Baldur’s Gate 3 has an extensive amount of customization that it offers to the player, from giving them the ability to choose the race and subrace, to letting them pick a class and subclass for their characters. For the races, the player gets to pick from 11, one of them being the Human race.

Baldur’s Gate 3: Elf Race Guide 

Here's everything the players need to know about Baldur's Gate 3's Elf race.

The Human race appeals to many players, being one of the most popular picks, despite not having any subraces, which limits its customization. Humans are best described as a jack of all trades, but master of none. Despite that, humans can still be fun to use in Baldur’s Gate 3 due to their flexibility. Along with that, humans also grant the player quite a lot of versatility and offer a very fun adventure in the game that not many others can provide. Here, players will find all the information they need about the Human Race.

Features And Traits Of The Human Race

Baldur's Gate 3 Best Classes For The Human Race Collage

Baldur’s Gate 3 describes humans as:

“The most common face to see in Faerun, humans are known for their tenacity, creativity, and endless capacity for growth.”

When it comes to traits and features, the human race possesses:

  • Base Racial Speed: Humans can move up to 9 meters per turn, which is the case for most other races as well.
  • Civil Militia: Humans are proficient in the use of Spears, Pikes, Halberds, and Glaives. They also have light armor and are proficient with Shields.
  • Human Versatility: An extra skill proficiency can be acquired by the character. Their carrying capacity also increases by a quarter.
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The answers to how to beat Ansur – the legendary dragon beneath Wyrm's Rock Fortress – lie in these tips to beating both of this BG3 boss' phases.

The Human race is extremely versatile, so due to that, humans can make pretty much any class work. However, here are the recommendations for what classes to pick when building a human character.






Wizards master the arcane by specialising in individual schools of magic, combining ancient spells with modern research.




The strong embrace the wild that hides inside - keen instincts, primal physicality, and most of all, an unbridled, unquenchable rage.




Sorcerers are natural spellcasters, drawing on inherent magic from a gift or bloodline.




Fuelled by the Oaths you swore to uphold justice and righteousness, you are a beacon of hope in dark times.




Bound by a pact to an all-powerful patron, warlocks trade their loyalty for supernatural abilities and unique magic.



Best Builds For The Human Race

The human versatility makes them a good choice for any class the player wishes to try out, however, here are two builds the humans might excel in better:

The Wizard Build:

  • Class: The Wizard.
  • Subclass: The Evocation School.
  • Most Important Abilities: Intelligence.
  • Background: The Sage.
  • Extra Proficiency Skills: Nature, Investigation and Religion.
Baldur's Gate 3: Human Race Best Build

The Human race is worth trying out in Baldur's Gate 3. Here's how players can get the best out of it.

The Barbarian Build:

  • Class: The Barbarian.
  • Subclass: The Berserker.
  • Most Important Abilities: Strength and Charisma.
  • Background: The Soldier.
  • Extra Proficiency Skills: Survival and Animal Handling.

Notable Humans In Baldur’s Gate 3


Humans are the most common race players will encounter in the world of Baldur’s Gate 3 and due to that, there are many important human characters in the game.

When it comes to companions, there are three the player can recruit who belong to the human race, which is a huge number, only rivaled by that of the Elves and the Half-Elves, which makes sense as these three are the most popular races.

The first human that the player will find is Gale, who can also be chosen to play as an origin character. He can be recruited very early on, and players can find him stuck inside the Roadside Cliffs waypoint. As a Wizard, Gale will be a powerhouse when it comes to casting spells, he can also be a great support during combat.

The second human the player can recruit as a companion, or play as as an origin character, is Wyll. He will be found a bit ahead in the story, when the player will have to fight goblins. After defeating the goblins, the player will have the option to recruit him. He’s a Warlock who has made a pact with the devil, and can dish out quite a lot of damage.

The last notable human is Minsc, who is, by far, the hardest to recruit of the three. This is because he is only available very late into the game, in Act 3, and players can only get him if they manage to recruit Jaheira in Act 2. He’s a ranger, known as the Stonelord.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is now available to play on PC and PlayStation 5.

MORE: Baldur's Gate 3: Half-Elf Race Best Build