
  • Accessories in Baldur's Gate 3 are varied and can be found through various means such as enemy drops, vendors, hidden locations, and looting bodies.
  • The best accessories in the game are often obtained from boss fights or high-profile quests, adding to the game's trademark creativity.
  • Some accessories are easy to miss but can be incredibly useful, requiring players to use their creativity, patience, and sharp eye to find them.

Accessories in RPGs can be a variety of trinkets, charms, or baubles, and Baldur's Gate 3 has a whole drawer full of necklaces and rings that fall into this category. They can drop from enemies, be purchased from vendors, wait in hidden locations like chests, and be looted from bodies.

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Clothing

From Gortash's garbs to Isobel's robes, players can't go wrong with the following clothing items in Baldur's Gate 3.

Players will have their plans when it comes to builds, buffs, and cosmetics, so there's no telling what accessories are best for what until they can try them out. In keeping with the game's trademark creativity, all the best items drop from a boss or are rewards from a high-profile quest. Sometimes the best accessories in Baldur's Gate 3 are easy to find and acquire, but they're also just as easy to miss.

5 Amulet Of Sylvanus

Hidden Near The Druid Grove

druid grove halsin and melian bg3
  • Uncommon, gives the wearer the ability to cast Lesser Restoration

It's nice to find an Uncommon level item at this early point in the game, especially one that players don't have to take any risks to find. What is required is some creativity, some patience, and a sharp eye, which is why this useful accessory is so easy to miss.

The Amulet of Sylvanus is hidden under a rock on a small bit of shoreline near the wooden elevator. It's such a small area that many players walk right past it. Use the hand icon to drag and drop the big slab of rock, and waiting underneath is the amulet.

4 Fetish Of Callarduran Smoothhands

Only Available Through Certain Dialogue Choices

Entering Grymforge in Baldur's Gate 3
  • Rare, allows the wearer to cast level 2 Invisibility

Plenty of great loot comes from picking through dead enemies, which seems obvious, but is easy to forget to do regularly. There are plenty of corpses in Grymforge, most of them thanks to the Druegar slavers, and there are some that players can only search after a dialogue scene.

Baldur's Gate 3: Most Important Events In Act 1, Ranked

In Act 1 of Larian's Baldur's Gate 3, a few important events will define most playthroughs, even if the overall journeys are very different.

Directly across from the Grymforge Waypoint, on the other side of the boat dock, two Druegar are disposing of dead Gnomes by pushing them into the water. If players speak to them, and succeed in the dice roll, they can then loot the Gnome bodies, and one of them has the Fetish of Callarduran Smoothhands.

3 Corvid Token

Purchased From Mattis In Act 3

  • Very Rare, gives the wearer the power of Polymorph: Dire Raven (also grants Feather Fall), the ability of Boon of the Raven Queen (adds 5 feet to movement speed)

This handy and valuable accessory is only available if players succeed in saving Mattis, one of the Tieflings from the Druid Grove. He's the one standing next to the stairs who tries to trick Tav with a magical ring. If all goes well in Act 2, and he survives Shadow-Cursed Lands to travel to Baldur's Gate, players can find him in Rivington by the Requisitions Barn.

By this time, Mattis has some exciting new stock, and one of the nicest pieces is the Corvid Token. Miss any of the steps to bring Mattis this far in the story, or fail to find him in Act 3, and players will miss this amulet.

2 Sentient Amulet

In An Obscure Corner Of Grymforge

Help the Cursed Monk
  • Rare, ability to cast Shatter, Monks can use it for Ki Restoration.

Players could easily miss the whole section of Grymforge where the Adamantine Forge is located, let alone the corner of bubbling hell where the Sentient Amulet is found. The location is what keeps most players from finding this unique accessory, which not only grants the wearer some handy abilities but also starts a quest, "Help The Cursed Monk."

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Shortswords, Ranked

Not all Shortswords in Baldur's Gate 3 are created equal. Here are the best ones players can find on their journey.

This is one of the few accessories in the game that changes depending on the choices the player makes later. If they help the Monk, the amulet doesn't change but players gain the ability to cast the spell Tasha's Hideous Laughter. Fighting the Monk, on the other hand, upgrades this item to Very Rare status and makes the Ki Restoration feature more powerful, which is a good choice for Monks.

1 Amulet Of The Devout

Hidden In A Basement, Protected By A Curse

Stormshore_tabernacle interior baldur's gate 3-1
  • Very Rare, grants High Spellcasting (+2 bonus to spell saves), and Godswill (extra use of the Channel ability if players already have it).

It's not likely that players would even find the Stormshore Tabernacle if it wasn't a part of Gale's companion quest, "The Wizard of Waterdeep." Even fewer players take the initiative to find the basement, and when they do, they might not want to take their chances with a curse and a Deva.

The Amulet of the Devout is in a chest in the basement of the Tabernacle, and getting it is more than just a matter of picking the lock. This is the offering chest for the temple, so it's guarded by all kinds of magical traps and spells.

If players steal it, they'll be struck by a curse, Castigated by Divinity, which means they'll die if they get knocked out or fall asleep. Use Remove Curse, a spell that's commonly known by Clerics and Wizards, to negate the effect, just be prepared to fight the Deva that appears afterward.

Baldur's Gate 3

PC , macOS , PS5 , Xbox Series X
August 3, 2023
Larian Studios