
  • Linebreaker Boots offer Wrath in combat, but players will need to fight hard to escape the Goblin Camp with them.
  • Watersparkers electrify water surfaces, but stealing them from Minthara may lead to a deadly confrontation.
  • Dark Justiciar Boots offer shadow teleportation, but players must decide if they are willing to walk a dark path.

Baldur’s Gate 3 has been everyone’s favorite hyperfixation since it was released in August 2023. This turn-based RPG by Larian Studios is filled with all the best parts of any good Dungeons & Dragons campaign, especially when it comes to loot. Whether it’s by completing quests or looting bodies, players will quickly have an abundance of magical armor, weapons, and other enchanted items to beef up their characters.

Baldur's Gate 3 Armor Build Is Virtually Invincible

A clever Baldur's Gate 3 player creates an armor build that is so powerful it makes it almost impossible to hit their character with attacks.

Footwear might not be most player’s first thought when it comes to loot, but boots are not meant to be underestimated. There are plenty of boots in the game that give companions a real boost in combat. But just like anything worth having, obtaining some of these magical shoes isn’t always easy.

6 Linebreaker Boots

Finding Them Is Easy, Leaving With Them Is The Hard Part

Linebreaker Boots






  • Adrenaline Rush: When the wearer Dashes or takes a similar action during combat, they gain Wrath for 3 turns.

Players can find the Linebreaker Boots deep within the Goblin Camp. Just enter the Shattered Sanctum, pop down to the warg den, and kill Beastmaster Zurk to loot them. It may sound easy at first glance, sure. The real trouble comes when it’s time to leave with those boots.

The warg den is also where a certain Archdruid Halsin is being kept prisoners, which the player has likely been tasked with finding. After he’s rescued, he’ll offer to accompany the party and slaughter all goblins who remain. If that happens, players will need to fight tooth and nail to get out of the Goblin Camp with their shiny loot in tow.

5 The Watersparkers

Right Behind The Angry Drow Lady







  • Electrify Water: When the wearer stands in Water during combat, it becomes Electrified Water.
  • Watersparks: If the wearer starts their turn on an Electrified Water surface, they gain 3 Lightning Charges.

Some players love Minthara. Others love to hate her. But if there’s one thing almost everyone can agree on, it’s that this paladin hits like a freight train. She’s also surrounded by reinforcements and a bottomless chasm that is all too easy to fall into.

It’s right behind this Absolutist terror that gamers will find a small gilded chest containing the Watersparkers, the perfect shoes to give a certain wizard friend (to wear, not to eat). The question is, how to get them? Sneakier players may try to distract or sneak past Minthara and her entourage to steal them. Others may try to suck it up and pick a very deadly fight. Either way, Minthara will not be thrilled with the outcome.

4 Boots of Brilliance

All That Lies Between The Player And These Boots Is An Orthon

Boots of Brilliance






  • Restore Bardic Inspiration: Play your instrument to restore one of your Bardic Inspiration slots (Recharge: Long rest).

The Gauntlet of Shar is an ordeal, to be sure, especially on repeated playthroughs. Still, it’s got some good encounters and loot to make up for it. One of those encounters happens to be against Yurgir the Orthon, one of the toughest battles in Act 2.

Whether players manage to defeat him the hard way or succeed on some very challenging Persuasion rolls, they’ll need to venture north of him to find the Boots of Brilliance. These boots are so out-of-the-way, that some players might not even know they exist.

3 Dark Justiciar Boots

A Price Paid In Divine Blood

Dark Justiciar Boots





Medium armor

  • Dexterity Saving throws +1
  • Shadow Teleportation: Teleport to an unoccupied, obscured spot (Recharge: Short rest)

Speaking of the Gauntlet of Shar, most players tend to agree that the event at the very end of the dungeon is one of the game’s highest moments. After so much build-up, the party finally finds the legendary Nightsong, and Shadowheart’s quest line comes to a crossroads.

Baldur's Gate 3: Should You Save or Kill Nightsong?

The Nightsong quest is part of Shadowheart's quest chain in Act 2, and players can either choose to kill her or get Shadowheart to keep her alive.

If Shadowheart denies the destiny Shar tried to force on her, then she’ll never become a Dark Justiciar. If she does follow her goddess’s demands, however, part of her reward is a pair of Dark Justiciar boots. For players trying to put together the whole armor set, this is the last piece they need. But are any shoes truly worth walking down such a dark path?

2 Disintegrating Night Walkers

Wipe That Smug Look Off Nere’s Face, Then Swipe His Shoes

Disintegrating Night Walkers




Very Rare


  • Night Walker: Can't be Enwebbed, Entangled, or Ensnared and can't slip on Grease or Ice.
  • Misty Step: Cast as a level 2 spell (Recharge: Short rest).

True Soul Nere is one of those antagonists that most players can’t wait to turn into a red smear. He’s arrogant, condescending, and fanatical, which makes the fight against him all the more satisfying. Even more satisfying, his Disintegrating Night Walkers are some of the best boots in the entire game.

Getting through the Grymforge questline to fight him is only one of the reasons getting these boots is so annoying. Many players have encountered a glitch in the game where trying to loot the body counts as stealing. No matter who players allied with during the battle, it seems no one wants them to take Nere’s heador his shoes.

1 Tyrannical Jackboots

High Fashion Comes With A High Price

Tyrannical Jackboots






  • Scintillating: You gain a +1 bonus to Charisma Ability checks and Saving throws.

Lord Enver Gortash is many things: an inventor, an arm’s dealer, a tyrant, and, apparently, a fashionista. His threads are highly coveted by many players for their sheer aesthetics. Some even mod the game so they can dress up their favorite characters in their attire earlier than Act 3.

But for those gamers looking to get his gear, including his Tyrannical Jackboots, the old-fashioned way, they’ve got their work cut out for them. He’s not one to go down without a fight, thanks to his gadgets and Steel Watch bodyguards. Climbing right up his tower to fight him is quite the challenge, so many players opt to go the more indirect route by taking out his Steel Watch first. Either way, defeating this tyrannical Chosen is no small feat.

Baldur's Gate 3

PC , macOS , PS5 , Xbox Series X
August 3, 2023
Larian Studios