle of the Moon, while a player looking for a better spellcaster may choose Circle of the Land instead. Learning how to balance both spells and wild shapes, no matter what subclass they choose, can be the biggest challenge of all for mastering the Druid class.

8 A Lack Of Spells Makes Warlock's Complex

Warlocks That Don't Take Pact Of The Blade

A close up of Wyll the Warlock in Baldur's Gate 3
  • The Fiend
  • The Great Old One
  • Archfey

Warlocks, although powerful, have a limited number of spell slots. While these spells do replenish every short rest, in some combat situations the extra spell slots on hand can be just as crucial as the ability to get them back quicker.

Baldur's Gate 3: 10 Spells To Avoid

Some of Baldur's Gate 3's spells, despite their promising descriptions, fall flat when cast. Here's what players shouldn't invest in as casters.

While those who are new to the game may still find enjoyment in the class, especially if they choose the Pact of the Blade, which gives them the capability of taking part in melee combat without a disadvantage, others may wish to create a true slinger of spells. Learning what spells are worth having and what can be replaced is crucial to making a Warlock that even holds its own at later levels.

7 Rangers Are More Than Bow Users

Gloom Stalker Has Potential If Mastered

Baldur's Gate 3 He Who Was
  • Gloom Stalker
  • Beast Master
  • Hunter

Many players may fall into the trap of assuming that since the class is called Ranger, the only weapon they could possibly use on them is that of a bow. However, those who truly wish to master the class should be experimenting with various weaponry to truly dominate the battlefield.

The Beast Master subclass is great for a beginner as it gives them an extra companion, although those who truly wish to become a powerful Ranger should instead take up the title of a Gloom Stalker. With the Ambush feature allowing a player a free bonus action attack, Gloom Stalkers can deal with a problem before a turn is even over.

6 Monks Are The Apparent Weakest Melee Class

Way Of The Open Hand Can Control The Battlefield

Baldur's Gate 3 Dragonborn As A Monk In Character Creation
  • Way of the Four Elements
  • Way of Shadow
  • Way of the Open Hand

As mentioned, while many of the hardest classes to master are those that contain spells, Monks are a melee class that still carries a lot of potential as long as a player is willing to put in the effort to learn them. A regular Monk is easy to understand though difficult to keep alive as they don't have the hit points to rely on that a Fighter or a Barbarian may have.

However, the subclass Way of the Open Hand gives the player the chance to have more control over the situation they find themselves in. This essentially gives the class its own form of magic that can only be used when spending Ki points. Learning when to sacrifice these points and what abilities to use will finally turn the player into a Master Monk.

5 Paladins Can Do More Than Smite

Oathbreaker Paladins Have Great Power And No Oath

Baldur's Gate 3 Minthara At Camp
  • Oathbreaker
  • Oath of Vengeance
  • Oath of the Ancients
  • Oath of Devotion

Any player that has chosen to play as a Paladin has likely easily got through Baldur's Gate 3 by simply smiting any enemy they have faced. While this is a viable option to get through the game, the Paladin class does also have some other tricks up its gauntlets that a player will need to make the most of if they truly wish to master this class.

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Allies In The Final Battle, Ranked

The final battles in Baldur's Gate 3 allow the player to summon various allies to join them on the battlefield. These ones provide the best support.

Out of the available subclass options, Oathbreaker is one of the hardest for a player to master, although they no longer need to worry about giving their oath in check. Figuring out when it would be better to multi-attack and when a spell is a great choice can turn a player's paladin into a powerhouse that can even wipe the floor on Tactician difficulty.

4 Master The Squish Of A Wizard

Almost Any Subclass Of The Wizard Is Hard To Master

Gale in Baldur's Gate 3
  • Abjuration School
  • Necromancy School
  • Divination School
  • Enchantment School
  • Evocation School
  • Necromancy School
  • Illusion School
  • Transmutation School

Wizards are one of the deadliest spellcasting classes in Baldur's Gate 3. They have the potential to learn any spell in the game as long as they have found a scroll of it and then proceed to cast it at even higher levels. The only issue with Wizards is their lack of health.

Players are likely to get annoyed with spellcasters like Gale, as it may always seem like he's going down in battle. Mastering his health is just as important as mastering the class in general and therefore finding a way of keeping a wizard protected will then allow players to experiment with what spells work best. Learning combinations of spells that also work well together is another sure way to master this class.

3 Sorcerers Are Like Wizards But With More Stuff To Remember

Wild Magic Can Make Or Break A Player

Baldur's Gate 3 Githyanki As A Sorcerer In Character Creation
  • Wild Magic
  • Draconic Bloodline
  • Storm Sorcery

Squishy yet powerful, Sorcerers are another spellcasting class that with enough practice can be the winning option for any player's team. Besides having deadly spells that they simply know from their magical blood players can expend sorcerer points to enhance the effects of their magic.

Mastering what Sorcerer point features to choose and figuring out what spells best benefit them is only one step to mastering this difficult class. Selecting a subclass like Wild Magic can make it even harder for a player to master as they must learn what potential hazards their own spellcaster could cause by simply using their spell slots.

2 Clerics Suffer From Too Much Choice

War Domain Has The Chance Of Combing Spells And Melee

Baldur's Gate 3: Shadowheart
  • War Domain
  • Tempest Domain
  • Trickery Domain
  • Knowledge Domain
  • Life Domain
  • Nature Domain
  • Light Domain

While Clerics do have the potential to be great supporting spellcasters and primary healers for a player's party, subclasses like War Domain give players the potential to take on a more front-line role in their group.

Baldur's Gate 3: 8 Tips For Beating The Game On Tactician Difficulty

Tactician Mode is the hardest difficulty Baldur's Gate 3 has to offer. Here's how players can emerge victorious.

Clerics don't normally have multi-attack though when playing as a War Domain one, it contains a feature that can be used multiple times before a long rest that allows them to hit again. This is another situation for players of mastering when it's the right time to use a spell and when it might be a better idea for their cleric to instead be in the heart of battle.

1 Bards Have Great Potential If Used Right

Deciding On What The Party Needs From A Bard Is The Hardest Part

Baldur's Gate 3 Bard Playing Music
  • College of Swords
  • College of Valour
  • College of Lore

Out of the twelve available classes in Baldur's Gate 3, by far the hardest to master out of all of them has to be the Bard. With no companion fulfilling the role of this class from the start, it's down to the player to decide if they wish to dedicate themselves to mastering this class.

Besides the potential to boost the rolls of their fellow party members both in and out of combat, Bards have multiple spells that can easily control the battle if used correctly. Those who choose the College of Lore will have more spell versatility while those who have instead taken the College of Valor can focus on melee instead. These decisions combined with its features make Bards difficult to master.

Baldur's Gate 3

PC , macOS , PS5 , Xbox Series X
August 3, 2023
Larian Studios