
  • Gain companions' approval through dialogue and quests for successful romances in Baldur's Gate 3 .
  • Specific actions and decisions affect romance outcomes with companions like Gale, Wyll, and Lae'zel.
  • Careful planning and strategic choices are necessary for progressing romance with characters like Astarion and Halsin.

Baldur's Gate 3, has been praised for its story, its gameplay, and of course its numerous romance options. Throughout Baldur's Gate 3, players can engage in both flings and fully-fledged romances that change and evolve with the choices that players make throughout their journeys, whether they be steeped in violence, kindness, or a healthy mix of both.

Baldur's Gate 3: 9 Best Hidden Treasures To Find

Finding hidden treasure can be a joy for Baldur's Gate 3 players, especially when they can discover piles of loot and powerful gear.

In order to unlock these special relationships, players will need to gain the approval of their chosen companion by picking dialogue options and making decisions that their romance option likes. Along with this, companion quests will need to be completed, leading to hard encounters and moral decisions that could test the player in ways they had not foreseen.

8 Gale

Magical Items Create A Waterdeep Bond

Gale in Baldur's Gate 3

Gale has a unique condition, one that has been plaguing him for some time. Not only can it prove instrumental for one of the many endings of Baldur's Gate 3, but it also proves an easy way of getting his approval and subsequent romance. Every time players mellow the affliction by handing Gale magical items, they also increase his approval.

Along with doing generally good actions throughout the campaign and indulging in their idle curiosities, players should win the wizard's heart without much fuss. The Wizard from Waterdeep doesn't have a boss encounter tied to his personal quest either, making it even easier to view the stars with him, and he will happily romance the player at the Druid's Grove party if they show enough interest.

7 Wyll

Save His Father And Form A Loving Pact

A close up of Wyll the Warlock in Baldur's Gate 3

Whilst the Blade of Frontiers is a hero in action and legend, as well as one of the better classes of Warlock, he is also under contract with the Cambion Mizora. Players will need to side with the Tieflings at Druid Grove, or else Wyll will leave the party. So long as players are kind-natured and willing to help out the less fortunate, Wyll is more than likely to be courted and kissed at the Tiefling Party in Act 1.

Baldur's Gate 3: 19 Things It Improved From Divinity Original Sin 2

Baldur's Gate 3 has made substantial improvements from Divinity: Original Sin 2 that fans will appreciate.

If players want to get the full Wyll romance experience, they will need to save Wyll's father Duke Ravenguard in The Iron Throne. With a timer and the potential of Mizora meddling to make the encounter harder, players will need to prioritize the Duke to see him to safety and secure Wyll's heart.

6 Lae'zel

Save The Gith And Savor Her Love

Lae'zel in Baldur's Gate 3

The Githyanki at first may seem aggressive and hostile to the player, though, with a few of the right dialogue options and plenty of violent battles, players will start to chip away at Lae'zels hardened exterior, and discover she wishes to lay and taste Tav. The main difficulty will come with how the player approaches Lae'zel's questline and the outcome of the player's visit to the Githyanki Crèche. It is easy to make Lae'zel hostile if players go against the wishes of Vlaakith but if players can succeed on a persuasion check, she'll stand down.

So long as players showcase their strength as capable fighters to Lae'zel, as well as realizing that her aggression comes from being in an unknown place so far from home, Lae'zel will be more than willing to go from a purely physical relationship to something deeper with the player. Lae'zel's romance has a natural progression, as she has more of a friends-with-benefits type deal with Tav until she learns more about the Gith people, and Orpheus himself. Eventually, Lae'zel will desire nothing but the player, and they can forge a bond through blood and desire.

5 Karlach

Keep Her Engine Burning To Keep Her Heart Beating


Karlach herself is quite easy to please so long as players masquerade themselves as heroes, helping people out when they can and being good people. The difficulty lies within her questline. With Karlach's first whereabouts at the Risen Road quite easy to miss, players could find themselves skipping over her entirely, or even killing her as part of Wyll's questline.

This, coupled with the procurement of Infernal Iron as well as the help of Tiefling blacksmith Damon who needs to be kept alive, may lead to some frustrating resets as players try to keep the infernal engine burning. Yet, Karlach isn't too hard to romance, and players can spend a lovely and fiery night with her if they have fire resistance and bottles of water to cool her down. After all, on a good playthrough, it's likely that Karlach will make advances.

4 Astarion

Confront His Master For A Relationship Stronger Than Blood

Baldur's Gate 3 Astarion

The nobleman vampire may seem tricky to those who are looking for a good playthrough, though as long as players treat Astarion humanely when others would treat him as a monster, players will find themselves a romance that is more than worthwhile. Key to getting on Astarion's good side are players being willing to part with some of their precious blood, as well as making sure to get a reward for their various deeds. A penchant for the finer things in life shouldn't go amiss either, as would indulging in some chaotic evil acts from time to time.

Astarion's questline will also lead players into a tough boss fight with his former master that could prove tricky to beat without sufficient planning. Astarion may start the relationship with the mere amusement of casual lust, but feelings deepen, and he realizes that after 200 years as a vampire spawn, he can love, and allow himself to be loved, so long as the player does not betray him or make him do things that he feels inclined to not reject, like making him drink Araj Oblodra's blood.

3 Halsin

Cure The Shadowfell And Halsin Will Bear His Heart

Baldur's Gate 3 Player Discovers Secret Passageway

The Archdruid is one of the easier companions to romance, though notably, players will need to side with the Druids and Tieflings at the Druid Grove to have Halsin as a recruitable companion. Afterward, if players show an interest in him at the party after the Druid Grove and complete his personal quest in the Shadowfell region, they should win his heart.

Completing Halsin's quest provides such a large increase in approval that players don't have to go out of their way to appease the Druid with kind acts. The most difficult fight will have players defending an objective, but with the right strategy, the fight shouldn't be too hard. However, they won't be engaging in a romance with Halsin until later into the game, so many might not see his romance until the middle of Act 2, or even Act 3.

2 Shadowheart

Uncover Her Secrets And Uncover Her Feelings

Shadowheart holding the Astral Prism in Baldur's Gate 3

Players may find it rather difficult to soften the judgmental gaze of Shar's Favourite Princess, though it does lead to one of the best romances in the game. Shar's Chosen can be hard to figure out on a first playthrough, but players should get to share a bottle of good vintage wine with the Daughter of Darkness, as Shadowheart enjoys a good bottle, and kindness to animals and children, which will further unlock secrets and memories for players to help her uncover.

Baldur's Gate 3: 8 Best Hirelings To Add To Your Party

For those looking for the best hirable characters in Baldur's Gate 3, these Hirelings are a great and safe bet to join the party.

Her approval isn't the only thing to conquer, with Shadowheart's personal quest bringing players to difficult dungeons such as the Gauntlet of Shar and one of the more challenging fights in Shadowheart's childhood home of the House of Grief. With her quest having large implications on the final Act of the main story along with gaining powerful magic items in Act 2, players will be provided plenty of tough decisions that lead to moral quandaries. Players won't be able to fully commit to Shadowheart until the end of Act 2 if they play their cards right.

1 Minthara

Forsake Other Companions For Absolute Love

Minthara scowling in Baldur's Gate 3

The traditional way of recruiting Minthara to camp and subsequently having her around for the longest time means siding with the Goblins and destroying the refuges at the Druid Grove, a choice that should be made before players finish Act 1 for the evil Tavs out there. This act causes some companions to leave camp, giving players fewer characters to form a party with. This route also leads to the player having to kill a lot of innocents, which is difficult on a moral basis for good characters.

The only workaround for Minthara to join a party that sides with the Druid Grove is for a player to knock her out with a non-lethal attack in Act 1 and then recruit her in Moonrise Towers, significantly reducing the time players get to spend with the Absolutist since it cuts off lots of story content through companions leaving and the unconventional way to counteract this. Some players may believe Minthara is more trouble than she's worth, but her inherently evil traits provide plenty of intrigue, and beauty.

Baldur's Gate 3

PC , macOS , PS5 , Xbox Series X
August 3, 2023
Larian Studios