
  • Baldur's Gate 3 does not use the concept of alignment from Dungeons and Dragons, although it incorporates other mechanics and tone from the tabletop game.
  • The game features characters that embody the traits of lawful good, such as loyal companions like Scratch the dog and caring individuals like Barcus Wroot and Counsellor Florrick.
  • Characters like Liam and Duke Ravengard demonstrate a strong sense of duty and protectiveness, while Orpheus and Ansur display unwavering principles and a commitment to making a positive difference.

The critically acclaimed RPG and 2023's Game of the Year, Baldur's Gate 3 has gained a lot of love for its transfer of Dungeons and Dragons mechanics into a video game format. It also takes its lore and the overall tone from the classic tabletop game. One element that it doesn't notably use, however, is the concept of alignment.

Baldur's Gate 3: Top 12 Karlach Quotes

Karlach is a fiery tiefling with a lust for life in Baldur's Gate 3, and she has gained a lot of love for her chipper personality and goofy nature.

In DnD, alignment is used to describe a character's overall personality regarding order versus chaos and good versus evil. It's such a simple way of defining character traits that it is often applied to other media. Lawful good usually depicts an archetypal hero, who strives to uphold concepts of justice and fairness for the betterment of society.

1 Scratch

Loyal And Sweet-Natured Companion

baldur's gate 3 scratch fetch runepowder barrel honour mode fail
  • Act: 1
  • Location: Forest
  • Related Quests: N/A
  • Role: Camp Companion/Summon

As a beloved animal companion, is there anything more lawful good than a dog? Scratch is the little white dog that players find in the woods in Act One. His owner has been killed by gnolls, but Scratch refuses to leave his companion's side until he's sure they're not coming back.

Thankfully, he can find a new home in the camp, where he loyally obeys and stands by his new companions. This sweet-natured dog displays the characteristic unwavering loyalty of a lawful good character.

2 Barcus Wroot

Compassionate Gnome With A Strong Sense Of Duty

Barcus on the windmill in Baldur's Gate 3.
  • Act: 1
  • Location: The Blighted Village
  • Related Quests: Rescue The Gnome, Rescue Wulbren
  • Role: Temporary Camp Companion

This humble little gnome is perhaps the most normal depiction of a lawful good personality. He doesn't have any political power (or physical power, for that matter), and he doesn't accomplish any outstanding feats of heroics, more often than not needing rescuing when players encounter him.

But Barcus undoubtedly has a strong moral compass and a sense of what is right and wrong. His whole quest centers around his mission to rescue his friend, Wulbren, despite not being a competent adventurer by any means. What he lacks in strength, he makes up for in compassion and a sense of duty.

3 Isobel

Keeper Of The Peace In The Shadow-Cursed Lands

Baldur's Gate 3 Isobel
  • Act: 2
  • Location: The Last Light Inn
  • Related Quests: Resolve The Abduction
  • Role: Ally (Determinant)

Ironically, Last Light's cleric of Selune seems a lot less chaotic than her angelic girlfriend, Dame Aylin. She is more reserved than her partner, has a strong sense of duty to protect the peace, and has a visceral respect for order.

Players who take a peek at Isobel's diary will find that she is disgusted about being brought back from the dead by her villainous father, Ketheric Thorm, stating that she should never have come back and that there are some things her goddess shouldn't accept in her faithful. Isobel seems distraught about her continued existence disrupting the natural order but makes up for it by protecting the peace in the Shadow-Cursed Lands.

4 Liam

Protects The Druid's Grove While Enduring Goblin Torture

Baldur's Gate 3, Liam On A Vertical Torturer's Rack
  • Act: 1
  • Location: The Shattered Sanctum
  • Related Quests: Find The Nightsong
  • Role: NPC

Although he's quite a minor character, Liam's brief interactions suggest he is as lawful good as they come. Liam is one of the adventurers who go with Halsin to search for the truth about Moonrise. When the group is attacked by goblins, the other adventurers flee, while Liam and Halsin throw themselves into the battle.

Ultimately taken hostage by the goblins, Liam never once disclosed the location of the Druid Grove, despite being subjected to excruciating torture. His personal code is so strong that he continues to protect others even as he suffers for them. Of course, that can go out the window if the player gets involved.

5 Counsellor Florrick

Compassionate Advisor And Long-Time Family Friend

Baldur's Gate 3, Florrick, A Female Elf
  • Act: 1
  • Location: Waukeen's Rest
  • Related Quests: Rescue The Grand Duke, Free Counsellor Florrick
  • Role: Ally (Determinant)

Oftentimes, the best examples of lawful good characters are those in political positions who strive to make a positive impact. This can definitely be applied to Counsellor Florrick, the advisor to Duke Ravengard.

Baldur's Gate 3: 11 Characters Who Are Hard To Keep Alive

Baldur's Gate 3 has plenty of lovable characters. Unfortunately, some of them are infamously hard to keep alive, and their deaths prove devastating.

While aiming to uphold the law in Baldur's Gate, she also demonstrates that she is a compassionate and otherwise good character. If the player questions Wyll, Ravengard's son, about Florrick's loyalty, he states multiple occasions when Florrick proved herself to be a loyal protector and friend to their family, and she upholds this throughout the game.

6 Duke Ravengard

Benevolent Leader And Voice Of The People

Baldurs Gate 3 Ravengard
  • Act: 2
  • Location: Mind Flayer Colony
  • Related Quests: Rescue The Grand Duke
  • Role: NPC

Leading on from his advisor, it is only fair that Grand Duke Ulder Ravengard is mentioned. As Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate, Ravengard naturally has a lot of political power. As much as his son, Wyll, discusses his father's hesitance to play politics, he does the job well and is very committed to it.

He is presented as a voice of the people, acting for the benefit of those under his care. Unfortunately, his position of power and trust is abused by the cult of the Absolute, but players can still save the Duke from his terrible fate.

7 Orpheus

Lives And Dies By His Fight For Freedom

  • Act: 3
  • Location: The Astral Prism
  • Related Quests: Free Orpheus
  • Role: Ally (Determinant)

This githyanki prince is tricky to define, as he is a unique character who doesn't come into play much until the start of Act Three when it becomes clear that he is the force unwillingly protecting the party from the influence of the Absolute. However, if players back Orpheus, he proves himself to be a principled and altruistic character. After all, he wants to free the githyanki from Vlaakith's tyrannical reign and put a stop to the Absolute.

He has so much faith in his principles that he is even willing to become a mindflayer, the greatest abomination in his eyes, to put a stop to the Grand Design. He then takes his commitment a step further, being prepared to take his own life to avoid existing as a mindflayer unless players convince him that he can still make a positive difference.

8 Ansur

Compassionate Friend And City Protector

Ansur in BG3
  • Act: 3
  • Location: The Wyrmway
  • Related Quests: N/A
  • Role: Hostile NPC

Having even less interaction than Orpheus, Ansur is another mysterious character. Beneath Wyrm's Crossing in a very hidden room, lies the skeletal body of Ansur, the bronze dragon companion of Balduran. Bronze dragons tend to be lawful good, and Ansur seems to continue this trend.

In life, he tried everything to help his friend, Balduran, when they were plagued with a mindflayer tadpole. After exhausting all possibilities, Ansur tried to mercy kill his friend, who killed Ansur instead. Now the dragon's spirit continues to defend Baldur's Gate, including from the Emperor, his old mindflayer friend.

9 Withers

Keeper Of Fate With A Soft Spot For Heroes

Withers in the daytime
  • Act: 1
  • Location: Overgrown Ruins
  • Related Quests: Explore The Ruins
  • Role: Camp Companion

By all accounts, the passive sentient skeleton, Withers, who stays in the camp and lets players change their class and resurrect allies, should be lawful neutral. After all, he seems to be in charge of maintaining balance and order in the universe and claims to be an impartial figure. In reality, Withers is far from neutral!

Baldur's Gate 3: 10 Strongest Companions, Ranked

To build optimized parties in BG3, strong companions are often part of the formula. Consequently, here are the game's strongest companions.

He disapproves of evil behavior, actively punishing characters in the epilogue if they kill their allies. He encourages players to be heroic and save Faerun from a terrible fate. Perhaps most telling, he rewards a Dark Urge who fights their evil heritage by rewriting fate to save their soul.

10 Wyll

Classic Hero Beholden To Strict Codes

Wyll in BG3
  • Act: 1
  • Location: Druid's Grove
  • Related Quests: The Blade Of Frontiers
  • Role: Origin Character

The warlock companion character, Wyll, is very much a chip off the old block! Like Duke Ravengard, Wyll was raised with a strong sense of justice. He strives to protect the downtrodden, root out evil, and counter corruption.

While his warlock pact adds an interesting twist, forcing him into less than scrupulous company, it almost seems to showcase his lawful good attitude further. While it is a much less ethical code, he is still beholden to a code, and balancing his morals with his duty is a large part of Wyll's character and development.

Baldur's Gate 3

August 3, 2023
Larian Studios
PC , macOS , PS5 , Xbox Series X