Baldur’s Gate 3 is an incredibly vast game where players will have to invest a lot of time exploring the world and progressing character quests. This game gives the player many options when it comes to gameplay, offering a multitude of ways to counter each challenge that the players will confront.

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With so much customization and choices to make, the game can be overwhelming and players might not know how to use some very useful abilities. One of them is Shove, which can be useful in certain situations.

What Is Shove?

Shove baldur's gate 3

Shove is a bonus action that players can utilize throughout Baldur’s Gate 3, whether in battle or just while exploring the world. When shoving an enemy, the character’s strength is essential for its success. The more athletic the character, the easier it is for them to shove enemies, and to shove them far. Another deciding factor in the Shove action’s success is the enemy’s weight and their proficiency in athletics.

One way to succeed with a shove is to do it while being hidden or invisible.

How to Use Shove In Baldur's Gate 3

There are many ways players can use shove. The most useful one perhaps is shoving enemies off of ledges. When the player does that, depending on the height of the fall, this could kill the enemy on impact. If the fall isn’t that high, it will at least damage the enemy and give the player an advantage as they’d be in a higher area. The player can also push the enemy into a dangerous zone, such as into a flaming terrain.

Shove is not only useful to use on enemies, however. It can also be used on allies. One way this could be utilized is by pushing allies from dangerous areas if they can’t move themselves that turn. Another use of it for allies is to shove awake characters that were affected with a sleeping status effect.

As Shove is a bonus action, this means if the player makes use of it, they’ll have the option to attack after making use of it.

The Downsides Of Shove

In general, if the player uses Shove correctly, it should have no downsides. However, if players aren’t careful where they’re shoving enemies, they could potentially push them into an area they can’t reach, resulting in lost loot.

The player should also be careful when pushing allies as accidentally pushing their ally off a cliff would not be ideal.

Baldur's Gate 3 is currently available to play on PC and PlayStation 5.

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