Players are often put in positions of judgment in Baldur's Gate 3. With a successful Insight check or listening to the characters, gamers can end up finding out the truth of a matter despite showing up on the scene well after the events in question took place.

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However, Baldur's Gate 3 doesn't always make the truth so accessible. In Druid Grove, there is a little Tiefling named Meli who is being accused of theft by Barth (if Barth survived the confrontation at the front gates). The player character will have to make a judgment call based on very little information to get to the truth.

This article divulges consequences within the game and reveals information the player's character may not know. Gamers committed to role-playing may wish to stop reading and find these things out for themselves.

Did Meli Steal The Locket

Baldur's Gate 3 Having Meli Return The Locket
  • Yes

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While Barth is saying harsh things, Meli did steal the locket. If gamers rush to the scene, it's even possible to witness Meli taking the item out of a crate and running off. Players may still want to advocate in defense of the child as Meli is indeed a product of rocky circumstances. However, the revelation of the truth is likely best for both parties here. Switch party members and use one gifted in Persuasion or Intimidation.

After Meli confesses, Barth received a confession about why and then has a change of heart. Barth will allow Meli to keep the locket and learns to have some compassion on the Tieflings. Meli's development will require the character to do some growing up but this is likely a step in the right direction. When playing with friends, make sure they understand the truth of the matter before somebody makes an executive decision.

Baldur's Gate 3 is available in Early Access on PC and will be available on August 3rd, 2023. The PlayStation 5 version will be available on September 6th, 2023. A version for Xbox Series X/S is still in development.

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