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Baldur’s Gate 3 has a vast amount of content to explore and go through for the players, given that the game is almost endless. Along with going on tons of incredible adventures, players will be able to meet and get closer with characters in this game, some even being companions the player will get to know throughout the entirety of Baldur’s Gate 3’s three acts.

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Here's everything you should know concerning how the dice works in BG3.

One of these characters is Wyll, the Blade of Frontiers. The player will have to be patient throughout the game to be able to romance him and get an ending by his side.

Approval In Baldur's Gate 3

wyll-baldurs-gate-3 loading screen

Approval is an essential mechanic when it comes to building strong bonds with other characters in Baldur’s Gate 3. It’s an important prerequisite the player must build up before any hope of romancing shows up. Throughout the game, the player will be faced with decisions and dialogue options that can either get the approval of Wyll up, or get his approval of them down. If Wyll has a good opinion of the player, then they will be able to romance him later on in the game.

When planning to romance a character, it is also important to have them in the party the player will explore with, as it will give many events to get Wyll’s opinion up of the player, which wouldn't be possible if he is kept in camp.

Approval Up With Wyll

When it comes to garnering Wyll’s approval, there are certain situations where the player can immediately guess what response or event Wyll would like, some of these include:

- Heroic acts. Wyll appreciates the player acting in heroic ways.

- Saving people. In a similar fashion to heroic acts, Wyll will have a better opinion of the player if they rescue people along their journey. Such as, for example, helping save the Tieflings.

- Sticking with Wyll. This means taking his side during conflicts.

- Showing dislike or hatred towards monsters, devils, and goblins. Despite being a heroic person, Wyll has a huge dislike of these creatures and will like the player more if they, too, hate them.

- Reinforcing his beliefs. Wyll is a character who likes to be agreed with.

Approval Down With Wyll

If Wyll’s approval of the player is low, the player will not be able to romance him. If the player wishes to do things they know Wyll will disapprove of but still want to romance him, it’s probably better to leave him in camp during those moments.

These actions could get the player farther away from their goal of romancing Wyll:

- Taking Mizora’s side. This will, of course, anger him a lot since she is Wyll’s patron. The player can go as far as romancing her, which will only make Wyll disapprove more of the player.

- Lying to him. Wyll will not appreciate it if he catches the player lying to him.

- Selfishness and entitlement. As he is a heroic man, acts of selfishness will not sit well with him.

- Showing support for monsters, devils, or goblins. As someone who despises these creatures, Wyll will not approve of the player supporting them or showing much kindness to them.

- Cruel and evil behavior. Aligning again with his heroic nature, Wyll will disapprove of such behavior, unless it’s directed to creatures he hates, such as goblins.

- Helping Minthara. Wyll is set on saving the Tieflings, so if the player helps Minthara in this, he will not only disapprove but possibly leave the player’s camp completely.

How To Romance Wyll in Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3 Wyll

If the player manages to keep Wyll’s approval up, now it’s the time to actually romance him.

In Act 1

To be able to romance Wyll in Act 1, the player must save the Tiefling Refugees, as well as Halsin. Once the player accomplishes that and saves the Druid’s grove, then the player must take a Long Rest.

When the player wakes up, they will be met with a celebration from the Tiefling refugees. The player must talk to Wyll during this.

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Minthara is a powerful character the plalyer could have to fight in Baldur's Gate 3.

The first few options of their conversation aren't essential, but the player should make sure to pick one of these two options when brought up:

- “I want to dance with you.”


- “Can’t you tell why I really followed you out there”

When that is done, the player must complete a persuasion check. If the player is successful, Wyll will kiss them. If the player fails it, he will just say “There will be another time for us.”

Act 2

This event can happen randomly during Act 2 during a player’s Long Rest at night. The player will find Wyll dancing. After he finishes, the player will be able to talk to him.

The dialogue between the player and Wyll will consist of these:

- “Nice form. Where’d you learn to dance like that?”


“Stay quiet and watch Wyll dance”

- “A new partner? And who might that be.”


“Trust me. I don’t think you could fail anyone if you tried.”

- “Smile and bow”

After that, the player should not stand still. They should complete a Skill Check they think they will do well on. However, the result does not matter much.

If the skill check is successful, the player will either:

- “Take a bow”

- “Smile nervously”

If the skill check ends in failure, the player will either:

- “You’re a beautiful dancer. I’m sure you’ll teach me in no time”

- “Smile in embarrassment”

With that over, Wyll will invite the player to dance, more intimately. During this, the player must pick one of these two options:

- “President your lips against Wyll’s”


-“Invite him with a knowing look - it’s what you both want.”

Followed by:

- “I was hoping we might spend the night… together”


“Move in for another kiss.”

Wyll will turn the player down, but they’re on the right path.

Act 3

To get anywhere with Act 3, the player will first have to finish with Duke Ravengard and learn of the Tale of Ansur. After the player takes a long rest, Wyll will want to speak with the player. The player must speak to him.

During the first dialogue option, any option works. When it comes to the second, the player must go with one of these:

- “Smile and take Wyll’s hand”

- “All right. But this better be worth it.”

Wyll will then guide the player to Wilden Oak, and the player must pick one of these options:

- “Enjoy the view”

- “Enjoy Wyll’s company.”

This will lead Wyll to propose to the player with an acorn. The player should select one of these dialogue options:

- “Yes, yes, yes!”

- “Take the acorn and nod.”

And then one of these:

- “Join Wyll in the grass. Give yourself to him completely.”

- “It’s about time. Let’s see what the Blade can do with his weapon.”

This will lead the player into their ending with Wyll, successfully romancing Wyll.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is now available to play on PC and PlayStation 5.

MORE: Baldur's Gate 3: Best Wyll Build