
  • The Monk class in Baldur's Gate 3 may have a reputation for being unpopular, but understanding its unique mechanics can lead to high damage output.
  • Ki Points are crucial for Monks, as they are used for special class actions. Planning around their use and gaining more through leveling up is important for success in battle.
  • The Way of the Open Hand subclass, combined with the Tavern Brawler Feat, is a powerful combo for Monks, although other subclasses are viable too.

Baldur's Gate 3 made a massive impact as one of the biggest games of 2023 and one of the most popular RPGs in recent years, and developer Larian Studios' commitment to honoring the genre's staple classes has been a big part of this success. The Monk is one class that comes with the baggage of not having the best reputation within the Dungeons and Dragons source material, but players who come to understand the implicit ways that the Monk can thrive may end up with some of the highest damage in Baldur's Gate 3.

As a class that is focused on simplicity and isn't compatible with the vast majority of gear found throughout the game, it's no surprise that the Monk has appeared towards the bottom of BG3's official popularity statistics. While not totally incapable of wielding weapons and wearing armor, Monks are meant to break away from the typical item progression in favor of developing their own internal strength. This class has the potential to sit somewhere between a martial attacker and a spellcaster due to its unique resource, but focusing on one particular subclass has yielded what several players considered some of the best builds in the game.

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Building a Monk in Baldur's Gate 3

Understanding Ki Points

All Monks have access to Ki Points no matter the route. These points are utilized for the unique class feature Actions that the Monk has access to. Additional Ki Points are gained with each level that the player takes in Monk after starting with two points at Level 1, meaning that multiclassing in BG3 could reduce the overall potency of their primary kit. These are regained on a Short Rest, making planning around their use crucial for success in battle.

Subclasses and the Power of the Tavern Brawler Feat

While the Way of the Shadow and Way of the Four Elements subclasses of BG3's Monk offer more stealth and magic-flavored approaches to the class respectively, one aspect of gameplay has made the Way of the Open Hand the go-to choice for most players. There are several points where BG3 diverges from the DnD 5E rules, and the way the Tavern Brawler Feat works is one of the most significant. Tavern Brawler adds the player's Strength modifier twice to damage and attack rolls of improvised, thrown, and unarmed attacks, while also acting as a 'Half-Feat' that can further offer a point in Strength. Monks are typically Dexterity-focused in DnD, but this Feat alone makes them powerhouses when Strength is prioritized instead, with the emphasis on unarmed making Open Hand the most ideal.

Avoiding the MAD Monk in BG3

The Monk class was originally meant to primarily focus on the Ability Scores of Dexterity and Wisdom, but the advent of BG3's Tavern Brawler feat has introduced Strength into the mix. Taking that Feat comes at the cost of a potential Ability Score Improvement, increasing the likelihood of the player's stats becoming inefficient on a "Multiple Ability Score Dependent" character. Avoiding this can leave behind stats like Dexterity and Constitution, making the Monk even more frail, but having the right gear can make up for the loss.

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The Best Equipment and Magic Items for Monks

With access to Unarmored Defense, Baldur's Gate 3's Monk builds are usually going to run nothing heavier than Clothing equipment. Furthermore, their focus on unarmed strikes means that weapons aren't going to be equipped often either, but that doesn't mean gear has no bearing on the class. There are several examples of items throughout BG3 that can serve to be build-defining for Monks, with some specifically meant for the class and others simply synergizing well.

  • Unarmed Damage Gloves (Act 1-3) - There are several sets of gloves found across all three acts which specifically bolster unarmed attacks in different ways. Act 3's Gloves of Soul Catching are likely the most deadly, but gloves for Monks in Baldur's Gate 3 offer a level of damage variety that can cater to different builds.
  • Armor of Uninhibited Kushigo (Act 1) - Kushigo Counter Reaction on attackers who miss during Patient Defense
  • Sentient Amulet (Act 1) - Ki Restoration can regain 2 Ki Points (More after Act 3 "Help the Cursed Monk" quest conclusion)
  • Fist Breaker Helm (Act 2) - +1 Spell Save DC, +1 Bonus to Initiative Rolls
  • Hat of Uninhibited Kushigo (Act 2) - +1 to Spell Save DC until end of turn after doing damage with an unarmed attack
  • Boots of Uninhibited Kushigo (Act 3) - Additional damage equal to Wisdom modifier with unarmed attacks
  • Amulet of Greater Health (Act 3) - Increases player's Constitution to 23 (Loot from BG3 Act 3's House of Hope)
  • Garb of the Land and Sky (Act 3) - Effects of Blade Ward during Patient Defense, extra 1d8 of Force damage and advantage on Attack Rolls during Step of the Wind
  • Vest of Soul Rejuvenation (Act 3) - Heals 1d4 on successful Saving Throw against a Spell, Greater Kushigo Counter unarmed attack Reaction on attackers who miss

Others Tips on Playing a Monk in Baldur's Gate 3

Flurry of Blows and Step of the Wind Make Bonus Actions Crucial

An emphasis on attacking opponents with just the player's fists seems simple, but the Way of the Open Hand Monk's unorthodox approach to using Actions in combat makes it extremely unique. Most classes spend their Actions on their strongest features and use Bonus Actions for support, but this dynamic is largely reversed for Monks. Flurry of Blows is a multi-hitting attack with three different variations capable of inflicting different status conditions, while Step of the Wind is a feature that augments the player from a similar set of three options. These are both Bonus Actions, meaning the strongest maneuvers of a Monk can still be accompanied by normal Actions.

Multiclassing Enhances Baldur's Gate 3's Front-Loaded Monk

It's in the player's best interest to maximize their Ki Points as a Monk, but there may also be DPS potential in adding another class to the build. Given the undeniable effectiveness of having the Thief subclass's extra Bonus Action, it's likely that a Monk/Rogue multiclass in Baldur's Gate 3 is one of the most devastating combinations a player can assemble. There's a loss associated with sacrificing at least three levels of Monk, but the features gained in its later stages such as Ki Resonation might struggle to compete with the raw damage of boosted, repeated Flurry of Blows. It might be one of the most unassuming classes of the entire selection, but BG3's Monk can plow through the game with the right knowledge.