The extensive world of Baldur’s Gate 3 is filled with countless places to explore and many quests to complete across its 3 Acts. This rich world is also filled with many characters who can embark with the player on their journey. Some are easier to recruit than others, and some can only be recruited if others leave.

Baldur’s Gate 3: How To Heal Your Party

There are many ways to heal your party in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Each one of these companions has a rich story behind them and they all have their own skills in and outside of combat that can be extremely useful to the player in Baldur’s Gate 3. The player should, at least, try to grab everyone they can as they can all come in handy.

How To Recruit Shadowheart


Shadowheart will first be seen in the Nautiloid Ship, stuck in a Mind Flayer Pod. The player has the option to save her through some means, the easiest being acquiring the Eldritch Rune by looting the dead body of a Thrall east of where she is. After she is freed, she will help the player in the upcoming battles on the ship.

After the ship crashes, she will be found on the beach ahead of where the player will start. When woken up, she will join the player. If she is left there, the player will find her again at the Druid’s Grove.

If the player never saved her in Nautiloid Ship, then she will be found in front of a locked door ahead. It is better to recruit her before Lae’zel.

How To Recruit Gale

Gale accessing his powers

To reach Gale, the player would need to first defeat some Intellect Devourer. After that is done, the player can head up east from where these creatures were defeated, and there, they should see an open waypoint.

Upon inspection, the player will be given the option to help a man stuck in there. The player will have to pass some dice rolls to successfully get him. If failed, Gale will be unavailable to recruit here.

How To Recruit Lae’zel

Baldurs Gate 3 What To Do After Beating Game New Playthrough Laezel

Lae’zel is the first companion the player will be able to meet as she will fight alongside the player Nautiloid Ship.

After recruiting Gale, the player should head ahead of the waypoint and then turn left. There, the player will find two Tieflings who have captured Lae’zel. The player has the option to fight them or make them leave, depending on the player’s skills. If Shadowheart is already with the player, she’ll disapprove of saving her.

Once the Tieflings are gone or defeated, the player can blast the bottom of her suspended cage and free her. Then the player will be able to recruit her along their ranks.

How To Recruit Astarion

Astarion the Rogue in Baldur's Gate 3

Astarion can be found west of the waypoint where the player got Gale. If the player wants to recruit him even earlier, they can head immediately to him after landing on the ravaged beach by taking the other road.

When the player approaches him, he will be screaming for help but that’s only to trick the player. He will jump and attack the player but change his mind after the Mind Flayer parasite connects their brains. He’s, perhaps, one of the easiest characters to find and recruit and will be very useful as the game progresses.

How To Recruit Wyll

A close up of Wyll the Warlock in Baldur's Gate 3

Wyll will prove harder to recruit than the previous characters. The player has to first defeat the goblins at the Emerald Grove, which could be a bit challenging. After the fight is over, the player will enter the Hollow and find Wyll inside surrounded by some Tiefling children.

Baldur’s Gate 3: Where to Find Mind Flayer Parasite Specimens and Should You Consume Them

The Mind Flayer Parasite Specimens are a rare find in Baldur’s Gate 3 that players should keep an eye out for.

When the player talks to Wyll, they’ll learn that he is hunting a devil named Karlach before asking the player to let him join their party. All the player has left to do to get Wyll is accept.

How To Recruit Karlach

Karlach in Baldur's Gate 3

Karlach is the devil Wyll wants to kill, but she can also join the player’s party if they make the correct choices. If Wyll is available in the party, his quest will guide the player to her. If not, she will be found past the Blighted Village that’s overtaken by goblins, at the Risen Road.

The player should pick to side with Karlach over Anders when the option arises. The player should also pick to side with Karlach over Wyll, as it will make it possible to have both of them in the party as Wyll will eventually be understanding.

How To Recruit Minthara

Baldur's Gate 3 Minthara Talking

Recruiting Minthara will require letting go of other members of the player’s party. After the player meets her in the goblin’s hideout, they will have the option to betray both the Druids and Tieflings. This will cause Wyll and Karlach to leave the party. Gale will also think of leaving but the player can convince him to stay. The player will have to kill the Druids and Tieflings.

After that is done, the player has the option to speak with Minthara and must pass two dice rolls successfully. With that, the player will be asked by her to meet up with her convoy. The player will have to rescue Minthara from there and pass many checks. Once the player has done all that, she is finally recruitable.

There's an other way for the players to recruit Minthara without loosing Wyll and Karlach. The player should avoid giving her the location of the Druid camp. If that is done and she doesn't die, the player will find her during Act 2 in the Moonrise tower.

How To Recruit Halsin

Close up of Halsin in Baldur's Gate 3

Rescuing Halsin is one of the ways the players can find a cure for the parasite that is stuck in the player’s head. To be able to find this character, the player will have to take on the quest “Rescuing the Druid Halsin” from the Emerald Grove. The player can only side with the Druids if they wish to get Halsin.

To really recruit Halsin, the player will have to wait for Act 2. In Act 2, the player will have to wake up Art Cullagh. After Halsin meets him, the player will be able to truly recruit Halsin.

How To Recruit Jaheira

Baldur's Gate 3, Jaheira Wielding Magic

Unlike the characters before, the player will only be able to meet and recruit her after Act 2 starts. She is found in the Last Light Inn, in the Shadow Cursed Lands. To recruit Jaheira, the player must simply ensure that she stays alive, which is easier said than done. As a start, the player should defend Isobel, which will make it easier to keep Jaheira alive. Then, the player should make sure to not kill Nightsong.

The player should get Jaheira as a temporary companion at that point, as it is easier to keep her out of harm’s way. When Ketheric is defeated, the player should speak again with Jaheira to recruit her permanently.

How To Recruit Minsc


Minsc is a very late-game companion that the player will not be able to get until later in Act 3. For the player to get Minsc, they must have first gotten Jaheira in Act 2 as he is part of her companion quest. The player will find Minsc inside the Counting Halls. There, the player will have to follow him deeper until they arrive at the Abandon Cistern.

There, the player will have to fight against Minsc and the Bhaal cultists. The player should make sure to not kill Minsc during this fight as they won’t be able to recruit him if he’s dead. Bringing Jaheira along to the fight will make the aftermath of the battle a lot easier.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is now available to play on PC and PlayStation 5.

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