
  • Baldur's Gate 3's epilogue varies based on players' choices, with companions taking new paths and one potentially becoming the new God of Ambition.
  • Gale Dekarios, one of the origin characters, can become the God of Ambition by using the Crown of Karsus and challenging Mystra, the Goddess of Magic.
  • Gale's new form as the God of Ambition grants him high stats, powerful spells, and the ability to inspire allies, suggesting he may appear in combat in the future.

Baldur's Gate 3's newly implemented epilogue varies greatly depending on players' choices throughout the game. Set six months after the defeat of the Absolute, it features some companions having gone in drastically new directions with their life - and, in one particularly extreme case, adding a new god to Faerun's pantheon. Sadly, Baldur's Gate 3 doesn't let players see the new God of Ambition in full action, but Larian Studios has provided a few hints about the powers and portfolio of this god who was once a beloved companion.

How Baldur's Gate 3's New Epilogues Wrap Up Each Companion's Story

Larian Studios recently released Patch 5 for Baldur's Gate 3, and it includes new content and an epilogue that helps wrap up each companion's story.

Who Is The God Of Ambition In Baldur's Gate 3?


The God of Ambition is Gale Dekarios, one of Baldur's Gate 3's origin characters. In one possible ending of the game, Gale can use the Netherstones to reforge the Crown of Karsus, a powerful magical artifact once used to control the Netherbrain in BG3. Should Gale confront Mystra, Goddess of Magic, with the Crown, he can choose (with the player's input) to give it to her or keep it for himself.

Ambition is about beginnings. It is not just about the heights, but the lows that preceded them. -Gale, God of Ambition

While Baldur's Gate 3's Mystra will strike Gale down should he challenge her for rule over the domain of magic, she will consent to his ascension should he choose another domain: Ambition. Should this occur, Gale will appear during the epilogue in a new form, with silver skin and glowing eyes. He describes how he is now worshiped by those striving to reach their full potential, and that worship of him is especially popular in Thay and Amn. Players can choose to chide Gale for his decision or praise him; supportive players are invited to become one of his followers or perhaps someday even his Chosen.

God Of Ambition Stats and Abilities


Although Gale's God of Ambition form only appears during the peaceful epilogue, examining him reveals his high stats and powerful BG3 spells. He can inspire allies, do large amounts of damage in combat, and even access his own unique version of the magical Weave, which he calls the "Galerian Weave." His new stats and abilities are:

  • STR 12, DEX 20, CON 18, INT 30, WIS 14, CHA 13
  • Aura of Possibility: All allies near Gale gain +10 to all Ability Checks.
  • Power Word: Ruin. Level 9 Transmutation spell. Fires three projectiles, each dealing 10d6 + 40 Force damage.
  • Formsculpt: Tressym. Level 9 Transmutation spell. Turns target into a copy of Gale's pet tressym, Tara, for five turns.
  • Divine Revelry. Level 9 Enchantment spell. Conjures magic ale that applies the Irresistible Dance condition to all creatures within a 40-foot range.

It is possible that Larian Studios created these spells as a fun Easter egg to show off Gale's power. However, it could also be a hint that the God of Ambition will appear in combat in the future - perhaps as a playable character or an opponent in future Baldur's Gate 3 DLC.

The God Of Ambition's Personality And Relationships Change

Baldur's Gate 3 Elminster Mystra

As a god, Baldur's Gate 3's Gale is different than the wizard who once traveled with the party. He is still confident and talkative, but is now completely sure of himself and his own power. He will even proudly boast that the party is "improved" due to his godly presence and that others should appreciate him because it is not often that divine beings attend parties - especially when he now finds Faerun horribly dull.

While Gale is certain that his ascension was a good thing, others aren't so sure. Tara, his tressym companion, dislikes the new Gale, and mentions that his mother mourns her son as though he were dead. BG3's Elminster Aumar, Gale's mentor, writes a letter to the new god expressing that he misses the old Gale. These responses could be definite hints that the God of Ambition is headed in a villainous direction in future Baldur's Gate 3 material.