
  • The Upper City in Baldur's Gate 3 was cut from the game, but fans hope to see it restored in DLC, as it has fascinating locations.
  • DLC could provide a new perspective on Upper City locations that only appear through side entrances, like Cazador Szarr's palace.
  • The Upper City DLC could feature important homes like Wyll's childhood home and Gortash's palace.

There are plenty of places for players to explore in the titular city of Baldur's Gate 3, but the affluent Upper City is currently off-limits. While developer Larian Studios initially indicated that the Upper City would appear in Baldur's Gate 3, the content was cut - except for two locations visited very late in the game. Fans hope to see the Upper City restored in potential DLC, as there are several fascinating places that could potentially be included.

The Argument for Baldur's Gate 3 DLC to Add More Origin Characters

While DLC for Baldur's Gate 3 hasn't yet been confirmed, one thing it should include is more potential Origin Characters for players to choose from.

Expanding On Existing Baldur's Gate Locations

Baldur's Gate City

A Non-Destroyed High Hall

Of course, the High Hall, current site of BG3's final battle, should definitely appear. This citadel, where patriars once mingled and the city's Watch had its headquarters, is already destroyed by the forces of the Absolute. It would be interesting to visit the High Hall before the destruction occurs, especially as its current design hints that it was a stunning and elaborately decorated building known for its beauty.

The Front Entrance To Szarr Palace

Technically, the mansion of vampire lord Cazador Szarr is still a location players can and must visit, should they wish to complete Astarion's character quest "The Pale Elf." However, because the mansion is in the Upper City, players have to sneak in via a side door embedded in the city's wall. Upper City DLC could include Szarr Palace in its full glory. Perhaps players would even be able to attend the party Cazador hosted prior to attempting the Ritual of Ascension.

Homes Of Important BG3 Characters

A close up of Wyll the Warlock in Baldur's Gate 3

Wyll's Childhood Home

Wyll, one of the game's six Origin characters, is revealed rather early in the game to be the estranged son of Duke Ulder Ravengard, a prominent political figure in Baldur's Gate. Players can choose to rescue Ravengard, who has been imprisoned and infected by the cult of the Absolute, and see the pair reconcile at last. Including the Ravengard home in the Upper City could add more depth to Wyll's character, as players could experience where he grew up before becoming the Blade of Frontiers.

Enver Gortash's Palace

Lord Enver Gortash, the Chosen of Bane, is one of the major villains players face in Act 3 of Baldur's Gate 3. His influence can be felt everywhere in the city, as he controls the Steel Watch, forces imprisoned Gondian gnomes to work for him, and maneuvers to have himself declared Archduke. It would be interesting if players could learn more about Gortash by visiting his home in the Upper City. It would make a fascinating contrast to his childhood home, the Flymm cobblers' shop, found in one of the most squalid parts of the Lower City.

The Ancunin Family Home

Prior to joining the party, vampire spawn Astarion spent 200 years as a captive of Cazador, living in a kennel and enduring constant punishments. Players know very little about his past prior to his death, although his last name is "Ancunin" and he was supposedly a magistrate in the city. This indicates that his family was possibly well-off, or even noble, and they may have resided in the Upper City.

A Museum About The Bhaalspawn Crisis

Sarevok Anchev in Baldur’s Gate 3

While Baldur's Gate 3 features many returning characters and references to the previous two games, it does struggle in that players are expected to be familiar with those games and their stories. Those who are not may miss out on some of these references. Upper City DLC could remedy this by including a museum or gallery covering the events of the first two games. Possible exhibits could include:

  • Paintings and biographies of party members who do not appear in BG3, like Imoen or Edwin
  • A history of famous Bhaalspawn in Faerun, including Sarevok Anchev
  • A display dedicated to the player character, Gorion's Ward
  • Texts about factions like the Shadow Druids or the original Iron Throne