Baldur’s Gate 3 has been nothing short of a great success and is widely loved among fans of the series, old and new. The game, being based on Dungeons & Dragons, allows the player a wide array of customization, one of them being their chosen race.

The Most Fun Baldur’s Gate 3 Classes, Ranked

These classes give the player the most fun experience in Baldur's Gate 3.

The Tiefling are one option the player can choose when playing Baldur’s Gate 3. With a devilish look and arcane abilities, the Tiefling has been a pretty popular race to go with in BG3.

Features And Traits Of The Tiefling Race

Tieflings standing

In Baldur’s Gate 3, the Tiefling race is described as:

“Descended from devils of the Nine Hells, tieflings face constant suspicion in Faerun. Thankfully, their arcane abilities make them natural survivors.”

Similarly to every race, they have features and traits that make them stand out from among the rest. The Tiefling race showcases notably these:

- Base Racial Speed, which allows for up to 9 meters of movement every turn.

- Darkvision, granting the ability to see up to 12 meters in the dark.

- Hellish Resistance, granting resistance to fire. Fire damage is halved.

Subraces Of The Tiefling Race

The Tiefling race has three races to show for, each with its own unique features in addition to the base Tiefling ones.

The Asmodeus Tiefling

Baldur's Gate 3 Asmodeus Tiefling As A Barbarian In Character Creator

“Bound to Nessus, the deepest layers of the Hells, these tieflings inherit the ability to wield fire and darkness from the archdevil Asmodeus' infernal bloodline.”

This subrace of Tiefling has access to Infernal Legacy, which consists of:

- Produce Flame at level 1. This spell allows them to produce a flame that illuminates 9 meters with its light. This flame will also cause 1d8 damage if thrown.

- Hellish Rebuke at level 3. Allows the Tiefling to cast flames on the enemy the next time they’re attacked by them. Causes 2d10 fire damage. It can be used once per long rest.

- Darkness at level 5. A spell to create a fog that will blind everyone inside. Once per long rest.

The Mephistopheles Tiefling

A Tiefling with their arms crossed in Baldur's Gate 3

“Descended from the archdevil Mephistopheles, these tieflings are gifted with a particular affinity for arcane magic.”

With the Legacy of Cania, these Tieflings will be able to make use of these spells:

- Mage Hand at level 1. The character is able to create a spectral hand that they can control from a distance to interact with their environment. It can be used once every short rest.

- Burning Hands at level 3. A spell that shoots fire from the character’s hands. 3d6 fire damage. It can be used once every long rest.

- Flame Blade at level 5. A powerful spell that conjures a fiery sword. 3d6 fire damage. It also lights a 3-meter radius. It can be used every long rest.

The Zariel Tiefling

Karlach in Baldur's Gate 3

“Tieflings from Zariel's bloodline are empowered with martial strength, and can channel searing flame to punish their enemies.”

The Zariel Tiefling inherit the Legacy of Avernus, and this will give them these spells as they level up:

- Thaumaturgy at level 1. This cantrip will allow the character to have an advantage on checks for intimidation and Performance for 10 turns.

Baldur's Gate 3: Tiefling Race Best Build

The Tiefling, a race descending from the devils of the Nine Hells, is a good option for new players in Baldur's Gate 3.

- Searing Smite. Allows weapons to deal an additional fire damage of 1d6. It can be used every long rest.

- Branding Smite. Can prevent enemies from turning invisible. Deals 2d6 radiant damage. It can be used once every long rest.

With so many classes in Baldur’s Gate 3, it can be confusing to know what class goes well with the Tiefling race.






Sorcerers are natural spellcasters, drawing on inherent magic from a gift or bloodline.




You know music is more than a fancy - it is power. Through study and adventure, you have mastered song, speech, and the magic within.




Bound by a pact to an all-powerful patron, warlocks trade their loyalty for supernatural abilities and unique magic.








Sorcerers are natural spellcasters, drawing on inherent magic from a gift or bloodline.




Fuelled by the Oaths you swore to uphold justice and righteousness, you are a beacon of hope in dark times.




Wizards master the arcane by specializing in individual schools of magic, combining ancient spells with modern research.








The strong embrace the wild that hides inside - keen instincts, primal physicality, and most of all, an unbridled, unquenchable rage.




Fuelled by the Oaths you swore to uphold justice and righteousness, you are a beacon of hope in dark times.




Fighters have mastered the art of combat, wielding weapons with unmatched skill and wearing armor like a second skin.


Intelligence (Only Eldritch Knight)

Best Builds For The Tiefling Race

The Tiefling race has good potential, especially the Asmodeus and the Mephistopheles subraces. Due to that, the best build for these two subraces would be:

- Class: The Sorcerer.

- Subclass: The Draconic Bloodline.

- Most Important Abilities: Charisma.

- Background: The Sage.

- Extra Proficiency Skills: Deception, Intimidation, and Persuasion.

When it comes to the Zariel Tiefling, on the other hand, a Melee approach might be more suitable than a magic-based One.


- Class: The Barbarian.

- Subclass: The Berserker.

- Most Important Abilities: Strength and Charisma.

- Background: The Soldier.

- Extra Proficiency Skills: Deception, Intimidation, and Persuasion.

At the end of the day, Baldur's Gate 3 is a game that offers quite a lot of choices to the players and they might want to create their own builds to have their own unique experience. While the recommended builds will certainly aid them, they do take away a lot from having a particular experience that the player might want. Having fun is what Baldur's Gate 3 is all about and fans can never go wrong with whatever they choose for their characters.

Notable Tieflings In Baldur’s Gate 3

bg3 karlach

In Baldur’s Gate 3, there are many characters of various races, as seen throughout the vast world.

When it comes to Tieflings, the most notable character belonging to this race is undoubtedly Karlach. Karlach is an origin character who can be used as the player’s main character, or she can be recruited when advancing throughout the story in Act 1.

She can be found around the Risen Road. Karlach is specifically a Zariel Tiefling, despite being easily mistaken for an Asmodeus Tiefling due to her red color. She’s also a Barbarian and will be a powerhouse for the player due to her incredible strength and power.

Other notable Tieflings in Baldur’s Gate 3 happen to be the Tieflings refugees of Emerald Grove, who will have an important role in the Act 1 of the game. These Tieflings took refuge in Emerald Grove due to the goblins, but the Druids do not want them there. The player can save them or help them.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is now available to play on PC and PlayStation 5.

MORE: Baldur’s Gate 3: Half-Elf Race Guide