
  • Experiment with multiclassing to expand a character's abilities and create unique roleplaying opportunities in Baldur's Gate 3.
  • Roleplay a character's backstory and motivations by choosing a second class that complements their personality and experiences.
  • Enhance the gameplay experience by strategically multiclassing one's characters to align with their narrative arcs and relationships.

Every companion in Baldur's Gate 3 starts with a specific class, which dictates their abilities in and out of combat. Rogues, for example, are great at stealth and picking locks, while wizards are masters of magic spells. Characters can be given a second class to expand their abilities, which also creates interesting opportunities for players to experiment with the game's mechanics.

Baldur's Gate 3: 10 Reasons Why Shadowheart Is The Main Character

While players can choose anyone as their main character in Baldur's Gate 3, it can be argued that Shadowheart is the game's true protagonist.

Giving characters a second class, or multiclassing, opens up interesting opportunities for roleplaying the characters as well. Since many players enjoy getting into the minds of the characters they control, finding ways to use aspects of gameplay to enhance roleplaying can elevate the experience and separate one playthrough from another in meaningful ways.

1 Gale As A Wizard/Sorceror

Show Why Gale Is Such A Magical Prodigy

Gale in Baldur's Gate 3
  • Roleplay how Gale became such a magical prodigy

In Baldur's Gate 3, as with Dungeons & Dragons, each magic-based class has a different source for their powers. Wizards such as Gale learn magic through hours of arduous study. This is why wizards have the unique ability to use a scroll to permanently learn its spell. Sorcerors, on the other hand, are born with innate magical talents, which they then perfect throughout their lives.

Baldur's Gate 3: 10 Reasons Why Gale Is The Main Character

While most players will create their own character as the protagonist of Baldur's Gate 3, there is strong evidence to suggest the true hero is Gale.

Gale was a magical prodigy, learning magic at a rapid pace, beyond what could normally be expected of such mages. That is why he was able to become Mystra's Chosen at such a young age. By giving Gale a few levels in Sorceror, players can augment Gale's magical abilities through one of the potent Sorceror subclasses and help explain why he is such a gifted spellcaster.

2 Shadowheart As A Cleric/Rogue

Have Shadowheart Lean In To Shar's Influence

Shadowheart in the Temple of Shar in Baldur's Gate 3
  • Roleplay Shadowheart showing her devotion to Shar

Shadowheart starts the game as a Cleric in the Trickery domain. This domain is all about manipulation and illusions and is favored by both the mischievous and the wicked. As a follower of Shar, this is very fitting for Shadowheart. Before the start of the game, she devoted herself wholly to the Lady of Loss and even went so far as to sacrifice many of her memories for her goddess.

By giving Shadowheart some levels as a Rogue, she can lean into the Trickery domain's emphasis on stealth and deception. She can take advantage of spells like Pass Without A Trace and Cloak Of Shadows to bolster sneak attacks, which can make her a better asset for stealth-oriented players. By clinging harder to the shadows, a Rogue/Cleric Shadowheart can truly become the deadly assassin that many of Shar's followers aspire to be.

3 Minsc As A Ranger/Barbarian

Have Him Lean Into His Violent Nature After Being Trapped In Stone

  • Roleplay how Minsc's century as a statue left a mark on him

Minsc spent one hundred years trapped as a statue. He was released from the stone only to be trapped by the cult of the Absolute. Once players free him from the influence of his tadpole, he drops the Stone Lord title given to him as a thrall of the Netherbrain and joins the party.

Considering that Minsc acts the way many players roleplay as barbarians — he acts rashly, doesn't think hard about things, and relies on others to make decisions — it makes sense to give him levels in barbarian so he can take this behavior up a notch. In addition to this, he is also furious with the Absolutists for what they have done to him and so many others. By having access to the Rage mechanic, Minsc can truly unleash his anger upon his foes.

4 Lae'zel As Fighter/Barbarian

She Has Many Reasons To Unleash Her Rage

baldurs gate 3 lae'zel orc or half orc
  • Roleplay Lae'zel giving in to her anger on the battlefield

Lae'zel is full of rage when she discovers the truth about Vlaakith and Orpheus. Everything she had ever been told by the githyanki was lies and propaganda. Players can take her anger even further by giving her levels in Barbarian. Lae'zel then gains access to the Rage ability, and can fully unleash her fury on her githyanki foes.

Since Lae'zel is already a melee powerhouse, she can become an unstoppable machine as she slaughters her enemies in a fit of barbaric fury.

5 Gale As A Wizard/Cleric

Let Gale Show His Devotion To Mystra

Mystra as projected by Gale
  • Roleplay Gale showing his devotion to Mystra through his actions

Gale's arc can branch out in interesting ways. Some players want him to reconcile with Mystra while others think that the goddess of magic is too toxic to be worth the effort. For players that want him to rejoin her, granting him levels in Cleric can be an interesting way for players to show that Gale is contrite and truly desires to reconnect.

Since Gale has always defined himself by his skills as a Wizard, sacrificing some levels in his default class to multiclass as a Cleric is significant. While he won't reference this in dialog, the player can easily imagine what he would feel and use that to enhance roleplaying Gale as a penitent devotee.

6 Tav As Their Starting Class/Love Interest's Class

Show How Close Your Character Is To Their Partner

  • Roleplay that the love interest is teaching Tav during their downtime

Tav, the default name associated with a custom character, is the most popular choice for players starting new campaigns. Most players have an idea for their Tav's backstory, motivations, and general personality, which translates well to dialog options and the way that players choose to complete quests.

Giving Tav levels in their love interest's class is a great way to add depth to roleplay. It shows that their love interest has influenced them and helped them change and grow. It can also show how close the two of them are, especially if they end up fighting side by side and focus on using their mutual abilities to have each other's backs in combat encounters.

7 Karlach As Barbarian/Ranger

Lean Into Her Outlander Background

karlach petting owlbear in Baldur's Gate 3
  • Roleplay the ways that Karlach has learned to survive on her own

Karlach has spent a lot of time on her own. There are several points where she talks about how she had no friends and could not trust anyone during the ten years that she was trapped in Avernus.

Given Karlach's decade as a loner in the hells, it makes sense that she has the Outlander background. Players can give Karlach some levels in Ranger to showcase the things that she learned to survive the ordeal without having to rely on others. Ranger also fits her very well since Karlach has a great love of animals, which is showcased by her choice to save the owlbear cub. The class also pairs well with the ending that players get if they choose to have Karlach and Wyll go to Avernus; the pair spends six months surviving there alone and Wyll comes back as a Ranger. It would make sense that Karlach is his teacher for these abilities given her previous experience.

8 Lae'zel As Fighter/Paladin

Have Her Go All-In On Her Fight Against The Lich Queen

Baldur's Gate 3: Lae'zel
  • Roleplay Lae'zel swearing vengeance against Vlaakith

In Act 2, Lae'zel faces a pivotal choice: she can rebel against her queen and everything that she has ever been taught or she can side with her and receive everything she has ever wanted. Her actions will ultimately guide the course of events for all of her people.

Every Possible Ending for Lae'Zel in Baldur's Gate 3

The variety of endings in Baldur's Gate 3 is incredible, and this guide will tell about all possible endings for Lae'Zel.

Players who have her rebel can give Lae'zel levels in Paladin and swear an Oath of Vengeance. Since she is already furious at Vlaakith and tells the player that she will do everything possible to take Vlaakith down, this Oath allows her to have her combat abilities line up with her intentions and the seriousness of her conviction that Vlaakith must be defeated.

9 Astarion As Rogue/Bard

Show How Astarion Was Able To Lead So Many People To Cazador

split image of astarion from Baldur's Gate 3
  • Roleplay the way that Astarion used his silver tongue to get what he needed

Astarion spent two centuries enslaved as a vampire spawn to Cazador Szarr. During that time, he lured many people to their doom for his master, believing that they would be the vampire lord's meals. It was only during the game's adventuring that Astarion learns the horrifying truth of what befell his many victims over the centuries.

Since Astarion spent these centuries seducing and persuading his would-be victims to join him back at the Szarr Palace, it is obvious that Astarion must have been very charming. By giving him levels in Bard, Astarion shows the skill of his silver tongue in combat and through dialog choices.

10 Wyll As Warlock/Ranger

Show How He Resists Mizora

wyll from Baldur's Gate 3
  • Roleplay Wyll weening himself off of Mizora's powers

Wyll's Warlock abilities were granted to him by his patron, Mizora. She is an evil cambion who serves Zariel, the Archdevil of Avernus. Wyll learned the hard way that dealing with devils always has a cost. In his case, he must obey Mizora or risk his soul being forever trapped in the hells.

By giving Wyll levels in a different class, the player can roleplay that Wyll is resisting Mizora where he can and that he is choosing not to rely on her powers anymore. This is especially effective if players start focusing only on the second class in Act 3 after choosing to free himself from the contract by potentially sacrificing his father. All of this will come to a head at the end of the game when players choose to have Wyll join Karlach in Avernus. He comes to the epilogue from Avernus as a fully-fledged Ranger, having spent six months in the hells fighting without Mizora's powers. Players who multiclass Wyll into Ranger ahead of time can show how he got his start in this class.

Baldur's Gate 3

PC , macOS , PS5 , Xbox Series X
August 3, 2023
Larian Studios