
  • Baldur's Gate 3 successfully translates the iconic Dungeons and Dragons alignment system into its wide variety of fantasy characters.
  • Characters like Popper, Elminster, and Dame Aylin embody the traits of Chaotic Good, acting selflessly while disregarding the letter of the law.
  • From lovable traders to heroic children, the game features a diverse cast of chaotic good characters who fight for personal freedom and the greater good.

The critically acclaimed RPG and 2023's Game of the Year, Baldur's Gate 3, took the mechanics, settings, and atmosphere of a Dungeons and Dragons game and put them into a video game format. But the systems and lore aren't the only things that translate nicely. With such a wide variety of fantasy characters, straight out of a DnD campaign, it can be easy to translate the classic Dungeons and Dragons alignment system onto the beloved characters.

Baldur's Gate 3: Top 12 Karlach Quotes

Karlach is a fiery tiefling with a lust for life in Baldur's Gate 3, and she has gained a lot of love for her chipper personality and goofy nature.

In the alignment chart, Chaotic Good is used to represent and identify characters who act selflessly, for the good of others. However, they may not always follow the letter of the law in doing so. Classic examples include characters like Robin Hood, the lovable outlaw who stole from the rich to give to the poor. So, which of the best Baldur's Gate 3 characters fit onto this chart?

10 Popper

Lovable Character Who Steals Loot From Corpses

Baldur's Gate 3, Popper The Little Red Kobold In A Fancy Top Hat
  • Location: The Circus Of The Last Days
  • Act: 3
  • Related Quests: Find Dribbles The Clown
  • Role: Trader

This trader is sure to remind any Dungeon Master of the wacky side characters that their players fall in love with for no reason besides their chaotic charm. Popper is a kobold trader at the Circus of the Last Days.

While many of the circus denizens embody a simultaneous compassion and disregard for rules, none seem to display this as much as Popper. He steals his 'treatos' but quickly adds that he only takes them from people who are already dead. After all, he's nice.

9 Elminster

Classic Chaotic Good Dungeons And Dragons CharacterBaldur's Gate 3, Elminster

  • Location: Rosymorn Monastery Trail, Grymforge
  • Act: 2
  • Related Quests: The Wizard Of Waterdeep
  • Role: NPC

While the mighty wizard, Elminster, might be one of the quieter chaotic good characters on the list, he does make it! Elminster is a prominent figure in the lore of Dungeons and Dragons and also in previous Baldur's Gate games. In each of these appearances, Elminster reveals his compassionate nature.

However, he can also be a bit of a trickster, revealing his slightly more chaotic nature. Being officially classed as chaotic good in both Dungeons and Dragons and Baldur's Gate, Elminster is proof that characters don't need to be wildly 'out there' in order to embody chaotic good traits.

8 Dame Aylin

Daughter Of A Chaotic Good Goddess

Baldur's Gate 3 Lorroakan Boss Fight Dame Aylin Nightsong
  • Location: The Shadowfell
  • Act: 2
  • Related Quests: Find Ketheric Thorm's Relic, Defeat Ketheric Thorm
  • Role: Ally (Determinant)

Dame Aylin may be one of the more controversial choices, as her heroic and divine nature makes her seem more like a typical lawful good angel. However, Dame Aylin doesn't seem to be a stickler for the rules. She seems to love combat, taking great pleasure in the glory of her kills. She bashes in the face of Ketheric's corpse, and she snaps Lorroakan's spine like a matchstick.

While it is a completely fair response, as both characters are trying to take away her freedom, respect for freedom is another important aspect of chaotic good characters. To top it all off, her deity and mother, Selune, is a chaotic good goddess. She certainly seems to take after her mother.

7 Hope

Idealistic Character Warped By The Hells

baldurs gate 3 house of hope hope
  • Location: The House Of Hope
  • Act: 3
  • Related Quests: Save Hope
  • Role: NPC

Hope fulfills a similar role to Dame Aylin, funnily enough. Her good nature is plain for all to see, as she retains her holy and compassionate nature despite an incomprehensible amount of time spent facing excruciating torture from the devil, Raphael.

It's unclear whether her undeniably chaotic nature is a direct result of this torture or if she also demonstrated chaotic good tendencies before her time in the hells. What is clear is that she is a wonderfully compassionate character with an erratic personality and some unusual ideas, like her idealistic goal to make a loving home in the hells.

6 Oliver/Thaniel

Fey Child With Good Intentions But Unusual Behaviors

Baldur's Gate 3 Oliver
  • Location: The Shadow-Cursed Lands
  • Act: 2
  • Related Quests: Lift The Shadow Curse
  • Role: NPC

It's not unusual for children to embody the qualities of a chaotic good character, as they display an idealistic nature that extends beyond what might be right in the eyes of the law. It's also not unusual for fey characters to share this trait.

Baldur's Gate 3: 11 Characters Who Are Hard To Keep Alive

Baldur's Gate 3 has plenty of lovable characters. Unfortunately, some of them are infamously hard to keep alive, and their deaths prove devastating.

As such, it makes sense that the fey child, known as both Oliver and Thaniel, should display these characteristics. While Oliver in particular may not always make reasonable decisions, sometimes even to the detriment of the player, they have good intentions for the future of the Shadow-Cursed Lands.

5 Arabella

Breaks The Rules For The Greater Good

  • Location: The Druid's Grove
  • Act: 1
  • Related Quests: Save Arabella
  • Role: Ally (Determinant)

Speaking of children, the tiefling child, Arabella, is such a good example of a chaotic good character! When players first encounter her, she faces trial from the harsh stand-in Archdruid, Kagha, for stealing the druids' idol of Silvanus.

She did in fact steal the idol, but it was only to prevent her, her parents, and the rest of the tiefling refugees from being evicted from the Druid's Grove to face almost certain death. As with Oliver/Thaniel, her desire to do what is right and help others sometimes comes at the expense of harmful laws. As Gale put it, she may not be innocent, but that doesn't mean she's guilty.

4 Dolly Thrice

Trickster Creature Who Assists Good Characters

Should You Free the Pixie Dolly in Baldur's Gate 3?
  • Location: The Shadow-Cursed Lands
  • Act: 2
  • Related Quests: Seek Protection From The Shadow Curse
  • Role: NPC

Also known as Dolly Dolly Dolly, this character is a pixie that players can encounter in the Shadow-Cursed Lands. Like Oliver/Thaniel, she is a fey creature. While pixies in Dungeons and Dragons are typically considered neutral good creatures, they can have a trickster streak. With Dolly Thrice, it is less of a streak and more of a defining character trait.

While she acts like a shy and innocent pixie to get players to free her from her moonlantern prison, her true nature is that of a loudmouthed and sometimes rude creature, who will happily polymorph rude characters into various animals or give them a comical makeover. Despite this chaos, though, she is a good creature who will help characters navigate the Shadow-Cursed Lands.

3 Karlach

Fights Those Who Use The Letter Of Law For Evil

Baldur's Gate 3, Karlach Lighting Cigar With Magical Flame
  • Location: The Risen Road
  • Act: 1
  • Related Quests: Our Fiery Friend, The Hellion's Heart
  • Role: Origin Character

The first player character on the list, the tiefling barbarian, Karlach, had to feature. She is one of the most good-aligned characters, being a steadfast supporter of heroic player characters. She always wants to do the right thing. However, she also loves the heat of battle and will fight tooth and nail for personal freedom.

Baldur’s Gate 3: 10 Characters That Should’ve Been Romanceable (But Aren't)

These characters should've been romanceable in Baldur's Gate 3.

As with Dame Aylin, a lot of her more chaotic traits can be seen in her character arc, which is about forging a fiery path to her own freedom from terrible people in power. It doesn't seem coincidental that her two arch nemeses, the devil Zariel, and Lord Gortash, chosen of Bane, are both lawful evil villains, polar opposites to her. Karlach fights against tyrants, valuing compassion over those who use the letter of the law for evil.

2 Volo

Larger Than Life Chaotic Good Dungeons And Dragons Character

Volo in Baldur's Gate 3
  • Location: The Druid's Grove
  • Act: 1
  • Related Quests: Rescue Volo
  • Role: Camp Companion (Determinant)

Volothamp Geddarm is another prominent figure in Dungeons and Dragons lore, who shows up in Baldur's Gate 3. He is characterized as chaotic good, like Elminster, but is perhaps a little more obvious in his depiction. He is a lovable scamp who has a tendency to...exaggerate facts in order to tell an interesting story.

This often lands him and his companions in trouble. Despite his disregard for the truth, hierarchy, and societal norms, Volo is a kind-hearted character, supporting his friends and acting in a manner that he deems for the betterment of others.

1 Minsc

Old Chaotic Good Baldur's Gate Fan Favourite

  • Location: The Counting House
  • Act: 3
  • Related Quests: Aid The Underduke
  • Role: Playable Companion

The other chaotic good player character, Minsc is an incredibly lovable character from past Baldur's Gate games. His good nature is plain to see, as he does what he feels is best for others. A very selfless character, he is in a rough predicament in Baldur's Gate 3 as a result of an incredibly heroic move he pulled prior to the game's events.

However, he is also a ranger whose conventions are far from what society would deem normal, including his conversations with his miniature giant space hamster, Boo. It's not hard to see why he's considered chaotic good. His chaotic and reckless nature is only matched by his compassion.

Baldur's Gate 3

August 3, 2023
Larian Studios
PC , macOS , PS5 , Xbox Series X