
  • Baldur's Gate 3 shines with intricate writing and unforgettable characters with deep desires and fears.
  • Dialog options reveal Astarion's safety wish, Gale's thirst for wisdom, Karalch's desire for love and life, Minsc's autonomy, and more.
  • Shadowheart seeks to be whole, while Wyll struggles to break free from a devil's pact, adding complexity to their stories.

Baldur's Gate 3 has been hailed as one of the greatest RPGs of this generation, and for good reason. Larian Studios' astonishing game is not only a love letter to Dungeons and Dragons, but a remarkably ambitious video game in its own right, rivaling the industry's best role-playing experience across just about every aspect.

Most fans of Baldur's Gate 3 agree that its writing and character work steal the show. Particular praise has been heaped on the game's main band of companions, which has quickly become one of gaming's most unforgettable RPG crews. These characters are more than just standard supporting cast fare: they all have their own ambitions, secrets, fears, and desires. Their most essential traits are highlighted in an easily missable dialog exchange in Act 3.

Baldur's Gate 3: 6 Most Badass Women

Baldur's Gate 3 is home to a plethora of strong female characters, but these are arguably the most badass of the bunch.

The Not-So-Hidden Desires of Every Baldur's Gate 3 Companion

In Sharess' Caress, players can resolve a conflict between courtesan Naoise Nallinto and Fist Jara. Afterward, and upon passing an insight check, Nallinto will offer the Rapture buff, posing the question: "You have one word. Tell me: what will you be?"

Each non-custom party member has a unique response to this question. The character-specific options are as follows:

  • Astarion: Safe
  • Gale: Wise
  • Karlach: Alive
  • Minsc: Minsc
  • Shadowheart: Whole
  • Wyll: Free

For whatever reason, Lae'zel, Jaheria, Halsin, and Minthara do not have character-specific dialog options during this exchange with Nallinto.

What These Dialog Options Reveal About Baldur's Gate 3's Companions



Astarion is perhaps Baldur's Gate 3's most beloved origin character, as his vampiric struggle, packaged in a cool, witty persona delivered expertly by actor Neil Newbon, is instantly captivating. Though it seems like the man revels in his vampirism, he lives under the ever-looming threat of Cazador, his sadistic and cruel former master, so it makes sense that he would wish for safety above all else.


Wisdom is a wizard's forte, so it shouldn't be surprising that Gale holds such a quality in high regard. But Gale's history gives this desire some extra context, as his life has often been defined by ambition—an ambition that leads to his mysterious, destructive curse. Gale has exceptional talent, but his thirst for knowledge is a double-edged sword that he must hone.


Karlach's story is heartbreaking, and her unique dialog option with Nallinto reflects that. The devil-may-care tiefling is faced with an inevitable death from the beginning of the story, as the Infernal Engine in her chest is destined to overheat. She takes this in stride, but nonetheless wishes for love, family, and friendship. So, while Karlach comes to accept her fate, she still wants to live more than anything, which is devastating.


Baldur's Gate alumnus Minsc can respond to Nallinto's query with his own name, which is rather humorous and reflective of the character's simple and straightforward mentality. However, an alternative interpretation could connect to his years spent in petrification: Minsc may truly want to be "Minsc" more than anything, as he wants to retain his autonomy and selfhood.


Shadowheart's story is one of opposing ideals and internal struggle. She has one of the most interesting character arcs in the game, beginning as a devout worshiper of darkness before rejecting Shar's teachings and carving a new path. But this path is uncertain, and her complicated history (not to mention her amnesia) can lead to serious struggles with identity as she strives to find her new purpose. Thus, her desire to be "whole" makes sense.


Finally, there's Wyll, the chivalrous warlock locked in a pact with the devil Mizora. Wyll's journey in Baldur's Gate 3 is all about breaking the pact with Mizora, though this is easier said than done, as the devil is shrewd, conniving, and uncooperative, always maintaining some degree of control over the man and keeping him from being truly free, in both body and spirit.