
  • High approval with companions can lead to romance or deepened relationships, while low approval can result in companions leaving the party.
  • Four companions, Halsin, Minthara, Jaheira, and Minsc, join the party later in the game, making earning their approval more challenging.
  • Strategies for earning approval from specific companions include showing appreciation for nature, respecting desire for power, proving heroism and strength, and standing by their side.

Baldur's Gate 3 uses the Approval system to determine how close the player is to their companions. High approval can lead to romance with eight of the game's ten companions, while low approval can cause the companion in question to leave the party entirely. Four of Baldur's Gate 3's companions - Halsin, Minthara, Jaheira, and Minsc - join the party much later than the six Origin characters, making earning their approval a much trickier process. Here are the best strategies for keeping approval high with each of these four companions.

Baldur's Gate 3: 18 Things To Do Before Going To Act 2

There is a lot to pack into Larian's RPG, but some stops are definitely worth making before progressing past the first act of Baldur's Gate 3.

Show Halsin Appreciation For Nature

Baldur's Gate 3, Halsin Uncomfortable At Circus

Archdruid Halsin desires to preserve the balance between humanity and nature, and his approval can be earned through being kind to animals, helping people in need, and generally making heroic choices. He disapproves of being mean or cruel or making any choices that involve siding with the Absolute's forces.

His primary goal is to cure the Shadow Curse in Act 2 of the game, which can be done by reuniting the nature spirit Thaniel with his missing other half, Oliver. Doing this earns players a whopping 40 approval for Halsin in one fell swoop. Players who are hoping to romance this handsome druid should definitely aim to help Thaniel and Oliver as soon as possible, as this is the best way to earn Halsin's love.

Best Choices For Halsin Approval

  • Comfort the tiefling child Arabella after the death of her parents.
  • Attempt to persuade Ketheric Thorm to stand down when confronting him.
  • Thank Halsin for sharing information about his past during dialogue in camp.
  • Protect Scratch the dog from abusive kennel owner Angry Mar'hyah.

Respect Minthara's Desire For Power

Baldur's Gate 3, Minthara with Player Character

Nightwarden Minthara Baenre is a mutually exclusive party member with Halsin, and can only be recruited should players kill the tieflings and druids living in the Emerald Grove. Even when broken from the Absolute's control, Minthara is power-hungry and prideful, willing to perform cruel actions and make pragmatic decisions, even if they involve bringing others to harm.

Unlike many other companions, most of Minthara's approval comes not from player actions but from their responses to her during dialogue in camp and after crucial plot moments. Minthara wants to hear that she and the player make a good team, that the player wants to impress her and learn more about the tadpoles, and for the player to show sympathy for the horrific mind control she experienced under the thrall of the Absolute.

Best Choices For Minthara Approval

  • Taunt and boo Dribbles the Clown at the Circus of the Last Days.
  • Allow Minthara to use the Astral-Touched Tadpole offered by the Emperor.
  • Out-drink Thisobald Thorm at the Waning Moon tavern.
  • Allow Minthara to sit on Ketheric Thorm's throne, and tell her it suits her.

Prove Heroism And Strength To Jaheira

Jaheira companion in Baldur's Gate 3

Jaheira, a druid and leader of the Harper organization, is one of two returning companions from Baldur's Gate 1 and 2. She has seen it all, and lived through much - including the loss of her beloved husband - but she still strives to be a hero and sees the good in others. Jaheira will approve of players who make generally heroic choices, including helping those who are suffering. Like Halsin, she is a druid, so she also generally approves of protecting and helping animals.

During Jaheira's personal quest, "The High Harper," players have two opportunities to earn large amounts of Jaheira approval. The first requires supporting a Harper named Geraldus when he discovers that his friends have been replaced by Orin the Red's doppelgängers. The other involves saving the final party member, Minsc, from his brainwashing by the Absolute and convincing Minsc that Jaheira is not his enemy.

Best Choices For Jaheira Approval

  • Visit Jaheira's family home in the Lower City and interact kindly with her children.
  • Spare Viconia deVir, Jaheira's former friend, during Shadowheart's personal quest.
  • As the Dark Urge, resist murderous impulses and do not surrender to Bhaal.
  • Save Scratch from Angry Mar'hyah and affirm that the party's camp is where he belongs.

Stand By Minsc's Side At All Times


Minsc (and his trusty miniature giant space hamster, Boo) is the last party member players can encounter in Baldur's Gate 3, and, as a result, earning his approval can be quite difficult. There are far fewer moments where Minsc's approval can increase - although, on the other hand, this also means that there are far fewer moments when players can lose approval. Minsc's approval will stay high as long as players do not succumb to Bhaal's influence and allow him or his old friend Jaheira to be sacrificed by the God of Murder's tribunal.

Generally, players should support any choices Minsc makes and affirm the man's heroism whenever it is brought into question by others. Like Jaheira and Halsin, Minsc disapproves of cruelty and rewards heroism. He also enjoys telling the player stories of his exploits and, of course, loves when Boo is praised by the player and the party members. In general, the swiftest path to Minsc's heart is through his beloved Boo.

Best Choices For Minsc Approval

  • Tell Zhentarim trader Roah Moonglow that "Minsc of Rashemen always knows the right thing to do."
  • Refuse to sacrifice Minsc or Jaheira to Sarevok Anchev at the murder tribunal dedicated to Bhaal. Then, allow Minsc to kill Sarevok.
  • Visit Jaheira's home in the Lower City and interact kindly with her children. (Teasing Jaheira in front of her children is also acceptable.)
  • Offer prayers for Holli Dyford, the deceased priestess of the goddess Umberlee, at the Water Queen's House.

These four companions are much trickier to earn the approval of than the six Origin characters - Astarion, Gale, Karlach, Lae'zel, Shadowheart, and Wyll - who are with the player nearly from the beginning of the game. However, with careful planning and thoughtful choices, players can earn the esteem of Halsin, Minthara, Jaheira, and Minsc. It is possible to end Baldur's Gate 3 with maximum or nearly maximum approval from every single one of the player's companions.