
  • Karlach requires time and dedication to romance, but her open and communicative nature makes her an honest and emotive love interest.
  • She is a valuable asset in the party due to her combat proficiency as a barbarian, fulfilling the role of a powerful character.
  • Karlach's distinctive and visually striking character design, as well as her unique relationship with the Dark Urge, make her a compelling romance option in Baldur's Gate 3.

Larian's Baldur's Gate 3 has multiple romance options to be found in the world and recruited back to the camp. Karlach, the Tiefling Barbarian, is one of them. An endearing character, she has captured the hearts of many players with her goofy charm and heartfelt story.

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With so many options, though, it can be hard for Baldur's Gate 3 players to choose which character to romance, especially since most characters are monogamous and will not want to share the player's affections. For those still weighing their options, or for those who just want to show some love to Karlach, here are the top reasons to romance the cheery barbarian.

Updated January 18, 2024 by Nyah Payne: Baldur's Gate 3 became perhaps the most influential game of 2023, cementing its status by winning the prestigious Game of the Year award. This wasn't the only accolade they won at the 2023 Game Awards, sweeping the board, and they have shown their commitment to continually working on the game.

They released the critically acclaimed RPG for Xbox Series X/S and added new features, like the challenging Honour Mode. But part of the huge amount of love for the game comes from its beloved characters and the many romance arcs that players can pursue. Karlach remains one of these fan favorites for many reasons.

1 Challenging Romance Option

Requires Time And Dedication To Romance

Karlach in the trailer

Some Baldur's Gate 3 characters are harder to avoid romancing than they are to romance (looking at you, Gale)! Despite being one of the fan favorites and a remarkably loveable character, this doesn't seem to apply to Karlach.

Karlach can be quite flirty from the offset, but time and dedication are required to truly earn her affection. On top of this, there are some very real in-game challenges to overcome in a romance with Karlach. Namely, she is so physically hot that no one can touch her, at least without finding a way to cool her down first.

2 Wears Her Infernal Engine On Her Sleeve

An Honest And Communicative Companion

Karlach in BG3

One of the many endearing qualities about Karlach is how open she is. While many of the party members and potential love interests in Baldur's Gate 3 have some kind of dark secret that they harbor for any length of time, Karlach truly wears her heart on her sleeve.

Karlach is happy to share both her past and her future with her companions and partners and is always very open about her emotions and how she's feeling. For one of the most communicative, honest, and emotive love interests, Karlach is definitely up there as a top pick!

3 Combat Proficiency

Valuable Asset In The Party

Baldur's Gate 3, Karlach Rages In Front Of Paladin

This is more than just a reason for romance but is a reason to have Karlach around in general. She fills a niche in a party that most characters don't cover. As a barbarian, she fulfills the role of the "be strong and hit things" character. Each companion character can fulfill a certain role, but Karlach is a great choice to have around.

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Baldur's Gate 3 has some scarily challenging boss fights. For these threats, players should be prepared and have their tactics honed.

Karlach's damage output is incredible, especially with her soul coin rages. She is also handy for throwing things around, such as explosive barrels or other enemies. She's a wonderful tank who, as Shadowheart puts it, could throw players over her shoulder and protect them. What more could anyone want in a love interest?

4 Character Design

Distinctive And Striking Visual Design

Karlach BaldursGate3

Anyone could be forgiven for finding Karlach the tiefling hot, in both the literal sense and the "attractive" sense. Tieflings may have some of the coolest character design options in the game, and Karlach is no exception to this.

Everything about her appearance looks fiery, from her bright red skin to her short spiky red-and-black hair, to her charred scars and tattoo. This is topped off by the warm glow in the center of her chest, emanating from her Infernal Machine heart. Her design makes Karlach distinctive and visually striking.

5 Dark Urge Ties

Unique And Impactful Relationship With The Dark Urge

Baldur's Gate 3, Karlach Approached By Dark Urge Lover

Players are bound to want a strong connection with their Baldur's Gate 3 love interest. Luckily, Karlach can have a particularly impactful relationship with anyone who chooses to play Dark Urge. Not only can she, as a partner, have some particularly endearing and protective moments with the Dark Urge, but there is also a conflict of interest between the pair that can add depth to their relationship.

Without giving too much of the late-game story away, someone from the Dark Urge's past has wronged Karlach. There is a lot to explore there, which can be enhanced by romancing Karlach as the Dark Urge.

6 Good Person

Supports Well-Meaning Choices

Baldur's Gate 3, Karlach

For anyone who is aiming to be a hero to Faerun, Karlach is a natural romance option. She is a morally Good character, who will approve of the player bettering the world around them, only disapproving of a player's actions if they are actively being cruel.

That being said, her moral standing means she will be harder to romance, or even impossible to recruit if players are planning a morally gray or downright evil run. Being a good character, it can also be easy to end up accidentally romancing fellow goody-two-shoes, like Gale or Wyll. But Karlach's drive to save the world is infectious and is bound to draw heroic players towards romancing her.

7 Goofy Nature

One Of The More Lighthearted And Endearing Companions

Baldur's Gate 3, Karlach Pointing

Gale's character is accompanied by a touch of arrogance, and Wyll can sometimes seem too much the conventional hero. On the other hand, Karlach's morally Good character is accompanied by a goofy sense of humor, making her one of the most lighthearted companions in the game.

From her conversations with players to her quippy bark lines, even to the little jig she does as an idle animation, Karlach doesn't take things too seriously. In such a serious game, this makes her a breath of fresh air. Players can count on Karlach, as a friend or lover, to lighten the mood.

8 Flaming Hot Intimacy

Doesn't Shy Away From Intimate Feelings

A player hugging Karlach in Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3 has gained a level of renown for the fact that they don't shy away from scenes of explicit intimacy. For those who are looking for that in a romance option, Karlach provides. While some characters are a little more subtle about their desires (however thinly veiled it is), Karlach doesn't shy away from the intimate side of love. On the first night together in camp, she can even blurt out her intentions towards the player in a way that might make them blush.

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Baldur's Gate 3 players a likely to take down a variety of characters during their playthrough, but some NPCs are more rewarding to kill than others.

The downside is that players who feel the same will have to hold off on this intimacy. Karlach's Infernal Engine heart means that she can't touch anyone without burning them. Players will have to find a way to cool her down if they want to get the flaming intimacy scene with Karlach. It's guaranteed to be hot.

9 Doesn't Mind Sharing (For A Time)

Initially Content For Players To Pursue Other Relationships

Baldur's Gate 3, Karlach Pulling Back From Kiss With Player Character

For players who want to embrace a polyamorous approach in their Baldur's Gate 3 relationships, Karlach is an option alongside other relationships...sort of. While most romance options in Baldur's Gate 3 will insist on being a player's only partner, some are open to polyamory. While Karlach is incapable of being in a physically intimate relationship with players, she is open to players having intimate relationships with others.

This is most likely to be Astarion, as the other polyamorous romance option, Halsin, is not available until later. By this time, players have likely enabled Karlach to touch people again. At this point, she will want to be the player's only romantic relationship. But, for a time at least, players can explore a few options.

10 Bittersweet Arc

Personal Arc Is One Of The Most Bittersweet

Baldur's Gate 3, Karlach Crying

For those looking for more depth from their Baldur's Gate 3 partner, Karlach's personal story and character arc are some of the most profound and bittersweet in the game. It begins, as discussed above, with the fact that she has not been able to touch another being for years.

Karlach's arc progresses with some very high moments, followed by some devastating lows. At its peak, Karlach has an emotional outburst of rage, fear, and devastation. The following conversation with her is heartwarming and bittersweet, meaning a relationship with Karlach is sure to be an emotional experience.

11 Bittersweet Endings

Karlach's Endings Carry A Lot Of Emotional Weight

Baldur's Gate 3, Karlach Standing On Docks At Sunset

With Karlach's storyline being as emotionally charged as it is, it is no surprise that her endings are just as bittersweet. Her arc poses her an impossible ultimatum, choosing between her own life and a fate worse than death, and a romantic partner has some sway over her final decision.

Larian has even added a recent improvement to one of Karlach's endings to make it more impactful. While Karlach can't have an entirely happy ending, all of them are extremely emotional and profound. They round off a potentially beautiful arc and romantic relationship.

12 Love Of Life

Has A Contagious Lust For Life

Baldur's Gate 3, Karlach

Ultimately, Karlach's personality and story arc work together to develop a theme surrounding the brevity of life and deriving pleasure from every moment of joy. With Karlach at their side, whatever dark and seemingly hopeless situations the player faces, she is sure to find a way to find the light.

Her intense love for life is displayed in the way she wants to help others and seize every moment. This quality is even seen in her darkest moments. Karlach's joyous appreciation for life is contagious and, whatever the future holds for the player and Karlach, a romance with her is sure to bring intense highs and lows, some very hot moments, and a newfound appreciation for life.

Baldur's Gate 3

August 3, 2023
Larian Studios
PC , macOS , PS5 , Xbox Series X