Though many games have tried to emulate the unique experience provided by tabletop RPG Dungeons and Dragons, many saw Baldur's Gate 3 as being the videogame that came closest to bringing a true DnD experience to players. Even with a huge patch being released recently that changes the HUD, UI, and adds a new Barbarian class, Baldur's Gate 3 still seems a long way from its official launch.

Developer Larion Studios initially had set a loose date of some time in 2022 as when Baldur's Gate 3 would exit its early access phase and be available for all. Yet, despite Baldur's Gate 3 being one of the most anticipated RPGs of 2022, it seems that Larion need more time to give the game extra quality. “Our internal goal post for release is a quality bar rather than a date," said Larion Studios founder Swen Vincke in a recent press event.

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Currently, 2022 is seen internally by Larion Studios as an unlikely date for Baldur's Gate 3 to exit early access. 2023 seems the more appropriate date, according to Vincke, who revealed that the release date "will come when we’re even closer to meeting our goal, but right now our expectation is that Baldur’s Gate 3 will be released out of Early Access in 2023.” Fortunately for fans hoping to get their hands on some DnD adventures in a videogame format, Vincke also said that "we think we’re in our last year of development. We do still think we have a year of development ahead of us, so it’s unlikely it will be this year [2022]. But we are at the end, so we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel now."

It's clear to see the work that Larion Studios is putting into Baldur's Gate 3. Constant patches for the game are being released, such as one that prevented corpses from moving around. Moreover, Baldur's Gate 3 has been consistently praised for being a DnD game that captures the feel of the original tabletop game. From allowing players to avoid combat if they see fit, to accurate portrayals of DnD monsters, the game seems to many players that it is aiming for a high level of quality and commitment.

It was known back in the summer of 2021 that Baldur's Gate 3 would be remaining in early access for quite some time, so the news that the game will most likely be delayed until 2023 is disappointing, yet it is not entirely unexpected. As Baldur's Gate 3 continues to be improved with new patches and updates, the light can be seen at the end of the tunnel, making the wait a little easier for players.

Baldur's Gate 3 is available in early access now for PC and Stadia.

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