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  • Baldur's Gate 3 is a great introduction to the Dungeons & Dragons universe, and new players don't need any prior knowledge or experience to enjoy it.
  • Creating a custom character is recommended for the first playthrough, as it allows players to explore the game's world and characters from a fresh perspective.
  • Players should choose a class that suits their playstyle and preferences, as there are multiple options to choose from, each offering a unique gameplay experience.

Baldur's Gate 3 has launched to critical acclaim with fans and critics alike. It was already a popular title in early access on Steam, and considering how well-received Divinity: Original Sin 2 was, it shouldn't be a surprise that Baldur's Gate 3 from the same studio - Larian - is a fantastic RPG. The work that Larian has put into the title is paying off, as it's a runaway success on Steam and easily one of the best games of 2023.

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The beauty of Baldur's Gate 3 is that despite being set in the Dungeons & Dragons universe and adhering to the 5th Edition Ruleset, it's welcoming to players that have never experienced D&D in any format. However, the world of Baldur's Gate 3 is so vast and open that it can appear intimidating to newcomers and RPG veterans alike. These beginner's tips are meant to ease new players in gently without feeling overwhelmed by the complex and reactive world Larain has built.

10 You Don't Need To Be A D&D Expert

Baldur's Gate 3 Karlach

Baldur's Gate 3 is a vast experience designed around player choices. It's set in the Dungeons & Dragons realms, and there is a lot there that established fans will be familiar with. However, new players don't need to play the first two games in the series nor be familiar with anything D&D related at all to understand what's going on.

It's fair to say that Baldur's Gate 3 serves as a pleasing introduction to the universe and will make new fans of the lore, books, cartoons, films, and tabletop games.

9 Use A Custom Character For The First Playthrough

backgrounds baldur's gate 3 char creation

If Baldur's Gate 3 is a player's introduction to the universe, creating a custom character and exploring its world through new eyes could be the perfect way to familiarize oneself with its world and characters.

RELATED: Baldur's Gate 3: Pro Tips For Character Creation

There are preset characters that become party members throughout the story that players can choose instead. However, with multiple endings, choices, and cutscenes, Baldur's Gate 3 is meant to be played more than once. So experiencing the story again with the preset characters offers a new experience with even more character development.

8 Pick A Class That Suits You

Baldur's Gate 3 Shield Dwarf As A Rogue In Character Creation

Players can choose multiple classes, sub-classes, and personality traits at the character creation menu. There are several to choose from, Clerics, Druids, Barbarians, Monks, Wizards, Paladins, Fighters, Warlocks, Bards, and Rangers.

The best classes are subjective to the player's style and preferences, but it's a good idea to familiarize themselves with them before choosing. Whether a player wants to be Conan-like Barbarian or create a wizard that would give Gandalf a run for his money, there is something for everyone.

7 Use The Prologue To Experiment With Classes

Baldur's Gate 3 ship in the prologue

The prologue is a short tutorial to get used to a character's look and class. There are some fights to participate in, showing what the created character will look like in the game. Sometimes a created character can look great in the creation menu only to look like they're fighting a hangover as much as the Mind Flayers.

However, the most important is experimenting to see if the chosen class is a good fit. The sequences on the ship are short but extensive enough for a player to get an idea of what their character plays like.

6 You Can Change Classes Later On

Baldur's Gate 3 Hiring A New Party Member From Withers

Sometimes it can take longer than Baldur's Gate 3's introduction for players to wish they tried a different class for their custom character. Thankfully, players can change their minds later on. Unfortunately, there is no to change their appearance, race, gender, or their name.

However, for 100 Gold, players can try a new class if they regret the one they chose at the start. In Act 1, the team will stumble across a character named Withers. Withers can change the character's class and recruit hirelings as new party members.

5 Play It Your Way

Baldur's Gate 3 Spear +1

With the options to experiment and change classes, it's better not to stress whether the right or wrong choices have been made. Players can multi-class when they level up and be a jack of all trades. However, that means they'll miss out on some of the high-level spells and abilities for high-leveled characters. Either way, it's really to the player if they want to be a Barbarian and a Warlock, they can.

This extends to everything the game has to offer. It's better not to get too many hang-ups about making the right choices. The world develops organically around the player's decisions and actions. Baldur's Gate 3 is the player's story. So live it, enjoy it, and deal with the consequences and rewards based on the protagonist's actions.

4 Save Frequently

Baldur's Gate 3 character with a staff

Although saving frequently can go against the motif of just playing the game and accepting the consequences, playing Baldur's Gate 3 how a player wants can extend to the save the game feature frequently too.

If they aren't happy with the outcome of a dice roll or if they accidentally upset a character, they can reload one of their saves and try again. Moreover, it's a reasonable way to prepare for a battle or an encounter the party didn't see coming. Reloading a save means they can rest and recover their party and arm them correctly.

3 You Can Use Real-Time Or Turn-Based Control

Baldur's Gate 3 switching to turn-based mode

Combat in Baldur's Gate 3 is turn-based. Larian may add a real-time pause mechanic like the older games, but there is no way to change that now. However, the game has a turn-based control mode that can be switched on while exploring.

RELATED: Baldur's Gate 3: Best Spells For Crowd Control

It's restrictive when exploring the world map, but it's an excellent tool when exploring dungeons like the Goblin's hideout, filled with traps that can kill the party when triggered.

2 Make Conversation Choices Based On Skill


Characters of certain backgrounds and classes have specific conversational skills related to Charisma. For example, the Barbarian has good intimidation skills, while Bards have good performance skills.

As it's hard to predict when conversations can occur, saving before chatting to NPCs having audibly loud chats is recommended. These conversations can lead to side quests, rewards, and more. Use the best conversationalist before speaking to traders to lower their prices.

1 Don't Worry If You Fail A Dice Roll

Baldur's Gate 3 - dealing with a trader

Sometimes it's better to move on after failing a challenging dice roll instead of reloading an old save and trying again. For example, trying to use persuasion on a guard that wants to arrest the party in Baldur's Gate 3 with a score of 20 in a dice roll is likely to fail. So it's better to surrender, let them jail the party, and escape.

The stories of Baldur's Gate 3 are supposed to be unique, with choices, accomplishments, and failures impacting the world around the protagonist and how the people react.

Baldur's Gate 3 is available now for PC. The PlayStation 5 version is scheduled to launch on September 6th, 2023.

MORE: Baldur's Gate 3: Best Items To Get In Act 1